CLOSED: Secret Santa Competition: Week 131

  • Thread starter Nato_777
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Moderately Super
New Zealand
Kaikoura, NZ

Further explaination of the theme from Nato_777.

"Here we are at the final Secret Santa Competition for Gran Turismo 5. So as this iteration of the game and the competition comes to an end I would like you to shoot anything you like that you feel is a fitting way to say goodbye."

Cars: Any.
Locations: Any.
Phototravel: Yes.
Unique Restrictions: None."


Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow the rules may result in disqualification. If you have questions, send me a Conversation.

This Thread will answer many possible questions you may have.

  • Entries for the competition this week must be sent to the Judge Nato_777 Via
    Conversation and not posted in this thread, any pics posted in this thread will not be considered for the poll.
  • Your PM can consist of a preview image no bigger than 500px at the largest side with a direct link to the full size image or just the full size image or just a link to the full size image.
  • Your first entry will be your last, you will not be allowed to change your entry so be happy with it.
  • One entry per user. It must be your own work, and never previously used in a competition.
  • Do not use a photo from your Gallery or post your photo shoot in your Gallery until after the competition (and poll if you made it) has closed.
  • Preview images can not exceed 500 pixels in either direction.
  • A preview image must be representative of the full-size image. Do not add effects to it.
  • Winner chooses the following week's theme and becomes Judge for that week.
  • Winners cannot enter in their own theme!
  • The Judge will select their favourite 15 entries and PM to the Host for the poll.
  • The poll entries will then all be hosted by me so that links cannot be traced to the owner of the photo.
  • The Host may ask for the original image and it must be submitted if so.
    It's recommended to save the original image (preferably in-game) until week's ends.
  • It is recommended you host your image on ImageShack, Photobucket, or Flickr.
  • It is also recommended to turn on the "privacy" of your entry image. Flickr users will need to provide the judge with a direct link to the fullsize image when set to private as the link used with the Share option won't be accessible to the judge/host.

  • No post-GT5 editing, besides proportionally resize and rotate, is allowed.

Tuesday 03.12.13

Two entries so far, I'm sure we can do better than that. ;)
I'm going to keep this open for awhile yet (24 to 48 hours) so there is still the opportunity to enter this final SSC for GT5. ;)

Edit: Closed
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