Before i stop obsessing...

  • Thread starter breakpoint


Return of the Krugen
United States
Huntsville, Alabama.
For awhile i would make a fair amount of videos, not posting every single video on here or even finishing the video. I just love playing the game and watching yourself always makes you better. I have just lost the "fun" of GT3. I still love the game but the days of playing it all night even though im doing the same thing over and over are just....well, over. I got it out last night for the first time in about 7 months to make a few last videos just for old times sake. Made 2 AWD only videos and either 1 or 2 RWD videos. I havent broken down all the footage for the RWD yet so i don't know how long the video will be to tell if i will have to make 2 out of it. Its been fun making them but its just time to put them away. I will still play, and maybe record some if someone is just doing something stupid on here or claiming X can't be done but i know it can. But, anyway here is the Vol.1 of the AWD. Will post the Vol.2 tomorrow with the RWD video. There isn't any engine and tire noise because when i ripped it with my capture card the sound was so loud it was clipping so i had to delete the sound from the video:indiff: This first one is pretty much just straight up drifting, nothing special. 2nd one is where the small tricks come in:sly:

Part 2 of the AWD's....i hope someone likes the first footage of the focus rally at midfield:sly: Took a few times to get that!

You just need the 10-11 characters after the "v=" part between Youtube tags. I've edited accordingly.
Here is Vol.1 of the RWD's. Not many people like sitting through 6 minutes of video so i broke it into 2 videos. Hope you enjoy:)

How do you do it?! :eek:

I love those 4 videos on YouTube you have. Very good stuff right there.

Thanks, always a welcome for kind words:sly:
And a welcome for unkind words too, but if i get those saying i suck then that person needs to put a video up of them to prove a point. I don't strive to be the best because someone will always be better than you, i strive to be good and to have fun doing it. If its not fun then why do it? Ive always hated people that act like they are just the best ever, very annoying:yuck: Anyone person can do it with practice. I had a jump start as far as the understandings of weight transfer and such because of a few reasons. Im a mechanic, ive been racing for years and years (including drifting, but its just for fun, cant afford a super nice car to compete) and 125c shifter karts. But even if you don't have any knowledge of weight transfer and general automotive techs you can still read the tutorials that are available and practice, then practice some more. Ive been doing it in GT3 for almost 3 years now so its just right that im decent at it after all that play time:sly:
We have a question in the audience. Yes sir, your name is goodboy199006;2953935? Very good sir. Here's Breakpoint at your service...

Oh why thank you Parnelli:sly:
What settings are you speking of goodboy? AWD, RWD....both? Settings always help if your way off base on the settings, but nothing make better than practice. I could drift a car on this game with ANY settings:sly:
Oh why thank you Parnelli:sly:
What settings are you speking of goodboy? AWD, RWD....both? Settings always help if your way off base on the settings, but nothing make better than practice. I could drift a car on this game with ANY settings:sly:

Words of wisdom folks. Some of my best drifts were in cars that were totally stock, or with a simple sports suspension. drifting is not about settings, it's about knowledge of how to attack that corner...what you can get away with, etc.

Settings do help eventually if you aer having some issues, but (in my opinion) what works for one player might not work for another.

Does that help goodboy19006;1029384u09? Do you have a specific car in mind?
I set up all of my cars and my set ups are different than most other peoples too. Set ups are specific for the persons driving style really. One of the main things that i do different is the brakes. I noticed that allot of people have the brakes mainly in the rear. I don't get that. I have mine 24 front and 9 rear, reason is when you jam those breaks you want the weight to come off the rear so you can get the rear to step out easier. Most people see it as i want more break in the rear so the rear locks up, thats just makes it for sloppy play and pretty much like an e-brake....IMO. If anyone has a crazy set up they say can't be used for drifting i would be glad to prove you wrong though, post it up and i will do a lap with it and show the settings on the vid :)
Stronger rear brakes would make more sense if Gt games didnt' incorporate ABS into every car. In other words, all the cars in GT are supposed to have an aBS system....even if they dont in real-life. This means your wheels willl never truely lock up under braking unless you use the e-brake.

but it it weren't for this generic ABS system in every car, there wouldn't be a need for super-strong braking action: in fact, in some cars, you would want weaker brakes so you don't lock wheels.

hope that makes sense.
Yes if the brakes did lock up really easy my settings would be the same as far as having stronger brakes in the front to pull the weight off the rear end but they would just be lower numerically as not to lock up the brakes.
Speaking of ABS...

i just happened to glance in the GT5 section and there's some kid over there claiming "ABS is history" in GT5! Brakes will be able to lock up...

...most folks would probably say how sucky this is..i say it's a huge step i wish PD had taken earlier. :) It's gonna change all the rules if it's true. :D

I mean..for years now, i've been carefully modulating throttle in many cars to get that perfect acceleration launch, it seems silly that in a car that normally wouldn't have ABS (Ford GT40 and other pre-80's cars for instance) that you can just jam on the brakes and the only side-effect is your steering isn't as accurate.

anyways, i think it's cool.
It will for sure be cool for the more realistic factor, i just hope they have fixed the over exaggerated under steering that started in GT4. Its like driving a car with a huge chunk of iron on the hood:crazy:
It will for sure be cool for the more realistic factor, i just hope they have fixed the over exaggerated under steering that started in GT4. Its like driving a car with a huge chunk of iron on the hood:crazy:

It's funny, i'm so used to GT4 understeer i rarely encounter it on a mass-scale (except if i really screw up somehow). But i remember the first time driving a front-drive Infiniti G20. This was my first GT4 car..and damn it plowed like a team of mules! It was quite a shocker. But now i'm in teh habit of doleing out just enough throttle to stay within the limits.
It will for sure be cool for the more realistic factor, i just hope they have fixed the over exaggerated under steering that started in GT4. Its like driving a car with a huge chunk of iron on the hood:crazy:
Like that '69 Z28 I'm wrestling. Actually It's pretty good, Just not good enough to beat the Cobra in the World Classic.

Now, Mr. Breakpoint, What do you use to edit your Videos and Mix in the Tuneage. I'm looking for fairly simple software to do the same.

Very nice drifting too.
Like that '69 Z28 I'm wrestling. Actually It's pretty good, Just not good enough to beat the Cobra in the World Classic.

Now, Mr. Breakpoint, What do you use to edit your Videos and Mix in the Tuneage. I'm looking for fairly simple software to do the same.

Very nice drifting too.

I use ulead video studio 10, its easy to use but it does like to have some hang up problems every now and then. I have Vegas video editing software but man its over my head:dunce: I would suggest the ulead:tup:
I like how your 206 slid all around the super speedway, did it by chance have that HP booster code applied?
You got some mad skillz. But I can do better! I'm just kidding. I can never get them AWD to get sideways, if I do then they slide out too far or not enough. Again, nice vids! post up more though!
You got some mad skillz. But I can do better! I'm just kidding. I can never get them AWD to get sideways, if I do then they slide out too far or not enough. Again, nice vids! post up more though!

Thanks mate:tup: I have posted a good bit of them over the years, im having to retire GT#, but when GT5 gets in my hands im starting again. The graphics will make the videos much more pleasing to watch. With the AWD's just make sure you set it up to have more power output in the rear, i usually have it set about 80 percent rear. It all depends on what im doing with the car as to how i have the power hitting the front and rear though. Like on the awd's where im doing 360's into drifts i have them more balanced instead of having most of the power in the rear, makes it easier to straighten back out and aim it into the drift after the 360. If you want me to give you my "base" settings that i start my cars off with and tweak from that your welcome to them:tup: