A request. I can't offer compensation, but it's not much of one.

United States
Wasilla, AK
I was working on a project and I decided to get the "logo" part of it over with. Problem is, I'm no good at logos, have no good editing software, and don't feel like navigating the copyright minefield.

I've decided, however, what I want this logo to look like. A sword and pickaxe, in a sort of "minecraft" style as far as their actual design, but with much less of a "pixely" look. They should be crossed at approximately 90 degrees, meaning each one would be approximately 45 degrees off vertical. It doesn't matter which one is on which side, since I can probably mirror the image if it comes out wrong in that way and I haven't really decided anyway. The pickaxe, however, should be in front.

Leave it uncolored, I have a color scheme in mind but haven't decided yet exactly how to spin it.

So, there it is. Fairly specific specifications, no hope of compensation beyond credit when the image is eventually used. At least it should be simpleish for someone who actually knows what they're doing, i.e. not me.

EDIT: Due to the nature of the project, I CANNOT accept work done by a brony, simply as a matter of principle. I probably just gave away exactly what this project is by saying that, but it's not like I could do otherwise.