Dynamic weather, how dynamic is it?

The Netherlands
I'm curious how dynamic the weather truelly is in like fixed races as Spa WTC 800 1 hour race,
I have driven it a few times now before 1.13, and this morning for the first time after 1.13.
I hear people say they have a lot of different weather during this race.
But for me me it's always around 45 minuts, 2 laps of rain then the track dries up and you are good to go,
The only thing that was different for me after the update was that the 787B was undrivable on hards during the rain, took like over 1 minut longer for a lap, so 2 laps real struggle to keep it on track while driving like 60 mph but after that full throttle again, so 1 stop around 30 minuts and only hards.

I'm curious if everybody has rain around this point?, or am i having bad luck? (Unpredictable would be more for i.m.o)
I think there are certain points where it will rain, and for the one hour race at Spa 45 minutes to go is one of them, but that the amount of rain is random.

I've had races where it was wet all "night" and dry by "morning." I've had races where it was wet at night, dried up, and then rained again in the morning. Last night's race had a few showers at night where I had to be cautious for a lap, but remained dry for the rest (Few showers went past in the morning that missed the circuit.)
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It always rains at some point in my experience, but the timing and amount can vary quite a bit. Must've done it a dozen times but it's never been completely dry.

Find it annoying for a few reasons. I know Spa is kinda (in)famous for its weather, but would still expect the majority of races to be mostly dry. Also, since this is currently the only proper one-hour event in the whole game, it's pretty tedious having very similar weather every time you run it. GT7 desperately needs variety, but PD aren't showing many signs of acknowledging this.
This means indeed that it is kind of random and indeed dynamic, good to know!, thanks for your reply, i'm gonna run it a few times extra to see if i can get some different showers :)
The very first 1hr of Spa I did it didn't rain at all. The radar showed a few rain showers passing through the area but none of them hit the track.
I do miss some of the snowy circuits from gt5 and gt6. Would be nice if they would maybe add those in the next few updates. But idk if they will.
For me, heavy rain (purple dots) at the start of the night, and last all the night, around 5/6 laps. Then, starts heavy rain again in the last 10 minutes
Yes, using the radar or GPS can be helpful too. And always pay attention to your surroundings and monitoring the weather patterns.
...game has randomly generated rain clouds, basically there is almost no way to reproduce the same clouds (rain clouds) in game. That said, wet track however is quasi dynamic, in fact PD is proud how they managed to get wet and dry lanes on track, so track gets altogether wet over time, and dry lane gets more and more slippery over time as track gets wet because dry lane is a bit more "rubbery" and rubber gets really slippery when wet... and this is how we use wet lane...
As rain stops, track gets more and more dry, and part of the track that is considered dry lane since it has a lot of rubber in asphalt it dries faster then rest of the track, it also represents real life, although if cars use a bit more of wet lane, that part is also drying out faster, in fact any part that is used extensively is drying faster. And even this is represented in game properly, to an extent.
There is however hidden settings of how fast it will dry off and get wet, probably it has to do with time multiplier or something.

Now, if this is dynamic or not I am not sure, but it does somehow reflect real life. And besides all this, I've noticed that track dry faster over the day then over the night (nut much faster, but it does), which reflects track temperatures to some extent, which BTW is again reflecting real life...

To me, this is, up until now, best representation of dynamic weather, yes there are games that do some physics part a bit better (ACC for example) but visual vise and partially pshysics vise, this is pretty good for a game that is considered simcade and is running on console for an average player and broad audience...
Did another run this morning 1 hour Spa, indeed i had a different weather setting! for the first time it was real different,
with still around 15 minutes on the clock ( that is kind of the same ) for the finish the rain started until the last lap.
I even got a light purple cloud, that was some serious rain lol, I even needed inters :-),

Glad i experienced a some difference after like 5 times
I've been doing the Le Mans 30 min race for the 800k+ credits and each time (after 1.13 update) it is different. Once got a bit cloudy then cleared up. Another time cloudy, drizzle, then fog. Another time pretty much sunny through out, another with light rain then heavy rain then sun then more rain. lol! It's fun!!
...game has randomly generated rain clouds, basically there is almost no way to reproduce the same clouds (rain clouds) in game. That said, wet track however is quasi dynamic, in fact PD is proud how they managed to get wet and dry lanes on track, so track gets altogether wet over time, and dry lane gets more and more slippery over time as track gets wet because dry lane is a bit more "rubbery" and rubber gets really slippery when wet... and this is how we use wet lane...
As rain stops, track gets more and more dry, and part of the track that is considered dry lane since it has a lot of rubber in asphalt it dries faster then rest of the track, it also represents real life, although if cars use a bit more of wet lane, that part is also drying out faster, in fact any part that is used extensively is drying faster. And even this is represented in game properly, to an extent.
There is however hidden settings of how fast it will dry off and get wet, probably it has to do with time multiplier or something.

Now, if this is dynamic or not I am not sure, but it does somehow reflect real life. And besides all this, I've noticed that track dry faster over the day then over the night (nut much faster, but it does), which reflects track temperatures to some extent, which BTW is again reflecting real life...

To me, this is, up until now, best representation of dynamic weather, yes there are games that do some physics part a bit better (ACC for example) but visual vise and partially pshysics vise, this is pretty good for a game that is considered simcade and is running on console for an average player and broad audience...
GT 7 wet weather and drying line as good for the title, but certainly not the best representation of dynamic weather around, either in terms of weather or physics.

The drying line isn't actually dynamic, it's preset around the AIs racing line and will appear along that even if you're the only car on track and drive off the AIs line.

To get close to the best titles in this regard (ACC, AMS 2, PC2, RF2) would need PD to implement full dynamic track surfaces, not just with regard to weather but also to track surface evolution (green tracks rubbering in, etc).
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They should give more options for wet weather in the races, for example, the possibility to set 25%, 50, 75 or 100% of the race being wet, at random time. That would be fun. If you are the lobby owner you hate that you need to "script" the races to see guaranteed wet parts.
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They aren't fixed, thats for sure, but I don't know if its there are a few scenarios and you are going to get one or another, if its random completely. I tried the GR1 race at Suzuka recently like 3 straight times and all 3 times had different weather in terms of when it rained or how severe it rained. Only constant was it did rain. Once it never rained enough to get inter, and twice rain hard enough to get inters but at different part of the race.

Again with the weather implementation though, without any sort of forecast its really just a dice roll how to plan for it...
I've found some races, if I conserve fuel, the weather changes to force me to pit. I've seen weather show on the map as arriving one way, almost at the circuit and divert. Could have been a bug, but just random happenings.

WTC700 Autopolis is completely random. It'll rain, not rain, drizzle, thunderstorm. Rain for cars to pit and next lap, the sun is beaming, causing rapid tyre wear. I love it.
This is how dynamic: Yesterday was nearly completely dry at Sarthe and I even thought to myself, ‘I should test the 1200 and the GT ‘51’ today so that I dont have to deal with the rain’ and then I didn’t… Today it was a bathtub all 6 races I ran there and I quickly regretted my decision from yesterday.