Forza Horizon - E3 Info

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United States
Information from : (Translated from german) originally from


Most important parts put in bold.

"Let's be honest, on Monday we will pursue all here but just because a game the Microsoft press conference at E3 2012: Forza Horizon. Much has been speculated about this title already and all we want, first solid information to do so.

In the latest issue of GamePro, already revealed details on which one may look forward to. In addition to the publication date (release date: 10/23/2012), we learn also that the Forza Motorsport Forza 4 Physics should be part of Horizon, which promises good performance. In addition to the driving physics have been reworked so that it also allows for fun off-road driving. With 65 different substrates to everything from mud, grass, gravel and asphalt to be there, and reduced damage model punished, then they're too harrsche driving.

The presentation of the open world is to be successful and dynamic day-night cycle and a festival in Colorado show that a huge party with car shows, sales and service outlets like. The area around the festival can free ride and comes with a landscape that includes parts of the real Colorado. Detailed vision along with great panoramic views are to be guaranteed and racing events, such as Mustang vs. Mustang sports car or airplane in combat against an appropriate scenario emerge."




VVV's Alan explaining the features and such in a video below.

I will update this thread when we get new info.
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Good thing I'm getting my tax refund later this year. Project CARS, Most Wanted and now Forza Horizon.

Mmm.. Finally more reasons to buy xbox360 xD
I hope it dont end up like tdu2 or something
Is it actually possible to make a driving game worse than TDU2?