Division 1 April 2023

  • Thread starter Timlour
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United States
Welcome to the April SNAIL Division 1 thread!

Division Manager: @Timlour

Host: @Timlour
Backup Host: @IceWarden

Opens and Manages the lobbies including race start times.

Scorekeeper: @Worst_Driver
Backup Scorekeeper: @Timlour

Live scoring, updating the score sheet after each race.

Replay Uploader: @Timlour
Backup Replay Uploader: @DublDee, @racingchamp30

Upload race replays. Deadline to upload is 8PM EST. (If replays are not uploaded by then, we are subject to lose prizes for that week)

Data Specialist: @Akzl298
Backup Data Specialist: @Worst_Driver

Enter race details, stats post race and post them to the main thread.

Texter: @Timlour
Backup Data Texter:

Post pertinent messages in the lobby. Also post messages to any non-Snails that join the lobby.

Grid list (4/16)

DivisionPSN IDGTPlanet ID
1TimlourTimlour (NEP 4)
1LowbudgtMechanic Ls1tech
1DragonwhiskyDragonwhisky (HON)

@Nicktune @IceWarden @Kgffy @Timlour @dem0n25 @Rob Brown @Xradkins @Akzl298 @Louis3986 @A_Higher_Place @DublDee @Valex @KoopaTrooper @Dragonwhisky @Chiochansan @ls1tech @Kaeltho @racingchamp30

If you would like to volunteer for any roles as a backup, please post in this thread and your name will be added to the role in question. Having more backups always helps. Good luck, racers!
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I can help Host, Replays etc. My PS5 is Wired into a half a gig of internet speed with the Nighthawk Router. It Should be a stable lobby.
Has lag been an issue for you? I still use a PS4 and see the group mostly with just that little bit of side to side lag. It's not causing any contact issue that I can tell, but if ever it does for you, just let me know and I'll give you less space. Just kidding. I'll take a back seat so things are clean (ha ha ha). I don't mind.
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My life has been incredibly, insanely busy since the end of Feb. I've had no time at all to practice, and I'm certainly not jumping into a lobby with the resident aliens unless I've had at least a couple hours under my belt, and even less time for any shenanigans related to gaming.

If JL hasn't booted me from the active driver list by the time things level out around here, which could take into May, I hope to be back on the grid for at least a couple races on the 23rd. We'll see how things pan out.
I'll be able to participate in the second race this evening but not the first or third. My schedule has been busy and I don't think I can stomach spending the credits to join the other two races. Looking forward to the rest though :)
Sorry for being last minute I wanted to be able to make it tonight but I have friends at my house and they are leaving later than I expected. Does anyone else has access to the scores ?
I have access to the score sheets, so I'll take care of scoring.
Sorry for being last minute I wanted to be able to make it tonight but I have friends at my house and they are leaving later than I expected. Does anyone else has access to the scores ?
You know I am so glad I chose not to spend my last million on the Audi. Literally 15mins from when I logged off a lightning storm rolled through and knocked out power for about 4 hours. Precognition....
You and me both. Had another power flicker during the storm we had up here last night too. Hopefully the car is gonezo next week!
You and me both. Had another power flicker during the storm we had up here last night too. Hopefully the car is gonezo next week!
I wouldn't count on that. The best case scenario is that those that are doing the picking this week steer clear of the high dollar cars.
I will be unable to race tonight. Haven't had time to buy cars and practice. Will shoot for next Sunday.
Not racing Sunday 4/3. The gas pedal is glitchy and a new AXC Sim True potentiometer will me installed on Monday. I hoping the gas issue will be resolved finally and pedal will be more realistic. Have fun.
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I've have/bought all the cars for this Sunday. Not sure if I'll be up for racing without my HONSVR lenses however. Came down this afternoon and discovered the left lens laying on my desk, out of its frame. Looked the frame over still on the VR and it is cracked. HONSVR had sent out a notice in early April where they stated they had discovered an issue with their frame manufacturer and would replace the lens & frames, if I fill out their online form. That's been done as of about 5 minutes past. Don't know if I want to go back to wearing my glasses under the VR. If I'm not there at start time, don't wait. Not that you'd be likely to anyway. Start time is start time, yes? We'll see how long it takes them to get another set here.

2023 started out fairly well. It has turned to utter and complete 💩 since the end of Feb. I suppose I should look on the bright side and think there's still more doodoo life could throw at me and hasn't. There's still 8 months to go however and the anticipation of what's next, might give me an infarction.
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Sorry I couldn't make it today guys. I have been moving this weekend as my degree just finished. Hopefully be back next week! 👍🏻
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