coming back to GT Sport after wheel purchase, need advice

United States
Atlanta, GA
Hello all-

I had been pretty active with GT Sport on a controller since its release, and had gotten to the point of A/S, (even S/S for a fleeting moment) and was in some of the top FIA split rooms (though mediocre in those races at best). I started getting a little burnt out on the FIA schedule as well as some of the aggression in the ranked races, so gave it a little break. I have since then put together a budget sim rig on a PC, with the idea that I could go back and forth from iRacing and GTS.

With that said, I've been on iRacing pretty much daily, and every time I've gone back to try and race a little on my wheel in GTS, I've been pretty horrid. I understand that the two games are pretty much apples and oranges, but I don't really want to abandon GTS altogether as I still have a heart for the series.

Anyone have tips/advice? I know I really just need to commit more practice time to getting used to how the wheel feels in GTS, but it's so completely foreign compared to iRacing it's pretty hard to go between the two. And damnit, iRacing's really fun. For reference, I'm on a the T150/T3PA/TH8A combo. How do others here approach trying to enjoy multiple sims/platforms?
Even though i dont own a wheel, i do have a general idea how to deal with different physics on a controller.

To make it short, You may need to warm up to get refamiliarize to the physics when coming back. Once you are use to both games, its kinda like a switch.

There maybe a load of inaccuracies to my solution because i might have missed something i haven't experienced compared to a wheel
That's weird because when I hopped on iRacing for the first time I did just fine. The lack of ABS was the only difficult thing to adjust to.

I think it's all mental...
Good points all. The issue has mostly been in the steering. On iRacing the car feels more responsive to steering input, vs GTS where I’ve been hitting barriers and going off track bc the car won’t point. I def have had the sensitivity up as well.

Will play around in some of the single player modes to see if I can calibrate to the difference. Thanks for the feedback so far!
I was using a controller for F1 2017 on my desktop for quite some time and got pretty decent with it. Got given a wheel / seat for Christmas and put F1 2018 on my Son's PS4 (which he hasn't used for ages) and was easily 2 to 3 seconds slower (depending on track).
Now February and still slower on some tracks but matching and even improving on others.
Bottom line is the racing games are so much more fun with a wheel and pedals!
Also important is to get the FFB setting right for you... worth playing around with. I have a much weaker FFB on GTS than F1 but it seems to work better.... Good luck!
Good points all. The issue has mostly been in the steering. On iRacing the car feels more responsive to steering input, vs GTS where I’ve been hitting barriers and going off track bc the car won’t point. I def have had the sensitivity up as well.

Will play around in some of the single player modes to see if I can calibrate to the difference. Thanks for the feedback so far!
Which camera view do you use? The only reason I use bumper cam is because it feels more responsive than roof cam(edit: in GT Sport. All other games I use roof cam/air box cam)
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