Enzo from 2002 ticket?

Hi, Was just wondering if its possible to get a Ferrari Enzo from a 2002 ticket, as I was told a while ago that it was possible, and wanted to try it out. Is is possible or not?
Anything from the game (with a year anyway) can be gotten from its respective birthday ticket...the Enzo is '02, so you can get it from one.
Still.. Spending 10min on seasonals beats loading up the game a lot of times.
Sure, you could get lucky and get it in the first or second try, but anything after that is a waste of time.
ahh good. and the reason why I haven't bought one? i have the ticket, and I know how to make sure I get one, so....

Buying the car is a lot better than using your ticket numerous times (ticket has 68 cars) to get a car that handles & brakes like a brick. Besides, you can easily earn the Credits back by golding the Ferrari Production Seasonal twice, if you have connection. Perhaps that's the problem?