Do you follow a diet?

  • Thread starter vat_man

Do you follow a diet?

  • I follow a stricit diet and follow it to the letter

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • I try to follow a strict diet but do stray from it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm conscious of what I eat, and I eat pretty carefully

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • I'm conscious of what I eat, but regularly eat stuff I shouldn't

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • I eat what, how much and when I want. I don't treat my body as a temple - I treat it as an amusemen

    Votes: 4 30.8%

  • Total voters


Staff Emeritus
Okay - so what's your attitude to eating.

Do you follow a strict diet, be it high protein, or low fat, or vegetarian to the letter? Do you try to follow a strict diet, but can't help yourself sometimes.

Maybe you just try to be conscious of what you - try to avoid eating too much, or avoiding crap - or you're conscious of what you eat, but eat rubbish anyway.

Or - maybe you're following in the very deep footsteps of Elvis, eating what you want, how much you want, when you - make it fried, extra sugar, high fat, bring it on baby!!

Personally, when I started my journey back to fitness and a healthy weight in January 2000, I made a vow never to follow a strict diet - I would simply be conscious of what I ate (although I decided to avoid McDonalds, Burger King/Hungry Jacks, and KFC - which I've been pretty good at) and drank (cut back on my drinking). It's worked fairly well - I have the odd treat here and there, and I'm not anal about what I eat.

What about yourselves?
im conscious of what i eat, but im still young, and my metabolism burns anything away. i think ill enjoy it while i can. although i do eat junk food, i also eat a balanced diet. i dont go crazy with the "bad" foods, but i do indulge myself :P
im lucky, i have a high metabolism or whatever its called. i eat whatever i want and dont gain weight so i dont follow a diet.

i eat mostly meat and pasta meals. its good stuff ( especially since i dont cook it ;) )
Originally posted by   
im lucky, i have a high metabolism or whatever its called. i eat whatever i want and dont gain weight so i dont follow a diet.

i eat mostly meat and pasta meals. its good stuff ( especially since i dont cook it ;) )

How old are you?
Originally posted by   
im 27 this year.

You're right on the cusp of your metabolism changing there, buddy - keep a really close eye on your weight.. Things went south for me between 27 and 28, and I've only recently got back there...
Originally posted by   
ahhh crap. you mean i cant drink ice cream topping anymore?

Well, just cut back.

Loud - you should take up smoking - or some other hobby involving a naked flame and a confined space with little airflow.
vat- I have the exact same philosophy on eating as you do. :) I'm concious of what I eat... no fast food except when absolutely necessary (such as 6-hour car trips, and even then, I always get a basic cheeseburger or a salad if they have one). But, I'm not real strict on what I eat... I eat whole grains (Kashi for breakfast), and no candy, but a lil' ice cream once a week won't hurt me (I think). :D In fact, I hate candy now... I get headaches from the sugar rush. I also try to stay away from red meats (though I did have steak last night), and prefer fish and chicken breast. In fact, our family has salmon about 3 times a week. :)

[edit]: And I too vowed to never, ever go on an actual "di-et". I figure it's better just to be concious of what I eat so that I don't get fat (or have other problems) in the first place, rather than gorge and then starve.
Offseason (when I have no contests, photo-shoots, or appearances coming up) - I'm in "Mass Accumulation Mode", the only thing I keep track of is protein grams and total kcal's. I don't keep track of carbs or fats. I shoot for 300g's protein and around 5k kcal's.

Diet (for an upcoming contest, photo-shoots, or public appearances) -- I increase protein intake, track carbs and fat intake. I shoot for 400-450g's protein, and drop carbs and increase fats as the event grows closer. The final 3 weeks I go zero carb for 5 days, with 2 carb-up days.
Lol, I guess I gotta with *I treat my body, like an amusement park*.

I care alot about what I eat, but going on a diet is impossible for me. I guess like most people, I don't follow the diet and then it messes up my whole system..causes my body to get unhealthy and then amounts to a waste of time& money.

I really do need to get on a diet (healthy wise) because I live off of candy and jack in the box, even though I know I should be eating carrots and drinking water.

" you are what you eat"

^^ mos def, will suffer with that sayin later on in life..
I eat what I want when I'm not too lazy... Most days that I don't have school I only have breakfast and dinner, no lunch. I guess the breakfast starts my motabalism and since I ahve 2 bowls of cereal(I'm cutting down to 1, so I guess I'm becoming more concious) at around 9:00-11:00 on those days, a 6:30 dinner is good timing for me.

I also weigh around 175lbs, so if you want to convert it, have fun, I'm too lazy. I'm almost 6 feet tall, if not that tall, so I'm in proportion, I just need to lift again(I started, but because my brother had weightlifting class during school, he doesn't lift after school any more so I don't have a ride home after school if I lift there). Damn my brother...:mad:
Well, I really don't have a set diet. However, I am at least aware of the crap I put in my body on a daily basis. Like that makes it better. :guilty:

I'm only 25, so I'm OK for now. I have softened around the midsection a bit over the last few years... :|
strict on the adkins is the only recourse i have against the god given curse of a metabolism ive got here. If i were to eat what might be even remotely considered a "normal" diet, i would gain excessive wieght before i even had the chance to swallow! On the bright side, however, I have the inherent ability to put on muscle mass reletively fast. I guess everything equils out in the long run.