Division 2 October Season Thread

  • Thread starter Skills


Must love dogs
United States
Aurora, CO
Welcome to the October 2022 SNAIL Division 2 thread!

Division Manager
: @Skills

Host: @racingchamp30
Backup Host: @Skills
Opens and Manages the lobbies including race start times.

Scorekeeper: @Malizaghi
Backup Scorekeeper: @CANOWORMS1, @Skills
Live scoring, updating the score sheet after each race.

Replay Uploader: @racingchamp30
Backup Replay Uploader: @Chiochansan
Upload race replays. Deadline to upload is 8PM EST. (If replays are not uploaded by then, we are subject to lose prizes for that week)

Data Specialist: @CANOWORMS1
Backup Data Specialist: @Chiochansan
Enter race details, stats post race and post them to the main thread.

Backup Data Texter:
Post pertinent messages in the lobby. Also post messages to any non-Snails that join the lobby.

Volunteers needed: Please let me know which duties you can fill this month.

Division 2 Active Drivers in Grid List order:

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Hey all.

I got my hands on a PS5 a while ago and I think I finally solved some network issues I was having. So I'm planning to start racing again this Sunday. Looking forward to getting back into the mix with everyone.

Also, you can put me down for scorekeeping.
Data Specialist Report for Sunday, Oct 16/22:

What a night. Again it took me longer to enter data as I got distracted by the racing that occurred up and down the field in so many races. There was superb, clean racing through out. Okay, it wasn't all perfect, but all mistakes were conceded and apologized for, and never intentional; easy errors made by developing drivers. Good work all.

And the competition...podium finishes were spread throughout the top 6 for the night. The range of fastest laps was often within 2 seconds for the entire field. There were multi-car battles with excellent race craft; clean passes and legitimate out braking dives. The close racing was good to watch. R3R2 had a six car battle for 2nd place. @Louis3986 started 9th got to 4th, dropped to 7th and finished 2nd. Lap 4 mayhem where, in the final corners cars kept following each other into the grass. Epic.

Some Honourable Mentions:

  • Canoworms for handily winning 1st for the night by zero (0) points over @racingchamp30 . 😂
  • @Tecra for placing 3rd on their 1st night.
  • @Louis3986 for finishing out the night on a high note; 1st and 2nd and both FLs in round 3.
  • @Malizaghi had a great night after a lengthy hiatus.
  • And the return of @JamCar0ne .
  • To everyone who had a close race at some point, and we all did, Huzzah!
The Grid List is updated for tonight. Can we have 10 again?:)
Data Specialist report for Oct 30 (Preliminary)

So far I've only viewed one replay from last Sunday, R3R2, and it was a barn burner of a race. Starting on lap 2 there was a tight, 5 car, battle for 2nd place that continued in some form for the entire race and involved: @CANOWORMS1, @FCB-Rizla-TML, @Track_King47, @Malizaghi, @Louis3986. Excellent race craft was displayed on numerous occasions; lap 3, Louis and TrackKing have a great battle, lap 8 Louis and Malizaghi negotiate the hairpin cleanly, side by side, and many others, by every driver on track.

However, there were some exceptions. We are a small group here and I'm going to go out on a limb and name names rather than be more circumspect, and I'm doing so with considerable trepidation. And I'm not exempt from making the same mistakes, as you can see if you check the "SNAIL Incident Review Sheets" in the following link: Sunday Night Results Spreadsheet. You will note that almost all the IRs filed against me were made by me and usually after conceding on track. Also, to my credit, the only IRs filed by another driver did not result in penalty points against me.

From the Snail OLR

6: Corner Rights:

A: You must establish sufficient overlap with the car ahead before they reach the corner’s turn-in point to have the right to drive up alongside, or to expect them to leave room for you. At least the front of your car should be up to the driver’s position in the ahead car. The ahead driver has the right to be fully committed to the racing line of their choice without any interference if there was not substantial overlap before he turned in. The ahead driver must not abruptly change their line through a corner for any reason.

