Custom/Random Weather Thread

  • Thread starter Guffaluff
Hello all!

I wanted to make a little post regarding Gran Turismo 7's weather system, and more specifically the random weather. It was my most wanted, and most hyped feature of the game, rightly so, being hyped alot by PD in the time leading up to the game's release.

I've been using random weather a fair bit in lobbies and custom races, and while I love the addition of dynamic weather, there is one thing bothering me. Let me elaborate.

When setting up lobbies/custom races, you get a certain number of weather slots, depending on the length of the race. I always set those to "Random". From my experience, the chance of rain is usually quite low, which is realistic, but when it happens, it appears on the radar as a "block" of rain, as in, a square "cloud" of rain instead of for example the more realistic pattern seen in Le Mans WTC700 and Spa WTC800. Also, it usually only lasts a few minutes before it goes away. So you can clearly see on the radar "ah yes, this is a rainy weather slot" as it appears completely linear.

I've also never had a long stint of rain during custom or lobby race, which leads me to believe the weather slots act completely independant and no correlation between the weather on each of them. So if one weather slots becomes rain, it doesn't seem to increase the chances of the next slot to be rain as well, which is not so realistic. I've tried setting the first weather slot to the heaviest dry cloudy setting (C06), but there is no correlation on how the next weather slot develops, most of the time just changing to a clear condition on the next weather slot.

Another thing I have noticed is that there doesn't seem to be any difference in chance of rain depending on the region. So for example Spa, where it rains quite frequently, doesn't seem any more likely to produce rain then say Red Bull Ring, or any other track.

Maybe I'm spoiled by the amazing weather system in Automobilista 2, which takes into account the weather tendancy in the region where each track is located, but I had high hopes when PD went on about how they have incorporated a bunch meteorological data.

What are you guys's experince with this? Does it mirror what I'm explaining above, or you have a different experience? Would love to hear your stories! :)
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I'm 100% with you on this.

When I host lobby's for endurance races (60 or 90 minutes), I have never had rain when I select random weather.

I have even selected the tracks that are notorious for bad weather but the closest I get is dark grey clouds.

Hopefully they are looking into this, as they have already done a few tweaks to the weather in the past few updates.
I still can't figure out how to make thick fog. I love the fog that happened in Championship race at the Nürburgring and I can't replicate it in custom race. Do we know exact parameter for fog to happen at any track?