FFB Differences Between Platforms - Xbox/PS4

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Since the deluxe edition has been on offer again on Xbox I thought I'd take the plunge and double dip for my Xbox One X. The anisotropic filtering on PS4 Pro was bugging me and higher resolution on Xbox One X was another boon.

When racing on the Xbox I use a CronusMax DriveHub to use my Logitech G29. I've been using it fine with Forza 7 after a lot of changes to the FFB on the game itself. I have no reference for what a G920 would feel like so I've assumed the DriveHub is working correctly and that Forza 7 just has weird FFB. After a lot of configuration of PC2 on Xbox I got it to the same settings as the PS4 Pro counterpart.

The FFB is totally different and severely lacking on Xbox. The DriveHub makes the game think I have a G920 so one would assume the FFB would be the same as PS4 with G29. When playing on PS4 the FFB has more granularity and is much stronger. The on-centre FFB is totally different.

I want to rule out whether this is a difference in FFB profiles across platforms or just the way the DriveHub interprets the FFB. Does anyone have a G920 on Xbox and a G29 on PS4 and can answer whether the FFB feels the same?

Bit annoyed with it as the Xbox looks better but the PS4 is playing better currently.
Just to add after a bit more play time. I’m not getting any feedback when going over rumble strips on corners. Just very weak on centre FFB.

EDIT - As a bit of a control I’ve put the g29 through the drivehub into the PS4 and it’s weaker and not right on there either so I’m surmising this is the drivehub now. Is this correct behaviour?

I’m just installing a earlier firmware to see if that changes anything. Was on 2.0.2.
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This can probably be moved to Hardware Support now. It's definitely the DriveHub. Posted on the CM forums also and haven't got an answer yet.

Should the Drivehub be producing the exact same feedback on my PS4 Pro with G29 as it would without using it and plugging in direct? Because it is not. It's much weaker, especially on Project Cars 2. KTM x-bow is a joy to play with when plugging in directly but on the DriveHub it is weak and lacklustre.
So to add to this thread in my experience with the T150, T300, and now a new owner of a TS-PC and going from PS4 to PS4 Pro with the T150/T300 and then moving onto a well spec'd PC with the T150, T300, and TS-PC.

I did not feel any differences from the standard ps4 to the ps4 pro with the T150/T300 but I did however notice a difference when taking those same wheels (T150 & T300) and using them on the PC. I always ran Informative FFB setting on PS4 and got the best fidelity but when I switched to PC I found that surely I was getting better detail when using RAW on the PC. I even had different settings for volume, tone, and fx when going from console to PC to get what I felt was the same feeling in both.

Now the TS-PC... that's an amazing wheel in comparison to the T300 but it's comparison is irrelevant to this thread.
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