Cadillac Ciel the first 4 door convertible?

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Ponte 25 de abril
Hi there, I was watching this evening Top Gear and they presented the Cadillac Ciel, so I googled it and I found something interesting... As far as I can remember this is first 4 door convertible car that I've ever seen... Do you know about another car like this?

It's an early/mid-60s Lincoln Continental, one of the most elegantly designed cars of all time.
Well, there is already something like that. The Maybach 62S Landaulet is based off the S Class, and has a rag top over the back seats, plus a closed front interior.

But yes, 4 door convertibles have existed. And the Jeep Wrangler 4 door is technically a 4 door/open top vehicle, and it's been around for over 4 years.
OMG what will be next? A S-Class Cabriolet?

Well, that technically isn't a real convertible. Legend has it some idiotic mechanic forgot to stop the lift and he crushed the roof. His followed up with some more idiocracy by suggesting they cut the roof off. As you could guess, they followed through with it.

I personally prefer the Bonneville lol

A lot of the "Touring" models of early cars had four doors and a soft top. this '13 "T" is just one example.
I believe there is a difference between a convertible and a phaeton, but I can't remember it right now.