Belgium bound for F1, seeking input

  • Thread starter Kamdoon


United States
FINALLY, convinced my wife to see an F1 race and we decided to do Belgium this year. I'm pretty psyched up about it. We live in the States so trips to Europe aren't all that often.

I was hoping I could get some advice from the GTP crew regarding the race and Belgium in general.
Regarding the race, I think we are probably going to get the bronze tix as I like to move around a lot and the other tix are pretty much from one perspective. If you have been to SPA before, any tips regarding where to stay, where to eat, how early to book, etc., and any tips regarding the race itself (what to bring, positions to stake out, etc.). We are just coming for the finals on Sunday.

Also if anyone has any thoughts about Belgium in general, like not-to-miss sights, etc., would appreciate that as well. Just so you know, we love beer, food and chocolate, so I have a pretty good feeling about Belgium, but we also like to get a good view of the culture, meaning places where we can mingle with people and be social, and history, museums, etc. We are older, (I'm 50) so slam-dancing bars are probably out of the question, but who knows what we might do with a couple Belgian Quad's in our system :-)

Currently other than the race at Spa we are planning trips to Bruges, Antwerp and Westvleteren. Wife wants to head to Netherlands to see Amsterdam so that might be an option too.

Any tips, ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I've been to Spa (2012), Brussels (2012, 2014), Bruges (2015) and lived an hour and a half from Amsterdam for three years. Here goes...

Firstly for Spa, get onto accommodation NOW. Unless you are planning on camping, your chances of getting anything within walking distance of the track are next to none. Also keep in mind that the town of Spa may as well be on another planet - it is not accessible in any reasonable manner. Francorchamps is the town you need to get to.

When I went in 2012, the only real way to get there by public transit on the day was by bus from Verviers, so look that up. The buses go from in front of the train station. You could stay in Verviers or a little further afield in Leige or Aachen (Germany). I stayed in Aachen because that was the closest I could get that fit my budget (hostel). There are more trains to Liege than Aachen, but there is (was in 2012) a bar in Verviers station, so getting stuck there is not the end of the world.
If you are only going Sunday, you may as well get a grandstand ticket (if they do 1-day) because you won't be able to move around much if you want to see anything - the decent viewing areas get staked out early. The end of Kemmel straight is one of the most popular areas to go, along with Pouhon. You can't get near Stavelot, and the viewing areas that you can get to between Stavelot and Blanchimont are rubbish. The bus stop might be OK, but it is a small viewing area.
You can take booze and food into the track, so buy a few cans and get some rolls the day before to take in.

Bruges is a really nice town. I was only there a night, but is a great place just to wander around. Definitely worth a visit.

As well as Westvleteren, if you are after Trappist beer from the source, La Trappe has a really nice pub/restaurant which is not far over the Dutch border near Tilburg. Good spot to stop for lunch if you are using a rental car to get to Amsterdam (though the train service is great - check Thalys for getting Brussels/Antwerp-Amsterdam). I would also naughty to not at least mention this place. It may not be the greatest bar, but it has a fun (though not party) atmosphere (during the day at least). IMO it is a must if you go to Brussels, at least for one beer.

Feel free to ask questions, though I do know there are Belgian and Dutch members who could help out more than me.
Barra333 -- THANKS for the input -- especially the info on accommodations. We were actually thinking of staying in Spa, so we dodged a bullet there. You mention viewing areas get "staked out" -- can people set up tents, etc., for the whole weekend or are you referring to people just being there very early? I was thinking it would be more fluid, so that is good advice too. I know there are many silver grandstand seats left so I'll have to take a look at those soon.

The Delirium Bar looks excellent! Definitely will be on the itinerary. Not sure yet whether we are driving to Amsterdam or not but I'm a fan of La Trappe (all the Trappists, actually) so we'll keep that in mind.

Toronto, eh? Definitely our favorite North American city. My wife gets bonus points for the Fairmont so we get to stay there free and we try to go every year or so. Like New York or Chicago except everyone is pleasant and everything is clean! Haven't been there since they finished for the PanAm games though. Speaking of bars--Sin and Redemption in the theatre district is an excellent bar. Tha's where I had my first Westvleteren, and I understand that was kind of a rare occurrence.

Thanks again for the advice!
Barra333 -- THANKS for the input -- especially the info on accommodations. We were actually thinking of staying in Spa, so we dodged a bullet there. You mention viewing areas get "staked out" -- can people set up tents, etc., for the whole weekend or are you referring to people just being there very early? I was thinking it would be more fluid, so that is good advice too. I know there are many silver grandstand seats left so I'll have to take a look at those soon.
I don't think people set up full tents, but I think some have little beach shade things that you can sit under. They set up early in the day. I had a seat in Silver 2, right by the entrance to Eau Rouge. I met a couple, who I am still in touch with who were in Silver 1 and could see turn 1.
I was there the whole weekend (including pit walk Thurs afternoon) and didn't go to my seat until just before F1 quali. Spent all of Friday and Saturday walking around the track - I could see the good vantage points getting pretty crowded by noon on the Saturday.

