Considering buying a PS3 and GT5P tomorrow, any point?

  • Thread starter Omamder5
You Hae Dis?
I've gotten bored of waiting for GT5 to come out, and I think I've decided that I'm going to buy a PS3, possibly tomorrow. I was looking through a bunch of games that I could get with it, just so I can actually play something on it, and I'm considering buying GT5P just to play it until the actual game is released. Do you guys think it's worth spending some 26 bucks on it? GT5 is probably going to be released in December, so I guess it's not a big deal, but is there anything I should know about concerning GT5P? Any knew free downloadable content or patches or tricks and tips?

I'm also considering buying that Superstars V8 Racing game, just to have a go at a racing game and to have a chance to win GT5; I think competing online with other people to secure yourself a copy of GT5 is a wonderful idea, even if the game is less than astonishing.
I've gotten bored of waiting for GT5 to come out, and I think I've decided that I'm going to buy a PS3, possibly tomorrow. I was looking through a bunch of games that I could get with it, just so I can actually play something on it, and I'm considering buying GT5P just to play it until the actual game is released. Do you guys think it's worth spending some 26 bucks on it? GT5 is probably going to be released in December, so I guess it's not a big deal, but is there anything I should know about concerning GT5P? Any knew free downloadable content or patches or tricks and tips?

I'm also considering buying that Superstars V8 Racing game, just to have a go at a racing game and to have a chance to win GT5; I think competing online with other people to secure yourself a copy of GT5 is a wonderful idea, even if the game is less than astonishing.

I wouldn't advise it. Looks as if it may come out in the next month or two. However, I'm not saying it will for sure. Nothing is confirmed, but Sony must have to release it soon considering more and more information is being leaked about it by the day. You might want to save your money so you can definitely afford it when it comes out. :)
Just do it. It'll give you some fresh GT skill for what's upcoming, and gives you a nice idea of what is coming, albeit that GT5 does have a redone physics and graphics engine, but it's still an enjoyable drive, and it shouldn't hurt the wallet that bad.
GTp is only 15 euros in Ireland.
The practice woulnt go astray and u could get a completed game download so u can have full access to cars etc for some online play.
But you might miss a combo deal when the game comes out.

Tough decision
320gb PS3 + GT5 from Harvey Norman in Bris Aust bundle deal $487.00 .
Cheers Ozi
The question was asked by someone who lists their location as British Columbia. Last time I checked, that's not in Australia, so your comment about him getting a PS3 from Harvey Norman, an Australian retailer, is a bit redundant.
GTp is only 15 euros in Ireland.
as is telling him the price in Ireland.
Can you find GT5:P on ebay? Should be super cheap, like 1/5'th of what it costs in a store. Or maybe you can find it used in a store? I wouldn't buy it if you have to pay full price for a new disk with GT5 being so close, but if you can get it cheap it is good
The question was asked by someone who lists their location as British Columbia. Last time I checked, that's not in Australia, so your comment about him getting a PS3 from Harvey Norman, an Australian retailer, is a bit redundant.

as is telling him the price in Ireland.

Sensible comments.

I don't really want to blow more than 400 dollars on my PS3 cash sinkhole, so I'm trying to find a 20-30 dollar game that I can enjoy. If I can find a used FarCry 2 at EB Games, I'll probably get that. I guess I can wait until GT5 comes out. I've gotten a load of practice with Forza 2 and 3, so I'm not exactly inexperienced with racing games. I think I'll be alright when it comes out.

However, if I can find a cheap GT5P on eBay, or perhaps at EB Games, then I'll get that too.
I've gotten bored of waiting for GT5 to come out, and I think I've decided that I'm going to buy a PS3, possibly tomorrow. I was looking through a bunch of games that I could get with it, just so I can actually play something on it, and I'm considering buying GT5P just to play it until the actual game is released. Do you guys think it's worth spending some 26 bucks on it? GT5 is probably going to be released in December, so I guess it's not a big deal, but is there anything I should know about concerning GT5P? Any knew free downloadable content or patches or tricks and tips?

I'm also considering buying that Superstars V8 Racing game, just to have a go at a racing game and to have a chance to win GT5; I think competing online with other people to secure yourself a copy of GT5 is a wonderful idea, even if the game is less than astonishing.

In all honesty I think that would be a poor choice. With the recent news updates we've been getting, it seems pretty safe to say that GT5 will be coming out with in the next fiscal month, as such, it would be better to save the money and just get GT5. If you did get it, you would only get a few weeks of play time, and the feel will probably differ quite a bit, as such, you would only end up trading in the other game getting from what I looked up $5 back, or holding onto it and loosing the full $26.

