Does anybody have any idea when PS2's will be back in stock?

  • Thread starter 3LeMeN7
I've been waiting for over a month for one :(. I called some stores the other day and they didnt know when they would get some... so does anyone know when theyll be back? it cant take this long...
This is the third topic you've created with the same purpose. Why don't you just bump one of the old topics back up?
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

Looks like your local stores got hit hard with waves of customers!! :embarrassed: Just be patient and they will have the PS2s back in stock! :embarrassed:
I don't suppose you thought to go ahead and pay for one? That way, when they next come in.. you'll get one. Without having to call them twice a day for months on end.

My local Gamestop had four of them on the counter just this morning. They are out there..
I tried to get one in late November, and I gave up. Just wait for the GT4/PS2 Bundle. That's what I'm going to do!