COD: Advanced Warfare Cool Wall Nomination Thread

North Korea
With Kim Jong Un
Welcome to the COD: Advanced Warfare Cool Wall Nomination Thread, where everything Advanced Warfare-related can be polled..

Polling works in pretty much the same manner as the GTP Cool Wall and Alternative Cool Wall, but whereas that only applied to cars and anything else, here we poll things which are COD: AW related in case that wasn’t already clear. There are five poll options voters may choose from, and they may only choose one. These are:

· Sub Zero

· Cool

· Meh

· Uncool

· Seriously Uncool

These are then added up, with a score of 2 applied to sub zero votes, 1 to cool, 0 to meh, -1 to uncool, and -2 to seriously uncool, and divided by the number of votes to extract the mean. From this the coolness of the item nominated is derived.

*Only one nomination per person until your nomination has been polled. Once the nomination is given a polling thread, then you are free to make another suggestion.
*Please include all information which you want to be displayed in the poll in your nomination as well as the picture you'd liked used in the poll. Those who fail to do this will have their nominations skipped.
(Do not nominate any of the exact same items that have already been polled.
*Nominations similar to ones already polled must have a significant difference that makes them a separate entity.
*Only Advanced Warfare-related nominations are allowed. Nothing from other CODs, please.
*Characters may be nominated.
*Nominations which are not considered to be notable enough to be polled will not be polled. Notability is up to curator and/or staff discretion.
*Some nominations may be excluded or postponed for other reasons at nominator and/or staff discretion.
*Only nominations made in this thread will be added to the list, please do not write on the curator’s GTP profile, PM her or e-mail suggestions.
*Get your nomination right the first time.
*Nominations will be polled in chronological order of nomination, so it's first come first served.
*Nominations, rules suggestions, and other directly connected discussion only here. Save debates for the polls. Do not discuss the nominations in this thread.
*If your nomination is skipped, I will PM you telling you why I skipped it and offer you a chance to redo it. However, please make a new post with the correct information as I am not going back to the previous incorrect post. Your nomination will also go to the bottom of the queue.

How it Works:

* You nominate an item and it goes into the queue, assuming you followed the rules.
* A poll will be created every day or every other day (depending on traffic) unless the curator is unavailable to do so; in which case advanced warning should be given.
* The poll will be left open for seven days allowing member to vote on the five levels of coolness.
* Polled items will be placed in one of nine sections.
* Placement on the wall will be determined by a voting formula.

Currently Polling:

Nomination List:

Thanks toTheBook,Tornado,Joey D,SweetShopUnion(boiltheocean),BKGlover, White & Nerdy, Jahgee1124, and GranTurismo916 for curating the original GTP Cool Wall which inspired this one. Also, a big thanks to Joey D again for establishing the clear rules and standards currently in place over there, as they again inspired those used here.

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