Speaking of bars--Sin and Redemption in the theatre district is an excellent bar.
Thanks, will look it up!

Thanks again for the advice!
No problem :)
Looking up hotels now. Wow. Did not realize there are not many accommodations around the track, and most of them seem to be booked. I see many sites advertising hotels for the race in Brussels. Is it a crazy idea to travel that far for the race? Looking at a map I was thinking maybe Nurburg or Maastricht, maybe Liege might be an option. I'm sure we're handicapped further in finding a place since we are only coming for the final race day. Pays to plan ahead I suppose... :-0

Thinking more and more Silver might be a better bet, though I'm sure I better jump on those right quick.

Thanks B
Assuming you are taking public transport to the track, Verviers, Liege and Aachen (in that order) are probably your best bets. Any town the train stops in is obviously an option, but from memory the Aachen-Verviers train didn't stop in too many places that could be considered more than a villiage. Don't know about the section west of Verviers. There isnothing wrong with Maastricht - it is a nice place to visit - but I think the train connections you would need to take are a bit clumsy. Check here when you are looking at places to stay to make sure it will work out. You probably could do it from Brussels, but would make for a really long day. If you are talking about Nurburg(ring), then forget that - it is a bigger transit black hole than Spa.
Update: Went to swimming practice, came back and the wife had booked a hotel just north of Verviers (just north being 20 km away). Seems like a beautiful estate-type lodging, so no complaints. had a great .pdf regarding how to get to the track by train, car, etc., so I think it will just be a matter of making it to the Verviers Central station the day of. Went to buy Tix and they were SOLD OUT of the silver! Just a few days ago there were several sections left in silver so I guess now is the time to buy. My wife being the lovely creature she is, the most awesome wife ever in the world, gave the okay to spring for the gold tix, so we are to be sitting at the Eau Rouge right before the Kemmel Straight, which works for me given the many times I have wiped out at the start of the Kemmel in GT6 getting cocky and thinking I could just blow by the Eau Rouge. Note to self: Next time start planning a little earlier!

Thanks for the tips Barra333!

Still open to any other tips/ideas about the race in general and places to see / things to do in Benelux!

Gonna have to do a few hotlaps with the Ayrton Senna car to celebrate!
FINALLY, convinced my wife to see an F1 race and we decided to do Belgium this year. I'm pretty psyched up about it. We live in the States so trips to Europe aren't all that often.

I was hoping I could get some advice from the GTP crew regarding the race and Belgium in general.
Regarding the race, I think we are probably going to get the bronze tix as I like to move around a lot and the other tix are pretty much from one perspective. If you have been to SPA before, any tips regarding where to stay, where to eat, how early to book, etc., and any tips regarding the race itself (what to bring, positions to stake out, etc.). We are just coming for the finals on Sunday.

Also if anyone has any thoughts about Belgium in general, like not-to-miss sights, etc., would appreciate that as well. Just so you know, we love beer, food and chocolate, so I have a pretty good feeling about Belgium, but we also like to get a good view of the culture, meaning places where we can mingle with people and be social, and history, museums, etc. We are older, (I'm 50) so slam-dancing bars are probably out of the question, but who knows what we might do with a couple Belgian Quad's in our system :-)

Currently other than the race at Spa we are planning trips to Bruges, Antwerp and Westvleteren. Wife wants to head to Netherlands to see Amsterdam so that might be an option too.

Any tips, ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I can help.

Ask @Small_Fryz, he will probably tell you that I'm able and willing to help out where I can.
Being a regular visitor or races at Spa including F1 races, I advice you to buy the cheap tickets. Bring a cloth are small matres and you're good to go. Pouhon is my favourite spot for the race. Yes, it will be crowded very early. I live in Geleen in the Netherlands. That's a one hour drive from The Track :) on race day I leave at 6am. Anything after that gets me stuck on the highway.

The town of Spa is a nice place. Lot's of small bars and lovely bakeries.

Oh and wear something orange if you want to blend in ;)
Kiki, any and all help is appreciated! MarcoM, thanks for the tips, we definitely plan on leaving early that day -- not knowing where I am going will make it even more difficult, lol. Will wear orange! Go Max!
Kiki, any and all help is appreciated! MarcoM, thanks for the tips, we definitely plan on leaving early that day -- not knowing where I am going will make it even more difficult, lol. Will wear orange! Go Max!
You probably already know, but I'm Belgian.