Any way to decrease the Force strength on DFP in GT4?

  • Thread starter DikiDino
The strenght is too much even with the GT4 feedback setting set to mild. PC Sim like GTR allows us to set the strength and also when on PC it allow me to set the feedback strength. However, i can't find anyway to reduce the strength.

Will appreciate any help. :)
If you haven't already tried this:

* Turn on Game
* From main menu (Arcade Mode, GT Mode, Replay Theater, etc, etc.) select OPTIONS
* Scroll down to CONTROLLERS, Click on STEERING (Top Row, 2nd from Right on the NTSC versions)
* Scroll down to bottom of list & set "Driving Force Pro Feedback strength 1P" to MILD
* Then "R.T.F.M." on how to adjust the FFB setting on the actual DFP wheel