Completed Forza Motorsport 2 - My Brief Thoughts


Local Trash Panda 🦝
United States
Thought I'd dust the cobwebs from this sub-forum by making this thread. Today, I completed Forza Motorsport 2:



This was my first time experiencing FM2 and I really enjoyed progressing through the game's single player (except for when I had to race at the King Cobra test track :yuck:). The game's difficulty notably increased once I reached the race car events. Fortunately, the AI is improved over FM1, which I skipped on completing for now since the aggressive AI in that game is bent on winning at any cost.

But the thing I appreciate about FM2 over the recent FM games is that it was straightforward. The career mode wasn't gimicky; you just got in a car, picked the event you wanted to do next, and you were on your way. There were no voiceovers to listen to or cutscenes to watch. And in a way, the game gave me Gran Turismo 3 vibes: it felt like being a racing game was the primary focus instead of trying to be an all-around car game stuffed with as much filler as possible.

It's definitely my favorite Motorsport series game so far in terms of single player. I also liked other aspects such as the UI and the selection of tuner cars, most of which are sadly gone after this game. If only I had a Xbox 360 back in 2007 or 2008 when this game was still relevant. I would have loved to see what the online community was like in its prime.

So with FM2 done, I'm going to work on completing FM3 next...but I don't think I'm going to get very far with FM7 around the corner. :lol:
All I remember about the online community is everyone doing the money glitch and unicorns selling for hundreds of millions every time T10 put them up.

So basically Horizon 3's auction house but 10 times worse? Glad I didn't witness that. :lol:
So basically Horizon 3's auction house but 10 times worse? Glad I didn't witness that. :lol:

Just imagine if the only way to get the Forzathon cars was when T10 decided to auction them, typically 3 of each per week. Then imagine the bidding if everyone has infinite money.
Eventually the glitch was patched, but things were so bad that T10 banned many people. There was even an amnesty where the devs listed $10M cars for cheaters to buy so their money would exit the economy.
Just imagine if the only way to get the Forzathon cars was when T10 decided to auction them, typically 3 of each per week. Then imagine the bidding if everyone has infinite money.
Eventually the glitch was patched, but things were so bad that T10 banned many people. There was even an amnesty where the devs listed $10M cars for cheaters to buy so their money would exit the economy.

Man, and I thought GT5's gift car exploitation was bad. :ill:
Does anyone know why with a Xbox 360 controller I’m fighting my car as it always pulls to the left. If you take finger off steering stick it goes left. Does not matter what car or track is set up or controller or what. Any help would be appreciative :)
Does anyone know why with a Xbox 360 controller I’m fighting my car as it always pulls to the left. If you take finger off steering stick it goes left. Does not matter what car or track is set up or controller or what. Any help would be appreciative :)
The pot is probably bad. The ones used in the 360 controllers had a tendency to wear out very quickly.