easy cap arghhh!!!!

hey guys, i have finally set it up after a lot of stress haha.
the one problem i have now is, i cannot run my ps3 hdmi instead it is rca cabled, this has somehow made my screen real laggy, here is how the cables are run, rca cables leave the ps3 into a splitter (which is directly plugged into the tv) the capture card is plugged into the other side of the Y splitter, any ideas on why lag is present???
Lag on the TV? That's odd... That's not happened to me before, just seems quite strange. Splitters sometimes aren't the best idea, but I use them and they work fine.
If you need working drivers I have those (they also work on Windows 7), but that's not what you're after.
I don't see how the cable or the splitter could cause actual lag. Directly to the TV works OK?

And by Y splitter, if you mean just a Y cable, you can't actually use that as a splitter. Really messes up the impedance the devices expect on their connections, probably resulting in tearing of the picture, color weirdness, other problems you may be describing as "lag" but which aren't actually lag.

A splitter has RCA jacks on it labelled as input and outputs, and circuitry to kep correct impedance on the connected devices. They will have powered amps in them, too, to prevent signal degradation.

You didn't mention of it works directly to the TV, so my assumption is this: It does work to the TV, but got all flaky when you tried to split it into the capture card. To do that you need a real video splitter device, not just a Y-cable. Something like this or this. Notice that both of those contain powered amps to keep the signal strength up to all the outputs.
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No I'm sure he means these sort of splitters:

(Image from HD Cabling, just Googled the image)
I use these splitters and they work just fine. No lag, although my laptop isn't powerful enough to get the sound recording properly.

Some people made a website to help with the EasyCap. Funnily enough it's http://easycap.co.uk. Be sure to look in the forums. Basically if you have any problems with your EasyCap they'll sort it out somehow (please don't think I'm advertising, I'm genuinely trying to help a problem. Yes I have an account on that forum but I can't remember the last time I used it...).
That's the same as a Y-cable. Impedance mismatch, signal will degrade by being fed to two devices.

I know those things exist, and I know Radio Shack and others sell tons of them, but they will cause signal loss. If the source is string enough and the inputs of the other devices are less caring than they could be about their input, then they work just fine. I've used them to split audio and composite video, but I've never tried to split HD with them.

Another question is, is he feeding the right kinds of signals to the devices? Is he doing a plain 3-cable (vid-left-right) to both devices, or is he somehow mixing up component to one and composite to another? Component would take 5 cables to do video and sound. We need more details for them OP.