[DIY Help] Plastic work..

  • Thread starter mummson
Hi all!

I have the DFGT and I fitted a Heat Sink and Fan on the motor. I know it's a overkill but I like to have to feedback setting on high and I tend to take long sessions at a time and the motor can run quite hot.

After this mod The motor runs really cool and the extra sounds I thought I was hearing when it was running hot are gone. But that could be my brain trying to convince me that this hackjob was worth it.

It looks awful and I wanted to try to make some sort of scope out of it and make it look better, also by doing so I believe it would be more effective since 1/4 of the fan is inside of the shell and some of the shell is covering the heat sink and blocking the fan from cooling it.

I know I have to make the hole bigger and after this I will have to spray paint the shell but what I don't know how to do is to make the actual scope and what to use :)

All help and advice would be awesome.

Here are pics of my "mod"

NOTE. I am not powering the fan from the circuit board I am using an old phone charger (usb) for the fan.
My first thought would be acrylic sheet from Home Depot and a can of Bondo from AutoZone (fill in the appropriate local shops). I picked up some plastic filler to use on a bumper cover from an auto paint supply that could work, though you'd want to lay it on the acrylic or something with structure. Fiberglass could also work though i don't much like the smell of the resin if it still gets warm-ish. You could also get creative with empty plastic containers.
You could also get creative with empty plastic containers.

I had thought about trying to find a PVC pipe that would fit over and cut that in half and try to glue it on, but I'm not sure how to make the bond and how to make the bond look good.
Completely off topic but that Heat sink/Fan combo ROCKS!!!!.... Back in the day when we didn't have 4 Pole Short Coarse motor's I ran a 2 pole 550 LRP Geared to the Moon and would HONK on guys down the strait and never get above 100degrees

For the Aesthetics of your mod, I would personally just cut a uniform sized hole and call it done, maybe use a dremel and make the edges of the cuts Nice and Strait. I can see they're a little wavy in the pics. Honestly this isn't a beauty contest, Who cares what the base looks like. Are you staring at the base while racing ? lol