"Back To Top" anchor would be nice..;)

  • Thread starter Pako


Staff Emeritus
United States
NW Montana
GTP Pako
How about a #top anchor at the top of the threads...so you could provide a link at the bottom of the page? It's just a little thing, but non the less, it would be a nice feature, like for people like myself who has each page length setup for 100 posts per page... :eek:


and thanks for listening....;)
Are you missing this from the old version of the forums? :)
Oh man... I tried to get used to it....and all, but it's just so hard...;)
I love it, I love it!!! Now I'm just one click away from pure bliss....

Originally posted by Pako
I love it, I love it!!! Now I'm just one click away from pure bliss....

The top of threads...? :reallyodd
but if people want it or don't have such a key, ok with me to have the feature. but it is really just a bit of scrolling, unless it takes you back pages.
Originally posted by Talentless
but if people want it or don't have such a key, ok with me to have the feature. but it is really just a bit of scrolling, unless it takes you back pages.

Some of us are mamed for life and can only browse with a mouse and type using voice recognition software...where as, if I "say" back to the top...it types, "Back to the top..." "It" being the voice recognition software in my OS...