FH3 Demo Save?

  • Thread starter jayzzie
Sunshine Coast
Hey guys does anyone know if you can save progress in the FH3 demo??

I got up to the part where you go to the beach and choose your car. I did the first race after that, drove around for a bit to explore then switched if off. Came back on later and had to start from the very beginning.

Just wondering if I had to progress further to save or does it not save at all?
No save as far as I can see, I also got quite far then had to switch off. Looking on the positive side it is a great free demo/taster of what is to come and not many games these days do this (remember the old Magazine CD's!)

I replayed it all 4 times in all the different cars but didn't do the events and just drove round and explored took photos of the scenery and AI cars until ready to do the 3 lap race again. I think that is how they did the last few demos from what someone said and I remember from the XB360.

Oh well at least you get a good idea before you buy or if you have pre-ordered not long to go until all the cars are in your hands and it will save of course!..:sly:
OMG - the magazine CDs (and the Playstation Advisory Panel discs and swag that would randomly appear in the mail)! Yes, torque99, we have come a ways since then.

I wish there was a way to pick up where I left off before heading to work this morning, but the upshot is I still have something to look forward to. The demo is fun enough that I doubt I'll tire of replaying portions of it prior to picking up the Ultimate Edition in a week and al half.
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Thanks for the replies guys. It's a pity we can't save our progress but at least we get a good idea of the what the final game will be like. As an Aussie, I can say that they did a great job in making it feel like you're really in Australia.

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