A Snowy Driving Experience

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United Kingdom
Great Britain
Hello, I'm going to tell you about an unforgettable experience I had on GT5 earlier.

I created a lounge called "Basic Snow Driving". I had the idea after my tragic appearance in a Snow Racing lounge the previous night. The lounge was targeted at those who want a simple, easy cruise along one of the most beautiful tracks in the game - Chamonix.

I had set a few rules, such as the prohibited use of SRF and the Driving Line. Before I had even set the rules people started flooding in, which is a surprise considering I had limited the power of the cars to 207BHP. Could it be that I'm popular among the GT5 online community? ^_^

I got to work right away, and brought out my silver Toyota Vitz RS. Okay, so it isn't powerful, but it's practical right? And really gave out a smooth, relaxing drive along such a slippery terrain. There were six people in here after I had completed one lap, I was interested to find them all using rally cars. I chose something more civil, as I just love to cruise around and admire the snowy backdrop. But that was short-lived, as soon after I was plummeting down the mountain in a 1990 FC Mazda RX7. This just felt lovely, the car was crisp and the lights pop up, how awesome is that? I must not forget that this is a very unforgiving track, something I learned the hard way.. I'll go into detail about it, I was giving it a boot-full down the enormous hill, which is followed by a banked corner.. Somebody from England, driving something Japanese, was tailing me. Now, I wasn't in the mood to get all feisty and start racing.. But that didn't stop me doing the inevitable.. I came into the corner way too fast and that lovely square back end drifted out. The banking of the corner was too much for the old RX7 to handle and it fell backwards into the guttered inwards section of the corner.. I accelerated and all it did was kick up a load of snow at the rock, I was stuck..

What was I thinking? I should have known that such an old car would have problems keeping up with a Mitsubishi Starion Rally Car.. Which is older, but certainly golder.. I'd had enough of the FC, and went for something more classy, such as the Fiat 500. Not the fat one, the original tiny one. It was a great little runner, rather twitchy though.. But for an old Italian super-mini, it was one hell of a car. Sadly, it didn't have the power to climb those awesome little snow mounds towards the end of the track. And eventually, got stuck. There wasn't many users in the lounge by now, but that didn't bother me. Only a certain few are special enough to do this sort of thing. I was watching a Citroen C4 and a Suzuki Swift battling it out in spectator mode. They were pushing the cars to the absolute limit! The snow was picking up, and so was the driving difficulty of such a track. And I chose one of the best selling small sports-cars of the lot, the legendary Mazda MX5 Miata.

I was getting ready to close up the lounge, and I really wanted to make this lap count. It was a red, 1991 Miata in stock form.. I lined up on the starting line, not that it exists or anything.. Even a few sticks would be useful, as long as I know where to start pushing the gas. Eventually, I made the decision of starting next to the parked SambaBus. It had been there all day, and I had nearly crashed into it twice. I blasted the gas shortly after, coating the Bus in a cloud of freezing, white dust. The acceleration was unbelievable, and within 5 seconds I was approaching corner one. I went in at a reasonable speed, enough to get the back end out anyway. I took advantage of this and swung the car in the other direction to start the next corner upon leaving the first corner. This caused an enormous shutter in the engine and I quickly lined up the car. Only to find myself blasting down the vibrant, bumpy hill, passing a Nissan PAO on the way down. It's a good thing it was rolling at the side, otherwise I'd have more than snow on my bumper. I was there, at the devilish corner that spun the FC. I darted on the brakes, the car had no trouble going around the outside, but gosh was it scary. Leaving that corner opens up a straight, a road covered with fallen snow. This is an incredibly fast stretch of road, and is quickly followed by a chicane. I used a deliberate sliding tactic to tackle the corner at full tilt. I almost lost control but managed to carefully slide on to another bumpy section of road.. The drift continued until I was over the first bump. It felt like I was floating. I landed hard, and dangerously. I had no control, it was just too much. And slammed into the back of the parked SambaBus, drifted up the mounds of snow the Fiat got stuck on and came to a frozen stop.
I went in a snow room last weekend. Great fun. Add me if you want, snow racing is good with me.
Hello guys, thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I love snow driving on this game, the cloudy lighting reveals a very realistic experience. And the sound of driving on the snow is the same as when you have walked over a patch a few times..

I will be launching this room again soon, along with my "Nurburgring Track Day". I wrote something about that quite a while ago, search it up. I'll add those who requested ;)
Hi Jai,

Please add me as well, sound like fun. It's so hard to find a room with people who just want to drive without BS. Only last night, I thought I had found a great room who were Shuffle racing at Spa, and guess who was there: GTP_GhoastDriver. To my surprise, he rammed everyone on the first corner and then he made an exit from the room. Seriously, what the falafel is that???

Add me, I ran the Nurburg with you guys a year or so ago and have picked the game back up looking for stuff like this.

Edit: just noticed this was an old as crap thread !!
Add me, I ran the Nurburg with you guys a year or so ago and have picked the game back up looking for stuff like this.

Edit: just noticed this was an old as crap thread !!

Thank you for bringing up a old thread... :banghead: .

Add me, I ran the Nurburg with you guys a year or so ago and have picked the game back up looking for stuff like this.

Edit: just noticed this was an old as crap thread !!

Were you with us when I used to host an event under the name of "Nurburgring Track Day" ?
May I join as well? I've never tried a race in the snow before, but I think it could be amusing.

You already have me as my friend, so.. :P
Were you with us when I used to host an event under the name of "Nurburgring Track Day" ?

Yes, had a blast with that. Had to dust the G25 off a few weeks ago and have been running seasonals and special events just about every night since.