Automobilista 2 - FFB Settings for Logitech G Pro

  • Thread starter thomasoeli

I am looking for current FFB settings for the Logitech G Pro Wheel. According to Logitech, the wheel should be used in G923 compatibility mode, but you can now also select the G Pro in AM2.

I am therefore wondering what is correct here. I also don't really like the FFB with the recommended settings.

Hence the question of what settings you are currently using? I look forward to your feedback.

@LOGI_Rich : do you perhaps also have settings for AM2? Outside of the recommendation in the link.

Thank you very much.

Interesting - I asked them to change that G923 recommendation over to the Pro /shrugs

No change to the settings. As usual with this, remember that the settings aren't a hard-set thing - it's all about your preference and everyone is different. What is it that you feel you're missing with the force feedback as things stand?

I also searched the net again and posted my solution here yesterday. I am very happy with these settings. I was just unsure whether to use the base in G Pro mode or G923 mode.

Have a look at the link. The custom FFB settings are also very good and I can only recommend them.

Best regards, Thomas
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Okay, I'll have to try again. The value is set to 55 in the base, although I wrote in the forum that it doesn't work.

I'll have to test later if it has an effect if I adjust TF while driving


Incidentally, I don't notice any difference if I increase the TF audio while driving or set it completely to 0. It makes absolutely no difference whether 0 or 100.

Are you sure that AM2 supports TF?

KR Thomas
Hmm - I'll have to go and check again, because it was definitely working when I took a look back when the 1.5 Physics update was released. There's always the possibility that the custom FFB file you're is causing it to not work. I can't remember if the files contain references to Trueforce, so I'll take a look.

However, my main PC is currently offline whilst I wait for a new component, so I'll download on my laptop and have a look for you.
@LOGI_Rich , are you sure about TrueForce working in AMS2? I have tried again today with my G Pro in both modes (Pro and G923 compatibility) and there is no effect when changing the TF slider, no difference can be felt and there are no high frequency effects that are typical for TF.

It simply feels like there is no TF in this game, even though it is on the official compatibility list.
@LOGI_Rich Thank you, I'll have to try again harder to feel the difference I guess.

It's a shame that such a great technology is so badly underutilized (not only in this game, but in general). When done right, TrueForce is nothing short of a game changer for me, with GT7 as my prime example. I could not go back to a wheel without TF after experiencing GT7 with it, such a stark difference and amazing feeling!

Maybe now that Fanatec copied TrueForce with their unimaginatively named FullForce technology, adoption rate and implementation quality will go up. That would be a fantastic side effect.

Anyways, thank you so much for interacting with the community here, much appreciated! :cheers:
There’s something like 17 titles supported now across the platforms, with more on the way this year. If anything, it’s us that’s driving the adoption 🙂
There’s something like 17 titles supported now across the platforms, with more on the way this year. If anything, it’s us that’s driving the adoption 🙂
Of course you're doing most of the work, it's in your best interest to get adoption up in order to have a unique selling point ;)

I'm rooting for you, because it happens to be in my best interest as well :D