Escape from Tarkov & Arena

  • Thread starter inCloud
Worst time to get started - last wipe was 4 months ago and next will be soon. Dont set long term goals, just stick to the basics and try as much as possible. Next wipe will be big thing with introduction of Hideout and offraid healing system.
I don't mind. ;)

Do players get their "standard loadout" back after a wipe?
I don't mind. ;)

Do players get their "standard loadout" back after a wipe?
Yes. Sometimes they keep their skills (vitality, stamina, weapon mastery, etc.) on the same level as before the wipe. But quest progress will be reset, too.
Yes. Sometimes they keep their skills (vitality, stamina, weapon mastery, etc.) on the same level as before the wipe. But quest progress will be reset, too.
Haven't figured out how to upgrade skills yet. It will come in a bit. :lol:
One thing this game desperately needs is optimization.

It lags and stutters at the worst times. Some people claim it's when AI scavs spawn in, and I can relate to that.
But it almost always stutter like crazy when in a firefight with any player or AI in the bigger maps. Specially Customs, Shoreline and Woods.

You simply can't shoot anything when the game is freezing down to 1-5 FPS for a few seconds...

And I know it's not my pc or settings as my friends have the exact same experience, as do many others according to the internet.

If BSG can get EFT to run alot more smoothly like DayZ SA is now, then it will be a huge leap towards a final product. :bowdown:
- ETA - July or August
New ETA - mid October. There is a possibility that BSG will change how secure containers works - you can use and drop items from it, but cant put anything inside while in raid.

One thing this game desperately needs is optimization
Migration to Unity 2018 should bring some multicore optimizations. Also, 0.12 will bring new animation system and grass system which should also give us some FPS boost.
New ETA - mid October. There is a possibility that BSG will change how secure containers works - you can use and drop items from it, but cant put anything inside while in raid.

Migration to Unity 2018 should bring some multicore optimizations. Also, 0.12 will bring new animation system and grass system which should also give us some FPS boost.
Hopefully it will bring the fps and gameplay to a more consistent level. Right now the stutters and freezes are the real killers of the game.

2 weeks is a long time to wait. :lol:
Its gamebreaking feature, so they want to get rid of it. Main goal is to make survivability more important and balance risk/reward aspect of the game. Right now hatchet running is a most efficient strategy for half of the quests, only way for obtaining keys without flea market and one of the most efficient ways of money making.
Its gamebreaking feature, so they want to get rid of it. Main goal is to make survivability more important and balance risk/reward aspect of the game. Right now hatchet running is a most efficient strategy for half of the quests, only way for obtaining keys without flea market and one of the most efficient ways of money making.
Sure, but if you get spotted by anyone, players or scavs, you're done for.

So running with only a hatchet (or even just a cheap pistol) is a huge risk.

Also, if it was gamebreaking, it would have been removed long ago.

After more than 100 hours of playtime in the last month, my opinion is that the gamma/alpha container is fine as it is. :cheers:
Sure, but if you get spotted by anyone, players or scavs, you're done for.

So running with only a hatchet (or even just a cheap pistol) is a huge risk.
Thing is, you isnt risking anything while hatchetrunning, but you could reach highly valuable items early and secure them. With basic knowledge of map there is almost no chances that someone will kill you before you reach loot, because you run faster than geared players. And after you reach loot, you could just secure it,suicide and run again. All this means that high value loot like keys aren't accessable to players that prefer geared runs.

Remaking containers will mean that lightweight players still could reach loot early, but then they should extract it and geared players could take it from them.
Thing is, you isnt risking anything while hatchetrunning, but you could reach highly valuable items early and secure them. With basic knowledge of map there is almost no chances that someone will kill you before you reach loot, because you run faster than geared players. And after you reach loot, you could just secure it,suicide and run again. All this means that high value loot like keys aren't accessable to players that prefer geared runs.

