Does reposting photos really work?

  • Thread starter zardoz9
United States
United States
People have reposted several of my scapes photos and I have posted many, many others pics, but I never see them in the Discovery section. Although Scapes adds new photos about every 10 minutes, they never appear there. Also I would expect at least some "likes" appearing after a repost but they never come.

Perhaps the reposts are posted at a later date but if that's true, then I should still see an increase in "likes" at a later date, but I don't see any significant change.

Has anyone noticed this, and if so, what's happening?
My likes went up drastically when one of my photos got reposted twice, it was previously on 8 and it jumped to 15.
Reposting only reposts it to people that follow you or the person who reposted it. That's why reposting your own stuff is kinda dumb as it won't apear as "new" in the discovery section again. idk what happens if you repost it 1000 times tho, maybe it'll then appear in the trending section? :odd:
It depends who reposts it.. if someone with 10 followers reposts it, it's unlikely to get many more likes, if somebody with hundreds or thousands of followers reposts it, you could expect a bigger jump. It also depends on how diverse your circle of friends is... if your friends list is full of people who follow each other you won't get many more likes per share, because they'll all already have seen it... then you have people like me, who will avoid, unlike, unfollow etc. people who keep reposting the same stuff.

From my own observations, photos tend to get the least likes anyway, my most popular decal got 254 likes and 14 reshares, my most popular livery got 139 likes from 23 reshares, and my most popular photo got 34 likes from 8 reshares. I'm currently at 246 followers, and as far as I can remember I haven't reposted my own work. But, anyway, you can see that decals tend to get the most likes per share.

If you want more likes, you need more followers, if you want more followers you need to post things that people want, people want decals, they want liveries... because they can use them... a photo is nice, but it's no use.

... but, a like is no sign of quality. The fact that Kinder Beetle photo's the most popular shot at the moment, and has been for ages, should tell you all you need to know about the value of the like system.

That's my two cents anyway, I'm not that bothered about it myself.
I usually get around 5 likes (more or less) for my photos with 27 followers but one of my photo went to the trending section and I have 450 like on this one. I honestly don’t know how it appeared there, but irc the photo was posted in November but it got a boost in likes just recently, maybe one or two months ago. So there’s a hope!

Out of curiosity, I just shared one of your Audi VGT photos, it had 3 likes. I have 246 followers so you might be able to judge what effect it has, if any.
Thanks guys, that explains everything.

And, yes, I agree the "likes" hits are not representative of quality. The first picture (in the upper left part of the screen) usually gets the most hits, I suspect because people are trying to get the "Likes on Photos" reward. The last pictures posted hardly gets any hits even though some of them are much better than those on top.
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It works, but you will do numbers only if somebody with many followers reposts your photo, then as you get those likes your photo gets on the Popular page. From there it's a snowball effect. I once posted a pic, got 20ish likes, one week later I get a notification that "somebody and 1xx others liked your photo", it got on the Popular page and now it seats at roughly 2.5k likes. Had something similar happen again two days ago.

And no, repost doesn't get you on the New page in Discovery, it shows up in those people's feeds
Could also add a begging comment on other people's posts which personally I find very annoying :banghead:
Another tip I've seen is to comment "nice picture" on every scape in the discovery section hoping to gain followers :lol: this can also be verified by some of the liveries in garages by the most followed people ;)