Drivatar stats don't add up

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So far I have primarily been running races from the Free Play screen using rental cars, which don't add credits and XP to overall progress. As a consequence, my overall drivatar stats seem to have been messed up. When using rental cars, one's drivatar apparently doesn't keep track of things such as total races, total distance, top speed, and average speed, but it does keep track of how many good and perfect turns the drivatar has had. This is weird because the drivatar seems to keep track of everything when using owned cars. This has currently left me with drivatar stats that make absolutely no sense (see excerpt below):

Total races: 7
Total distance: 82 km
Perfect Turns: 355
Perfect Turns: 589

See the problem? Total races and total distance seem to add up, whereas the turns suggest a different story. I have tested this and can confirm that rental cars somehow raise the total turn count without keeping track of things such as total distance.

Unless someone can explain some logic behind this, this is the kind of stuff I consider to be game breaking. Sure, it's essentially a racing game but you get what I mean. Am I correct in assuming it's not possible to reset the drivatar by deleting saved data?
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