- 85,993
- Rule 12
- GTP_Famine
This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:
Version Number:
Xbox One: 2.422.400.0
Xbox Series: 3.422.400.0
PC: 3.422.400.0
Steam: 1.422.400.0
Game Stability
Miscellaneous stability, memory, and performance fixes
A crash could occur when the game was installed at a path that was too long (Steam only). An error message will now appear instead.
Fixed a bug that could block progress on Horizon Stories, with later chapters not unlocking despite meeting their requirements
Fixed a crash that can occur when deleting a Rival Notification in the Message Center
Various fixes for server stability and bandwidth optimisation to improve the reliability of all online game modes
Players will no longer lose their Skill Chain when they disconnect from Horizon Life
Fixed an issue that would prevent friends from appearing in the Online Player list
Fixed the Online Player list displaying the incorrect car and player level for other players in the session
Fixed an issue where Horizon Arcade "Stay with the group" message could get stuck on screen after the event finishes
Fixed a bug that could cause the "Finding a Session" notification to persist on screen
Fixed an issue where the car names may not appear in the Online Player list
Fixed a bug that could cause the Horizon Tour matchmaking HUD to display when matchmaking for the Trial
Players will now be placed at the Horizon Tour sign up location after their tour is complete
Added an on-screen message when matchmaking into Horizon Open
Prevent invites via LINK while in the Horizon Open session, waiting for the next event to start
Fixed a bug that could cause Horizon LINK invites to exclude the event type
Players can no longer accept LINK invites to PR stunts they have not unlocked
LINK can now be used to join a Seasonal Championship
Fixed a bug that allowed more than 6 players to enter a co-op event via LINK
Players can now respond "Thanks <Gamertag>" after being sent "Good Luck" via LINK
Prevented the Horizon Adventure screen from appearing during Horizon Arcade events
Added audio cues to the Mini Mission HUD in Horizon Arcade
Updated Horizon Arcade messaging when quitting the session
Fixed a bug that could cause the Mini Mission HUD to stay on screen once the round was complete
The Pinata Streak Bonus in Horizon Arcade now scales with player count
Group Waypoint will now be cleared if set to a Horizon Arcade event that closes
Group Waypoints are now removed when the player is no longer part of a convoy
Fixed a bug that would prevent players from accessing the map in Eliminator
Fixed a visual glitch with the sky, that can occur in Eliminator during a season change
All players will now see all Horizon Outposts during Eliminator, regardless of whether they have unlocked them yet
In Eliminator, if a player disconnects after you challenge them you are now considered to have won the challenge, rather than lose it
Fixed inconsistency in Team names in the end of race leaderboard
Wheel Compatibility
Fixed missing rumble on Wheel input devices on PC
Fixed a bug that could cause the player to get stuck in Change Input Mapping settings after changing input for a Steering Wheel
Fixed a bug that could cause FFB to be lost on the Logitech G920 after suspending the title
Added wheel mapping for Hori Force Feedback Wheel
Addressed a bug that would prevent some handbrake peripherals from working consistently
Rebalanced some Car Mastery tables to remove exploit loops. This will refund player's Skill Points on any affected cars.
Fixed an exploit which allowed players to earn Skill Points whilst AFK
Fixed an exploit with Wheelspins
Improved the distance texture quality when running the Ultra quality setting on PC
Improved the foliage quality when running the Ultra quality setting on PC
Turning off screen effects now turns off chromatic aberration
Fixed chromatic aberration becoming too extreme with ultra-wide resolutions
The Limit Frame Rate option now works as expected
Fixed a bug that caused longer loading times on PC when the framerate was unlocked
Adjustments were made to the Target Hardware Profiler to better select the correct graphical preset
Fixed hole near wiper on Zenvo ST1
Fixed car reflectors clipping with rear bumper Toyota Arctic Cruiser
Fixed Toyota Celica where applying JSP Motorsport Sport Rear Wing flips vinyls upside down
Fixed Lamborghini Espada broken textures on wipers
Added missing ForzaVista pins on Jaguar XJ220S
Fixed Jaguar XJ13 cockpit cameras being too dark
Addressed cockpit camera being too dark for convertibles when the roof was down
Fixed rear brake position on Hoonigan Porsche 911 which was causing clipping issues
Fixed collision on Reliant Stabilisers
Fixed AO on the back of the Can-Am Maverick
Fixed Trial - Street Front Bumper being overly dark
Added new engine audio for the Pagani Zonda Cinque.