In the mean time why not just get a game you know you'll actually play, instead of spending that money on something that will be obsolete with in the month. It has been hard to wait this long, but what is another month? Is that really worth $25?
The question was asked by someone who lists their location as British Columbia. Last time I checked, that's not in Australia, so your comment about him getting a PS3 from Harvey Norman, an Australian retailer, is a bit redundant.

as is telling him the price in Ireland.

My point was look for a bundle deal including GT5 if buying a new Ps3 .💡
I just bought GT5P and I already knew when GT5 was coming out. I don't have a racing game currently, I bought a G27 the other week and my Obutto cockpit will be here Wednesday. I couldn't have all that stuff sitting collecting dust waiting on GT5, so I spent $17 on Prologue and so far I'm loving it.

This way my wheel and cockpit will be completely set up and ready to go, and I'll have had a decent bit of practice. I can sell Prologue back to Gamestop for $5 or something, costs me $12 to have the game for a couple weeks and get everything dialed in. Totally worth it to me.
Go for it. Get some practice in. Get warmed up for the GT5 release. GT5P must be going cheap, especially with PS3 combo packages.
I've gotten bored of waiting for GT5 to come out, and I think I've decided that I'm going to buy a PS3, possibly tomorrow. I was looking through a bunch of games that I could get with it, just so I can actually play something on it, and I'm considering buying GT5P just to play it until the actual game is released. Do you guys think it's worth spending some 26 bucks on it? GT5 is probably going to be released in December, so I guess it's not a big deal, but is there anything I should know about concerning GT5P? Any knew free downloadable content or patches or tricks and tips?

I'm also considering buying that Superstars V8 Racing game, just to have a go at a racing game and to have a chance to win GT5; I think competing online with other people to secure yourself a copy of GT5 is a wonderful idea, even if the game is less than astonishing.

I just did this a couple weeks ago. Bought Prologue used so I could have something to play until GT5 comes out and brush up on my skills cuz I haven't played since GT3. Like others have stated, you can just turn it in when your done and get some credit for it. I just beat the game and that's what I plan on doing.
It's fun though of course the online will only be supported for three to six more months - mind you, I doubt you'll be worried about that as you'll have GT5 to play too...:)
Nahh, I've thought about it and I've decided that I'm going to save my money. I did want to practice a bit, but I just bought the PS3 and FarCry 2 and downloaded a bunch of demos, so that's keeping me filled in. I barely have time to play it, anyways, so what's the use of playing GT5P for all of a couple days?

Besides, if I bought GT5P, I'd feel compelled to finish it completely before even popping GT5 in, or I'd feel like I'm missing something. I don't really want to spend hours grinding that game into dust until I'm done just to discard and start anew in GT5.

I have only about 450 or 500 dollars left to play with, but I don't want to spend all of it, because I'd be frowned upon by my parents and I can't really justify spending all that money. If I get a job anytime soon, I'm going to save up and buy either a Driving Force GT or G27, and build my own cockpit. Until then, the SixAxis will have to do.

I tried playing the NFS:Shift Demo with the controller, and on full difficulty it was next to unplayable. It was so twitchy so as to be ridiculously hard to control. I know there's a steering assist option, but it was never so hard in Forza 2 or 3. Perhaps that's because there was prevalent steering assist in those games that couldn't be turned off...I hope it's not that hard in GT5 on full difficulty, because I feel foolish turning any assists on, and I won't be getting a wheel for a while...
Nahh, I've thought about it and I've decided that I'm going to save my money. I did want to practice a bit, but I just bought the PS3 and FarCry 2 and downloaded a bunch of demos, so that's keeping me filled in. I barely have time to play it, anyways, so what's the use of playing GT5P for all of a couple days?

Besides, if I bought GT5P, I'd feel compelled to finish it completely before even popping GT5 in, or I'd feel like I'm missing something. I don't really want to spend hours grinding that game into dust until I'm done just to discard and start anew in GT5.

I have only about 450 or 500 dollars left to play with, but I don't want to spend all of it, because I'd be frowned upon by my parents and I can't really justify spending all that money. If I get a job anytime soon, I'm going to save up and buy either a Driving Force GT or G27, and build my own cockpit. Until then, the SixAxis will have to do.

I tried playing the NFS:Shift Demo with the controller, and on full difficulty it was next to unplayable. It was so twitchy so as to be ridiculously hard to control. I know there's a steering assist option, but it was never so hard in Forza 2 or 3. Perhaps that's because there was prevalent steering assist in those games that couldn't be turned off...I hope it's not that hard in GT5 on full difficulty, because I feel foolish turning any assists on, and I won't be getting a wheel for a while...

Good thing you didnt, GTP and GT5 are basically 2 different games in terms of physics, no point in practicing on GTP really, although it might get you into the race mindframe