Are you an Expert Racer?

  • Thread starter koko
The last days I had some fantastic races in Forza3 hopper called A Class Expert RWD Hopper that is under T10 select.

Every assist is off and the rear grip is reduced by -20%,damage full sim

If you like Extreme-Hardcore racing,this is it đź‘Ť
Yes, I too love that lobby. Unfortunately there usually isn't a lot of people there. But I haven't been online in 2 weeks. Much nicer than the bumper cars you sometimes get in the other rooms. I can make up some time when the crazys have to pit to repair their wheels.

I used to enjoy the 30 min enduro room which is now defunct since the new year. It had damage too. Remember that I won a race against a TS 30 racer on the Ring because he had to pit after limping 1/2 the lap due to his running into/brushing a wall. Was he pissed!!!!! Seeing that I'm just a 13. LOL.
What's this "T10" and other numbers I'm seeing people say they are? :confused:
T10 is the company that made Forza3. If you go to Race>Multiplayer>FindRace>T10 Select
There you will find the A RWD Expert hopper but be carefull it is very very hard to control the cars.

This hopper style that is in Forza3 is something like the same as in GT5P but with much more wider options.

Ha ha nice story, I have not tried the Enduro hopper yet but I have very much fun in the Expert hopper :D
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What's this "T10" and other numbers I'm seeing people say they are? :confused:

TS of 13/14/15/30 is your online racing rank based on your performance against others. I'm a 13 currently. If I beat someone consistently who's higher like 15, 20 or 30 it will eventually raise my 13 to maybe a 14. And lower the other's number. But it doesn't happen right away. Factor in dozens of races. But once in a while you'll see your number go up or down.

Never quit a race!!!! It counts against you. :ouch: And if you don't finish a race before the timer runs out I think it's a wash.
Doing a few [career] races last night, and managed to get into the top 2% of players on several tracks. I use a standard XBOX controller, no aids at all and manual gears (well, I don't use a clutch because it's too awkward on the controller).
In a few weeks I'm going to get a steering wheel, then we'll see :sly:
Double posting, yes I know, but it's been a few days and my new post may go unnoticed if I simply edit...

Managed to rank 1079th (top 1%) last night out of about 400,000 on one of the tracks; Rally de Positano Stage B I think, was using an Audi RS4. One thing I'm noticing is that in virtually ALL tracks, the top of the leader board is dominated by the same cars time and again. Up to Class A it's normally the Porsche 550, S is usually a Dodge Viper and beyond that I'm seeing the Mosler in the majority of tracks; on the faster cars, I see most guys are using at least traction control. I intentionally pick weaker/heavier cars than those to really challenge myself.
I'm normally in the top 2% of the leader boards, and I don't use ANY driving aids :D
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I've been doing the entire career on expert, I'm not very far in, near the end of year 2, I believe.

My suggestion is to mess with the controls until the clutch is on RB. It boggles my mind that they'd default it to the side with the brake... in real life you take your foot off the gas to clutch, and you have to in the game as well or you damage the transmission, so remapping it makes all the difference. You also need to clutch to downshift while braking, which is pretty much impossible with the default controls.

I can shift crazy fast in Forza, and it feels right. It's the most fun I've ever had playing a racing game since Rally Cross (PS1) because of the clutch. The only downside is that once you get the clutch on RB the "A" button changes to swap camera, and sometimes you accidentally swap your camera.
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I've had F3 since it launched a year and a half ago. I've completely finished the game, all races, etc. and I've pretty much made it into the top 1% in every car class but R1, X. However, I've never used the clutch, and reading about how some of you have remapped it has got me interested. I stopped playing Forza when I got GT5 back in the beginning of January but now I might start up again. I found using the clutch to be a real nuisance but it seems like it may have some use now. What controller set ups are you guys using?
It boggles my mind that they'd default it to the side with the brake

Every manual I have driven in real life has the clutch on the left, beside the brake; at least this is how American cars are. Remember, Turn 10 is an american company so it makes sense the default is like that.
Every manual I have driven in real life has the clutch on the left, beside the brake; at least this is how American cars are. Remember, Turn 10 is an american company so it makes sense the default is like that.

I'm American too. Of course it's on the left, but in a car you have two feet dedicated to the pedals... You can very easily move your right foot to the brake and left to the clutch to decelerate, whereas on a controller, it is impossible to move your right index finger to LT... never mind the fact that those fingers are working independently while the others are steering.

Bottom line is it makes no sense where they put the clutch by default... unless those are the default mappings for a set of pedals. I wouldn't know, I am still waiting for my Fanatec... :\
If my fingers could work like that I'd be playing the guitar.

I consider myself extremely skilled with a Xbox controller; but, no, I can't operate the four shoulder buttons with four fingers, I use only my index fingers. Kudos to anyone who can feather the brake with their left middle finger (no ABS), hold the clutch with their left index finger, and properly steer into a corner with their left thumb all while selecting the appropriate gear with their right thumb and handling all the other mechanics of racing simultaneously. I imagine these people are rare, and they should all take up the guitar.
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I couldn't imagine playing games any other way. Especially games like FIFA where I feel like I need access to all of those buttons without the delay of moving my fingers. When I do hold a PS3 or 360 controller with only my index fingers up there the sides of my middle fingers hurt from being pressed against the back curves.
Then again I also play guitar, so that might explain part of why I can be using all of those without hesitation. đź’ˇ