Remaking containers will mean that lightweight players still could reach loot early, but then they should extract it and geared players could take it from them.
Could they not simply make it so that any items you loot from any map and with any gear HAS to be extracted for it to count?

So if you put anything inside the secure container, even if you suicide or whatever, you will lose it, if you don't extract properly?

BUT still possible to put new items into secure container during raid.
0.12 pre-wipe event plan for next days:
1. Raiders (NOW)
2. Adding economy event - Fence will have some basic items, other traders will be wiped
3. Adding secure container event. You will not be able to put anything in during raid.
4. Raiders - on, anything else above is OFF. Plus every LL unlocked, items are unlimited and cheap
There will be full wipe.


  • The project is transferred to the Unity engine version 2018.4
  • Redesigned, optimized and added new third-person animations.
New game feature - Hideout

  • The big feature that includes building and upgrading of various zones in the hideout, each with its bonuses
  • Ability to produce different items
  • Improving the basic stats of the character (off-raid treatment rate, acceleration of skills leveling, etc.)
  • Ability to increase the size of your stash (if you do not have the EoD version of the game with the maximum stash size)

  • New functionality - off-raid treatment

  • Now the character retains health status after raid

  • Health, energy, and hydration now regenerate when out of raid

  • You can use food, water, and first aid kits to instantly restore the character's condition when out of raid

  • After death, character's health is restored to 30% and begins to regenerate at a rate determined by the various improvements in the hideout
New functionality - Weapon presets

  • Ability to create weapon presets from any parts that are known to your character
  • Ability to quickly find and purchase missing parts for assembly of the custom preset
New location - RosReserve Military base (Rezerv)

  • The largest map in terms of indoor area and exploration potential
  • New exfiltration mechanics
  • Stationary 12.7 mm heavy machine gun NSV " Utes"
  • Stationary 30 mm automatic grenade launcher AGS-30 with PAG-17 sight
  • New constraints on the locations: snipers and minefields
  • Unique loot*
  • Scav boss Glukhar with his special tactics
Trader service "Tactical clothing"

  • Available from the Ragman
  • 5 unique sets of lower and upper clothes for USEC and BEAR*
  • It will be available under different conditions (the level of the character, loyalty level with the Ragman, and money price)
New trader Jaeger

  • He will be locked at the start of the game, and you will have to complete a quest to unlock him He will have his own branch of quests
  • His range of products will have a large number of unique items
  • He will also have a minimum margin on the goods price
New boss Glukhar

  • His area of action is located on Military base
  • He believes this territory is his property and he will protect it by taking defensive positions in one of many fortified locations
  • He has 6-men team, each member has his own role. Guards are always close to the boss, stormtroopers can move forward to attack the enemy at another point, the head watch are the first to notice the enemy and impose a fight on them
  • Boss and his team strive not to leave protected positions, they will attack from windows and other fortified places, they use advanced tactics of fighting indoors and have a special model of behavior on more open terrain
  • They can use stationary weapons, they may attack or retreat to protect the boss and hold their ground. As the train approaches, the boss and his team will try to occupy the landing platform
  • They use all available weapons, often wear heavy body armor and helmets
New boss Shturman

  • He operates in the area of a sawmill on Woods
  • He has a “common funded stash” with the valuables. He usually keeps the key to himself
  • He prefers covert tactics, tries to attack from a distance, from cover, outplays the opponents by taking a better environment, lets players get closer into the distance of effective fire
  • He has a team of two guards
  • Boss and his guards use long range weapons
Added over 160 weapon parts and modules

  • An assortment of new 12 and 20 caliber shotgun cartridges
  • Assortment of new cartridges 4.6x30 and 5.7x28
  • New equipment
  • New mechanics of treatment of blacked body parts with surgical kits
  • Thermal imaging device T-7
  • New barter items
  • New consumable items type - alcohol
  • New fracture sound effects
  • New weapons: AsH-12, FN P90, M9A3, FN Five-Seven, TX-15, MP5 Kurz
New quests for old traders (+reworked some old ones)

