Any way to delete or hide particular cars in the UI

  • Thread starter Pencil
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Hey! Revisting PC2 on PC and the motorsport cars are now pretty good with the latest pop ffb files and tbh I'm enjoying it loads atm but the road cars are really meh compared to road cars in Assetto. Anyway... anyone know of any way to delete or hide the road cars from the UI.
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anyone know of any way to delete or hide the road cars from the UI.
There is no way to hide them on the selection screen. Your best option is to group the cars by class, that way you can skip past the road cars quickly if you wish - they'll be in their own sections. On my PS4 I think it's the square button that sets the grouping on and off, I'm sure there's an equivalent option on PC.
No problem. I've had a look and it's the R2 button, not the square. I was thinking of something else. ☺
I have the PC version but im guessing it'll have the same thing but I was always lookjng at brands so I'll do class now :)
Well, found a way around this for PC (not PS4/Xbox)

First install/activate JSMXE. Rob a copy from Assetto Corsa root folder if you need to or google it.

Download the PC2 boot file...
from the link and within the boot files (mod folder) go to vehicles folder and to the "vehicle list" at the bottom in the vehicles folder - open and cut the crd at the end of any car you want to hide in that "vehicle list". Then use JSMXE to re-activate the boot files and voila any cars you want - vanished!

I would like to thank my mom, my pop, my great great great gran for helping me overcome this life long challenge.

And btw - I think many people are missing a trick with PC2 as the latest POP FFB files do some magic to PC2 and dare I say it, it drives and races better than my beloved Assetto. All the important tracks in HD glory and modern looking, all the cars and all the apps built in and work and look good. In addition there are around 120 mod cars. But honestly, I think PC2 was a bit of a mess when it came out and the pitchforks were never put away and yes the FFB was lifeless but not anymore. IMO it's madness to ignore PC2 for AMS2 when PC2 offers so much more now and in a steam sale you can buy it for £7 quid and the whole entire season pass for £11.

Gave AMS2 a chance and bought into it but man going back to PC2 has made me realize I already had something really good - just needed to change the FFB file to the latest modern ones.

*I don't work for SMS :D
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I've opened and cut through some cards inside my PS4, and you're correct the road cars have vanished. Unfortunately so as everything else! :dopey: :P
Ahhh right - I'm on PC PC2 I'll edit my post to make it clear. Anyhoo, do boot files exist to install mods for PS4s - is it jail breaked or something.

Edit: Not sure you can do this on PS4 without boot files but if you do have boot files for PS2 on PS4 then it may look below on hot to do it

Boot files are here:

For PC but I dont know if there is PS4 version. First install/activate JSMXE. Rob a copy from Assetto Corsa root folder if you need to or google it. Go to the vehicles folder in the mod folder and go to the "vehicle list" at the bottom and delete "crd" on any particular car on the "vehicle list" and then re-activate JSXME .

I do all this as I have FOV set to 48 on triple and quite a few cars dont line up at 48 whereas loads do so the baddies get removed - well hidden.
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Not sure you can do this on PS4 without boot files
After being a PC enthusiast for many years I'm now appreciating the click and go simplicity of the consoles. However the downside to that is that we are generally prevented from adjusting anything outside of the game settings. So there's no boot loaders or file tweaking unfortunately. Unless the console has been... adjusted.
After being a PC enthusiast for many years I'm now appreciating the click and go simplicity of the consoles. However the downside to that is that we are generally prevented from adjusting anything outside of the game settings. So there's no boot loaders or file tweaking unfortunately. Unless the console has been... adjusted.
There's something to be said for consoles in all fairness - don't get me wrong PC is great for modding until your heart's content, but with the zillions of windows updates it can be a pain in the butt at times. Also the new PS5 and Xbox will give consoles the horse power to match PC physics when it comes to racing but also what I do like about consoles is sometimes they look as good or even better than PC versions for far less wonga - and no need to mess about as much with settings to make things run and look nice as stuff are already optimised for an across the board console configuration - plug and play is better than fannying about. Just wish there was more cross platform so PC and console can race the same games together.
but with the zillions of windows updates it can be a pain in the butt at times.
Oh yes, tell me about it. I still have a laptop which I'm afraid to turn on at times. After waiting for everything to update I've usually forgotten what I've turned it on for!

Just wish there was more cross platform so PC and console can race the same games together.
Yes indeed, I'm sure the game developers would like that to since it would probably result in more sales. However the PC mods you mention might become a problem when the other platforms can't access them. I'm sure there's ways around it though, such as locking the content down for online use.