Burnout Remaster

United Kingdom
So I just got the Burnout Remaster on my Ps4, as well it was cheap being sold for £8.99 in the UK store.

Its still a great game, I cant belive they were asking £30+ pounds for what is a 10 year old game with cleaned up gfx, its still plays well, Its a shame EA did not green light another Burnout game maybe we have to wait till the next generation of consoles to get another.

The sound track is just how I remembered it, shame they could not bring over the photo from my old PS3 account.

Is Dangerous Driving worth a go? or should I hold out for Wreakfest?
So I just got the Burnout Remaster on my Ps4, as well it was cheap being sold for £8.99 in the UK store.

Its still a great game, I cant belive they were asking £30+ pounds for what is a 10 year old game with cleaned up gfx, its still plays well, Its a shame EA did not green light another Burnout game maybe we have to wait till the next generation of consoles to get another.

The sound track is just how I remembered it, shame they could not bring over the photo from my old PS3 account.

Is Dangerous Driving worth a go? or should I hold out for Wreakfest?
Dangerous Driving is a good game but a little rough on the edges. The devs will update it from time to time, but I'd wait for a sequel (if there is one) or wait for a sale (I'm a owner of said game who bought it at full price).

I haven't played Wreakfest but I think that'd fit more for your buck due to what seems to be more of a polished game imo.
if its similar to Burnout I may pass and see if I can pick it up cheap, I think ill deff get Wreakfest s its from the makers of Flatout 1 & 2 I loved both of those on PS2/PC. I saw a trailer of the game with a couch you can drive :cheers:
if its similar to Burnout I may pass and see if I can pick it up cheap, I think ill deff get Wreakfest s its from the makers of Flatout 1 & 2 I loved both of those on PS2/PC. I saw a trailer of the game with a couch you can drive :cheers:
Wreckfest is wonderfull and much more varied than dangerous driving, i'd say it is almost on triple A games level. Also, it has a very good wheel support in case you use one.
Wreckfest is wonderfull and much more varied than dangerous driving, i'd say it is almost on triple A games level. Also, it has a very good wheel support in case you use one.
I just got Wreckfest, hotak you are right its a great game, ok it needs a tiny bit of polish, even Flatout 1 & 2 had more polish but the physics and the handling and OMG the deformation, what if they Bugbear did the next Burnout game WTF that would be insane.

I'm really enjoying it I just hope bugbear give us a livery editor at some point, even a basic one but this game is a hoot and a nice change from GTSport, NFS, I dont think I Will buy NFS Heat and I did not buy NFS Payback either im still happy with the 1st two on PS4.

Wreckfest yeah, really good you can power slide around the place and drive like your mad max