New Graphics Additions/Fixes and Animations

  • New TAA (temporal anti-aliasing) full-screen antialiasing post effect
  • New HBAO shading post effect
  • Terrain now casts shadows and has self-shadowing
  • Texture streaming to reduce RAM consumption
  • New grass with a long-distance rendering + grass shadows option
  • New explosion effects
  • Added variable animations of first aid kit treatment
  • Added auto sorting of goods by groups in merchants menu
  • Added "transfer all" button for items transfer screen
  • Added context menu for first aid kits "cure all" when out of raid
  • Added the context menu for weapons “disassemble”
  • Added "Presets" button to bottom panel for quick transition to presets mode
  • Added auto-fill items checkbox when selecting merchants offers
  • Added stimulant properties to some of the food and beverages
  • Added display of health status before raid on the character selection screen
  • Added new sounds for different surfaces when crawling

  • Optimization of rendering and display of grass
  • Optimization of animation system
  • Optimized spawn of loot items on location
  • Optimized icon generation
  • Optimized the Ambient Occlusion effect
  • Optimization of Volumetric Light
  • Added “use only physical CPU cores" option (it is recommended for everyone to enable this option)
  • Various optimizations of the load on the CPU
  • Added optimized contact SSAO effect algorithm
  • Some optimizations of optical sights
  • Additional optimization of the locations
  • Optimized physics in offline mode
  • Optimized ragdoll
  • Optimized physics of thrown loot and grenades
  • Fixed a large number of causes of freezes and stuttering related to rendering, physics, animations, inventory, combat logic, etc.
Bot improvements and fixes

  • Improvement of the AI behaviour when out of combat:
  • Bots rotate their heads to increase the field of view
  • Bots can greet each other, show gestures and transmit information
  • At the request of the player-scav, AI in case of negative reaction will respond to him negatively or show a gesture
  • Bots can come close to loot containers
  • At the points of " idle " bots look around, crouch
Improvement of the AI combat behavior

  • Improved grenade throwing algorithm
  • Improved algorithm for calculating the rotation to the target at different distances
  • AI fixes
  • Fixed a number of bugs when bots did not react to taking shots from a long distance or when using a silencer
  • Fixed some bugs in shooting through some fences, bushes and trees
  • Fixed a bug of selecting an incorrect target when the bot ignored the nearest threat
  • Fixed a number of bugs with bots getting stuck
  • Fixed a bug where the bot could not aim if you crouch close to him
  • Fixed a bug where bots shouted threatening voice lines phrases to player-scavs
  • Fixed a number of bugs on interaction with doors

