Anyone playing Monster Hunter[J]? - warning 56k, pics

  • Thread starter GTO_VR4
United States
I just wish I knew japanese to finish it >_<

Late last year, I saw the E3 trailor for this game and was uber impressed. Now that I got it, I find myself playing it when I get the chance. The only resource I have is gamefaqs, but even they arent that far into the game. Does anybody have any other translation\resource for this game?

Oh and sopposably its comming to the US in fall.

Website : Monster Hunter [Japan]

Screenshots :

- White cats so far dont do nothing to you. but the black ones steal items from you, which gets REALLY annoying.
red fire dragon, hard as hell. 4 player team online taking him down
Drinking water
hunting down its prey
backgrounds look really good
those arent even the best looking swords and armor
Interesting. This game looks quite fun. I'll check into it.

BTW, GTO_VR4, you can take out the 56K warning, they louded up very quickly on my 31.1kbps speed.
A friend of mine already got it, and I ordered it some days ago. Now we just need to find/create a guide to get it online from Europe and US (can you post a link, if you have one?) and we're ready to play.

Can't wait for it anymore. XD
You need to sign up with a jpn address/phone number and you also gotta pay to play. But I doubt were going to have to pay2play, time will tell
I doubt this is a lot of help but OPS2. (Official Playstation 2 Magazine) (UK) says that Monster Hunter is expected in "Winter".

It looks very nice. Can you get any more screenshots GTO_VR4?