A Option 2 Video game for the PS1!?

  • Thread starter Darin


I was doing some searchs for some RX-7 images. And I ran into this image. It seems to be a Playstation 1 game. But I would not mind owning this game and then playing it. If anyone find anymore info about this older PS1 game, please post more info here. I'll be looking on where I can purchase and find Info. This game must be interesting. Due to, Option has great cars. Here is the image of the box art.
Thanks man. Right now. Im still trying to find a damn place where I can order it buy phone. my Parents won't let me order be Internet.
That game looks hot. But, I think it really disses gt and doesnt show any good points of the game just bad reasons to play other games. As for the tuning goes it looked alittle like gt tuning the engine except for the aero and details. Id get it if my ps2 was modded.
darin, where exactly do you live? maybe you could come over to my place or something and give me the money...I'd order it for you, long as I get to play it too! ;)
Looks like the game is a paradise for Ricers who aren't good enough to play Gran Turismo.
option 2 isnt that great, the gameplay is very sluggish. Kinda prefer option 1 in some ways, only good bits in option 2 is the intro and endings..
Yupz this is the one....

Forgot about if cos Icompleted it long ago..

I have all 3 Option games.this is the best.......

I kinda forgot but theres one with Nomuken's URAS S14 in it....its real fun to drift arnd in it,,
Those were the days ehehehe

There was another game from the Shutouku Highway battle series that emphasises on drifting...its fun too.....=)