  • Bug in which it was possible to install the PSO and thermal sight and the PSO lens worked as a thermal sight
  • The bug with disappearing weapons when you move the object in the stash after folding stock (bugged cells)
  • The items didn't disappear from the stash if you click "put the goods on the flea market" during the sending of the previous queue commands
  • Error 228 after transferring items and completing the quest
  • Error 228 when placing weapons on the flea market, if the flashlight was installed in different slots of the weapon
  • The interface allowed you to put the same product on the flea market several times. As a consequence of error 228
  • Error 228 when trying to make split into one cell twice
  • Error 228 when selling two samples of weapons on the flea market
  • Error 228 when moving money and then using it to repair weapons
  • Error 228 when deleting item from sender in incoming messages
  • Fixed disappearing of messages after re-login
  • Fixed a bug on the flea Market when the durability filter did not take into account the total wear of the item
  • Fixed a bug where a party member saw a "bad backend matching" error while loading into a raid
  • Fixed a bug where a new loyalty level was not opened, although all conditions were met
  • Fixed a bug where the "pick up all" button displayed not all items that were returned by insurance
  • Fixed a bug where some bots could not spawn on location
  • Fixed bug showing killer in the session end screen if the death was from a barbed wire or fire
  • Fixed UI shaking at non-standard resolution
  • Fixed a bug that stacked up the effects of painkillers
  • Bug in which the time of the effect of painkillers increased when reopening the inventory
  • Bug, in which the sound of heavy breathing of the character from the third person did not stop
  • A bug when, upon killing your own character, you could see PMC kill in kill list
  • Bug in which the character in the menu twisted the left hand
  • Bugs related to incorrect processing of picking up items
  • Bug when broken lamps would light up again if you step away and approach them again
  • Bug in which the interruption of the application of the item occurred without animations
  • Bug when interaction didn't work after throwing out equipped melee weapons
  • Bug in which the pain and tremor did not disappear after removing the fracture
  • Fixed delay in applying negative effects
  • Fixed a bug which happened when you turn your head and hits in the head could be counted incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug with the sound of a shot cutting off when changing weapons
  • Fixed a bug not displaying a cartridge in the chamber at the start of the raid
  • Fixed a visual bug displaying glasses lenses visible through fog, smoke, etc.
  • Fixed too bright reflections in the lenses of sights, or lack of reflections on them in general
  • Fixed cropping of merchants assortment if there are too many goods
  • Fixed error spamming bug when throwing smoke grenades
  • Fixed various bugs with matchmaking
  • Fixed bugs related to old quests
  • Fixed various bugs and glitches that lead to crashes of the game
  • Fixed various bugs on locations and culling issues (over 300 different fixes)
  • Fixed background sounds of locations when loading on it
  • Fixed various interface issues and bugs
  • Fixed some bugs leading to incorrect post-raid statistics
  • Various network fixes and improvements related to the transition to Unity 2018.4
  • Various localization fixes in the texts
  • Fixed various issues with clipping equipment
  • Other minor bugfixes

  • Now all body armor cannot be worn with plate carriers
  • You can no longer put certain containers, weapons, rigs and backpacks in secured containers
  • Now some keys have a number of uses. As soon as the key resource ends, it is removed from the inventory
  • In traders menu, when redeeming items, they are marked as "out of stock"
  • For locations Customs and Shoreline fixed position and trajectory of the sun
  • Now you can completely delete the conversations in the chat
  • Added the option to fold the stock when transferring items from the Scav to your inventory
  • Rebalanced 9x18 cartridges
  • Rebalanced some of the stocks, magazines and other weapon parts
  • Updated equipment pool that bots and player-scav can have
  • Changed cell configuration for Blackrock and AVS vests (now AVS has armor plates)
  • Added dropdown with filters "All offers", "only from traders", "only from players" for flea Market
  • When you receive an item by mail same items are now combined into stacks
  • Weapons on locations now spawn with small number of ammo in magazine
  • Modified occlusion system for the sound on locations
  • Improved the recoil system and the impact of skills on the recoil
  • Reduced bonus to the speed of running from the strength skill
  • The sound of movement while prone is now more quiet
  • Reworked and changed loot tables of containers
  • Redesigned and added new loot points on locations
  • The variety of goods of all traders was reworked
  • Changed lighting in item inspector window
  • Improved font readability in interfaces
  • Overall quality changes were made to the spawn system
  • Removed the option to set the priority lot at the flea Market
  • Increased chance of fracture and damage when falling from a big height
  • Other minor QoL changes
We all (and personally I) want to say sorry for the delay. Amount of changes is huge and right now we are fighting with bugs. Every single time when we approve a patch release date some critical bug happens and we are forced to shift the date and fix it, cause we don't want you guys experience what needs to be fixed and polished. Give us little more time - I don't want to say it will be super soon soonish soon to scare away luck!

Thank you for your patience!

BSG Dev team

Patch size is about 7 GB.

Wipe and patch .12 on Sunday, 27th Oct.

More info tomorrow (saturday).