Fixed the 'Stay Frosty' and 'Shopping Spree' Accolade unlocks
Fixed Proof Positive, Canyon Statue and Statues beneath Blue Water in El Camino not unlocking for some players
Fixed the Horizon Arcade accolades which required you to complete a specific Arcade type, not unlocking when it was the third round of a Horizon Arcade
Fixed some Rival accolades unlocking without beating the Rival ghost
Fixed some Rival accolades not unlocking when racing a P2P event
The 'Jump to Reward' option in the Accolades menu will now take you to the accolade, rather than the category
Previously created routes can now be edited
Difficulty bonus payouts from EventLab now scales with the number of Drivatars in the event
Players can now add and edit checkpoints when using Route Creator at a Street Race location
Players can now search EventLab events by keyword
Editing a text string in EventLab (such as notification text) will no longer delete what is already there
Added a "2020s" car restriction option
Added Chinese car restriction option
The flask poster icon (indicating custom rules) will now appear correctly after publishing the event
Fixed up some assets that were missing collision
Tooltip added for the "Add Rule" pill
EventLab events can now be started via LINK
Additional EventLab creations will be surfaced at all activation points
Fixed a bug that caused surfaced EventLab events from being duplicated on the event select menu
Crowd will no longer disappear after quitting EventLab event creation
Festival Playlist
Fixed an issue where Seasonal Championships wouldn't complete if the player changed difficulty settings on the Pre-Race menu
Players can now match make into an Horizon Open event directly from the Horizon Open tile on the Festival Playlist
Prevented progress on the Festival Playlist Weekly Challenge being reset after the user experiences a server error
Fixed a bug that caused PR stunts to disappear after the weekly season change
'Weekly Challenges Completed' stat was fixed to show the number of completed challenges, rather than chapters
Seasonal Collectible challenge progress will now persist between boots of the game
Treasure chests and seasonal collectibles are no longer counted towards the Bonus Board collection stats
Players must now take part in a complete Horizon Arcade (complete 3 rounds or all 10 minutes) in order to complete the Festival Playlist challenge
The Weekly Challenge will no longer show incorrect progress towards its chapters when driving a car that does not meet its requirements
Added simplified Chinese Voice Over
Fixed a bug that would allow users to redeem multiple manufacturer rewards from the Car Collection screen
Some items in the Forzathon Shop will now only be purchasable a limited number of times
Livery Editor's default scaling option has been changed to 'non-uniform', in line with previous titles
Added "Mobil" decal to the Livery Editor
Head to Head challenges in Freeroam are now cancelled if the opposing player gets too far away before accepting the challenge
Fixed several instances of overlapping text in some languages on the Tuning screen
A new option has been added to the Video settings screen to open the HDR system calibration app (console only)
Voice over that plays when finishing a Super7 event is no longer cancelled when returning to the Super7 screen
Prevented users from being able to erroneously publish Super7 events with both props and traffic enabled
Fixed a bug that caused controller rumble and haptics to be lost after exiting during Horizon Open signup
Improved car shadowing when entering tunnels
Fixed a bug where players sometimes couldn't make progress on V10 Horizon Story if they earned 3 stars in a previous chapter.
Fixed some text overlapping on the Race Scoreboard in some languages
The game will now show an explanation popup when trying to select exclusive emotes or clothing, rather than a marketplace error
Players will no longer be announced as the winner after quitting and losing to the selected rival
Notifications showing the CR earned in an event will now show after all events, when returning to Freeroam
Fixed a bug that would remove car control from the player if they switched cars while changing the convertible roof state
Fixed a bug when rewinding on the finish line in Rivals, causing an impossibly fast lap time
Honestly, I find it super-odd that nobody else flagged it. Granted, it wasn't directly in the official site notes, but it was right there on the screen during the LG video, and anyone who plays the game... like, at all, would have noticed it right away.your the only one who has confirmed festival playlist changes about points recruited and helping non xbox live gold users out.