Campaign Mode results not showing

  • Thread starter Ken Pile
United States
United States
When I finish a race in campaign mode the results table shows all other racers "still running" instead of showing their time. Is this normal in GTS?
When I finish a race in campaign mode the results table shows all other racers "still running" instead of showing their time. Is this normal in GTS?
Unfortunately, yes :( Only cars that have crossed the line by the time the screen comes up are shown as completing the race 👎.
Unfortunately, yes :( Only cars that have crossed the line by the time the screen comes up are shown as completing the race 👎.
Thanks for the response. This should have been fixed a long time ago, along with the timing not functioning once you have lapped the second place car. Oh well, life goes on :-)
It has to be that way as you're racing turkeys in Type 2 Microbuses while you're in a GT40 or 911 GT3... the PS4 doesnt have the memory to run their entire race time.

Also these races occur in bizarro land where you really only have maybe 2 or 3 true competitors and the rest are just backmarkers. Hold on... that sounds like Formula 1...
It has to be that way as you're racing turkeys in Type 2 Microbuses while you're in a GT40 or 911 GT3... the PS4 doesnt have the memory to run their entire race time.

Also these races occur in bizarro land where you really only have maybe 2 or 3 true competitors and the rest are just backmarkers. Hold on... that sounds like Formula 1...
Ha ha! Actually I usually try it the other way round, racing LaFerrari in an M3. It's just a matter of maths, I don't think the programmers thought it through very well. Keeping track of timing takes a tiny tiny amount of memory compared with processing graphics and physics.
It's a time thing rather than a memory issue.

It can't time something that hasn't happened. If it allowed you to sit and wait for everyone to finish, then you would get times for them, but do you want to sit and wait for ~8 minutes after you've finished your race, while the guy in last place (that you were just about to lap) makes his way round the Nordschleife?

That's why you can chose when the race finishes in the lobby, so that everyone in the lobby gets a finishing time.
They can program an 'expected finish time' I guess. But overall its just the way it is as obviously leagues is an abbreviated 'motorsport' experience so they take liberties where they think that most people dont care.

There are certain races you can finish so quick that everyone doesnt get a time except you.
The Campaign Mode results glitch is a perplexing hurdle, but your perseverance in navigating these challenges is commendable. Keep reaching out to support channels, detailing the issue comprehensively. Your commitment to resolving this ensures a smoother experience for both you and others, contributing to a more robust and reliable system.
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