Challenge to recreate my car better than GT6

  • Thread starter dbarrade
OK, I saw the new Top Gear Car Pack and so this is a blatant excuse for me to con you into creating a copy of my car in Forza, so let's see if you can do a better job than the GT6 guys...









I think Unedited vs Unedited would make for a much better "VS" thread.

Nice car, by the way.
I think Unedited vs Unedited would make for a much better "VS" thread.

Nice car, by the way.


Those GT6 shots are unedited to the best of my knowledge, what makes you think they are edited?

Can you swap a K20A into the Elise Sport 190 in Forza 5? 217WHP > 170WHP :)

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Cropped, missing watermark, borders. Although, that could probably just be it. I'm not sure what filters are on GT6.

As for the car. I'm pretty sure you dont get named engines, but I know you couldnt in FM4. In Fm5 I am unsure, although it seems unlikely.

Would love to see this work out though, with out turning into the typical "vs" threads.
I'd like to see someone fit a 4.5 V8 into the Elise, or even the 3.7 V6.. the K20A is a tight enough fit.

I've seen a half of that Atom V8 in an Elise... done by Geary from Elise Parts... he sold me most of the bits for my car :)

Sorry, this wasn't meant to be a vs thread... I just figured people who are good at in game photos might like a different sort of challenge.
Sorry, this wasn't meant to be a vs thread... I just figured people who are good at in game photos might like a different sort of challenge.
Well, it is actually a VS thread but dont take what I said the wrong way, I like the idea. If it can stay away from being a war, and more of a friendly competition then that would be great. Thats all I was getting at really.

I'm sure you'll get someone to bite. I know I would have been all over it if I had the game.. I just tend to get sidetracked everytime I get the opportunity to get it haha