Best PSVR2 Settings for PS5 Pro

  • Thread starter Carl Sagan
I'm having some trouble getting PSV2 to run smoothly on my PS5 Pro and activate 120hz. I'm trying to optimize the settings, but some options are grayed out, and I can't seem to get things working properly.

Here's what I've tried so far:

With and without my main TV connected: The issue persists in both scenarios.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Any advice on what settings I should be using or how to fix the grayed-out options?

Thanks in advance for your help!


I also tried activating 120hz on psvr2 on the system settings-> accessories but it didn't work even when I started the game with VR headset on. what do i need to do?

You probably just need to enable 3D Audio for headphones under the “Sound” options in the settings menu first in order for the 120Hz Cinematic Mode to be enabled. It's useless for GT7 anyway, and only for playing 2D games on a big 3D screen inside the headset.
I don't even think choosing priority graphics or frame rate makes a difference in VR, but I'm leaving it priority graphics in case some of the ray tracing stuff is needed for it. As long as you have the new positional reprojection enabled, you're likely getting the best performance.
I'm not a 100% certain but I believe these are two different 120Hz things. The 120Hz in the System Settings is to have your VR headset run at 120Hz.

The 120Hz in Gran Turismo's settings is for TV's that support 120Hz, you will only be able to toggle that on if you connect a compatible tv monitor capable of 120Hz.
mine does this sometimes.. to fix it. restart ps5 with TV on. open the game using the controller. DO NOT turn on psvr.

check settings as you have shown again. hopefully itll allow you to chose 120 out put off or 60....cant remember which it shows. either way make sure 120 option is OFF in menu. then check setting on ps5 main home screen with the gear icon up top right hand side. check the video options to also make sure 120 is OFF..

next turn off ps5 and turn off TV.

the turn ps5 on again and LEAVE TV OFF.

give it a minute to fully get running and then and only then turn ON your PSVR headset.

this always allows me to go back into the settings and turn 120 ON.

for some reason if my tv gets turned on and i also turn VR on itll grey out the 120 option all together..

i have an LG OLED as well
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i am a noob and I missed the part about disabling the hud for better quality on psvr2, is that true it gets better, where do i disable it?