This is a classic. And one I have violated, sadly, too often. I was given a great tip: When it is obvious you have braked too late make every attempt to avoid the collision to the OUTSIDE of the corner, this way you are the only one impacted by your mistake and don't take out the lead driver(s) as well.

12: Re-entering to the track after running off:

A: It is the responsibility of the car returning to the track to insure that they do not interfere in any way with another driver who is not also re-entering the track. If there's a chance of a collision, wait and be patient as other drivers have the right of way.

As I said at the beginning, I saw some of the best examples of race craft I've seen in a long time. And writing this is not meant to be a criticism of any individual driver, merely an observation and a reminder for me to try and avoid the same mistakes, and I know I make my fair share, but I'm working on reducing them as much as I can.
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OK. Sorry. Not done yet. I have a hard time maintaining focus at times during races. In the past couple of weeks there has been an increase in chatter in the party chat. On Sunday there was a situation where I was working hard to stay ahead of a driver (can't remember who) nearing the end of the race and drivers on other parts of the track were commenting about their situations. I don't think I'm ADHD, but I can be distracted. In keeping with the following could I ask that we keep our comments to between races? Again from the OLR.

Sunday Night Party Chat Host
Job Description

The Party Chat Host will be responsible for hosting a party chat during Sunday night racing. They will be required to send a chat invitation to all members that enter the Sunday night race lobby before the start of the first race. They will not be required to send invites to any late arriving drivers but may do so if they have the time in between races. They will be required to keep the chat open for the duration of the racing on Sunday night. The chat will be managed by the party chat host and / or the division manager. Managing the chat consists of asking that all members mute their mics during while racing and keep their mics muted until all drivers have finished the race.
OK. Sorry. Not done yet. I have a hard time maintaining focus at times during races. In the past couple of weeks there has been an increase in chatter in the party chat. On Sunday there was a situation where I was working hard to stay ahead of a driver (can't remember who) nearing the end of the race and drivers on other parts of the track were commenting about their situations. I don't think I'm ADHD, but I can be distracted. In keeping with the following could I ask that we keep our comments to between races? Again from the OLR.

Sunday Night Party Chat Host
Job Description

The Party Chat Host will be responsible for hosting a party chat during Sunday night racing. They will be required to send a chat invitation to all members that enter the Sunday night race lobby before the start of the first race. They will not be required to send invites to any late arriving drivers but may do so if they have the time in between races. They will be required to keep the chat open for the duration of the racing on Sunday night. The chat will be managed by the party chat host and / or the division manager. Managing the chat consists of asking that all members mute their mics during while racing and keep their mics muted until all drivers have finished the race.
I can definitely agree with this one. For those of you that have been around for a while and raced with me, you know that I will ask nicely once for mics to be muted during a race. The second request is anything but nice. This is simple common courtesy to everyone else in the chat and lobby.
SNAIL Forum Conduct Policy

Original date of announcement was Nov. 14, 2014
Due to recent visits by GTP moderators on Friday as well as here and here
, SNAIL management has requested, and been granted, authorization to revoke posting privileges from anyone who makes inflammatory and/or inappropriate posts. Posting privileges can be revoked temporarily or indefinitely. Revocation of posting privileges does not mean you cannot race. It only means you will not be allowed to post in this thread. You will, however, be able to read everything others post.

We sincerely hope that we won't ever have to use this new capability to police our thread, but we will do so without hesitation if anyone posts anything that we deem to be inflammatory, inappropriate, or otherwise disruptive to our thread or the SNAIL vibe in general. It's been a long time coming, but now we'll no longer be at the mercy of anyone's selfish desire to inject unwanted drama into our thread. Those days are officially OVER!!