Last edited:

Patch size is about 7 GB.

Wipe and patch .12 on Sunday, 27th Oct.

More info tomorrow (saturday).


Yeap, looks like they really launching it today.
I barely managed to log into the game (the servers must be really crowded), but the hideout still doesn't work. Endless loading screen.

I sortied as a Scav, and noticed that the grass looks much better now. Didn't notice any performance improvement, though.
Brought a SA-58 AUS and a jar of gunpowder from that raid, wow.
I barely managed to log into the game (the servers must be really crowded), but the hideout still doesn't work. Endless loading screen.

I sortied as a Scav, and noticed that the grass looks much better now. Didn't notice any performance improvement, though.
Brought a SA-58 AUS and a jar of gunpowder from that raid, wow.
Everyone is having endless problems with loading screens and crashes.

I did notice a vast improvement in performance in the few raids I got in. Not in like a huge increase in FPS, but a more stable, less stuttery experience.
Update from Escape from Tarkov's homepage.

Dear Escapers,

As we are halfway through January, we would like to share our plans on the development of Escape from Tarkov. In this topic, we gathered all the information we've shared with you around social media and podcasts. Reminder: Escape from Tarkov is in it's early access stage, as such, all the features and plans for the game development are subject to change, this also applies to this topic.

Server states
The management of servers and their loads due to the arrival of a lot of new players is the number 1 priority of the studio. Adjustments are made, at all levels, to provide the best experience possible. We broke all records, as such, the global infrastructure is being upgraded. Some servers are being changed for more powerful ones such as the servers managing trades, servers of regions such as US and RU are being upgraded to sustain the high influx of new players, and new servers are going to be added to regions such as :

  • Brazil
  • Chili
  • Argentina
  • Mexico
  • Colombia
  • Indonesia
  • South Africa
  • And more.
Some servers are already added, such as a new Japanese server, added last week. Our official social media are also heavily loaded, such as the Official discord, reaching 75 000 members last week, and our support center is loaded with requests, leading to delays going up to 10 days. We are working hard to control this influx of new players, thank you all for your patience.

As explained by developers, this growing amount of players lead to a lot of changes in the game, and as the numbers kept growing, changes made previously became obsolete and we had to do new changes, again and again, leading to 24/7 monitoring of activities and changes.

Twitch Drops
The Twitch drop event was a great success and it will come back in the future with new and more in-depth systems. A total of 8 384 787 objects were given for a total value of over 1 000 000 000 in-game roubles and 338 000 participants.

Twitch was also happy to see such a success and we are looking forward to the next one.

Main plans
  1. Next major update and WIPE: We do not plan to do a complete wipe of the game in the near future. We estimate the next global wipe to come in 5 months from now. This is an estimation and it is subject to change. We also estimate the development of the biggest and most ambitious map of Escape from Tarkov: Streets of Tarkov, for about 5 months.
  2. Next minor updates: This does not mean you won't get anything new in the 5 next months. We plan to do various content and feature updates, as well as bug corrections, within this time. The main new features we plan to add are :
    1. Rework of the weight system in the game.
    2. Addition of a new audio engine called: Steam Audio
Gear customization system
To go even deeper into character customization, we plan to add, in 2020, a new system that will allow to you customize in detail some parts of your gear, mainly your plate carriers and rigs. This system will split rigs/plate carrier customization into different parts.

The vest itself: Available for sale just like it is now, but without any equipment on it. It will have separate armor plates and pouches. These elements will be available for sale at traders, and you will be able to select which pouch/plate you want on your rig. Here is an example of a plate carrier with MOLLE system on it to allow you to attach pouches, but without any pouches.

More info here:
Just got the Kappa secure container today, after weeks of exclusively only searching for the golden rooster. Finally got it today! :bowdown:
12.10 is out - Steam Audio is back, two new weapons, bunch of mods and gear. Next big patch would have Factory expansion and Factory boss.