Feature to create your own Collections as a way of organising cars in your garage. It would work similar to the 'favourite' system - in the garage you could open the menu for a car and then 'Add to Collection' - you would then have the opportunity to create a new collection or add to an existing. A third 'Change View' would then group by the Collections alphabetically, then (non-collection) Favourites, then non-Collection/non-Favourites.
I assume something like this would be easy to implement - but off the back of this the 'Collections' view could be made more immersive with a different grid/bubble system grouping the cars, and if the collection is small then a version of the 'Scapes Movies' with the whole Collection.
I assume something like this would be easy to implement - but off the back of this the 'Collections' view could be made more immersive with a different grid/bubble system grouping the cars, and if the collection is small then a version of the 'Scapes Movies' with the whole Collection.