While I quoted the OLR in previous posts, I apparently didn't understand it all. And "naming names" isn't appropriate. I'm thinking the moderator who edited my original post may have saved me from possible negative backlash. I may try again in a private conversation.
OK. Sorry. Not done yet. I have a hard time maintaining focus at times during races. In the past couple of weeks there has been an increase in chatter in the party chat. On Sunday there was a situation where I was working hard to stay ahead of a driver (can't remember who) nearing the end of the race and drivers on other parts of the track were commenting about their situations. I don't think I'm ADHD, but I can be distracted. In keeping with the following could I ask that we keep our comments to between races? Again from the OLR.

Sunday Night Party Chat Host
Job Description

The Party Chat Host will be responsible for hosting a party chat during Sunday night racing. They will be required to send a chat invitation to all members that enter the Sunday night race lobby before the start of the first race. They will not be required to send invites to any late arriving drivers but may do so if they have the time in between races. They will be required to keep the chat open for the duration of the racing on Sunday night. The chat will be managed by the party chat host and / or the division manager. Managing the chat consists of asking that all members mute their mics during while racing and keep their mics muted until all drivers have finished the race.
i am guilty of this as i have had people jump into my stream and say hi and i respond.. i dont get more than 1 or two viewers so it is not a lot of chatter but i know i have done this.

in fact i think i comment during races as well.. moving forward i will be in party chat for between races and then switch out of the chat for the races so i can interact on twitch if i have to and can yell at myself for making dumb mistakes lol
Sorry, I do enjoy the chit chat. I will make an effort to keep the mic muted during the races.
Data Specialist report Oct 30 - Final

I've decided to not open the "naming names" can of worms. Get it? Canoworms...can of worms? :) Instead I PMd all that were about to be named. And that went well.

Tonight's returning combo should produce tight racing again. Last week, in the BMW i3, the FLs, for the 2 races, were within 0.6 and 0.7 seconds, for all drivers.

Combo 1 also had some great examples of the corner rights issues I alluded to earlier. R1R1, lap 2, time: 1:20, turn 5. FlyingDisc does the best job of avoiding a late braking collision. They dart to the outside beautifully and actually lose 4 places in the process. And, they do the same thing later in the race. I'm thinking Flying may have to re-think his braking point. :D. On the flip side Canoworms gives a clinic on what not to do at the same corner, R1R2, lap 11, time: 12:35, turn 5. Sorry Tecra. You know for all the gum flapping Cano does about OLR and clean driving, you think he would do a better job on the track. I have GOT to work on that one.

I am hoping to make it tonight, but PS5 is acting up, turning off in online lobbies. That and a killer cold may get in the way. But, I do want to see if anyone is able to take the 2 RH corners on the back side of Fuji flat out. I wasn't able to in my first practice there.
Data Specialist report Oct 30 - Final

I've decided to not open the "naming names" can of worms. Get it? Canoworms...can of worms? :) Instead I PMd all that were about to be named. And that went well.

Tonight's returning combo should produce tight racing again. Last week, in the BMW i3, the FLs, for the 2 races, were within 0.6 and 0.7 seconds, for all drivers.

Combo 1 also had some great examples of the corner rights issues I alluded to earlier. R1R1, lap 2, time: 1:20, turn 5. FlyingDisc does the best job of avoiding a late braking collision. They dart to the outside beautifully and actually lose 4 places in the process. And, they do the same thing later in the race. I'm thinking Flying may have to re-think his braking point. :D. On the flip side Canoworms gives a clinic on what not to do at the same corner, R1R2, lap 11, time: 12:35, turn 5. Sorry Tecra. You know for all the gum flapping Cano does about OLR and clean driving, you think he would do a better job on the track. I have GOT to work on that one.

I am hoping to make it tonight, but PS5 is acting up, turning off in online lobbies. That and a killer cold may get in the way. But, I do want to see if anyone is able to take the 2 RH corners on the back side of Fuji flat out. I wasn't able to in my first practice there.
I've heard of PS5 owners using the PS4 version of GT7. Can you try that?
I won’t be able to make it tonight. I can keep score the rest of the season but someone will need to do it tonight.