Gaming not liked by all!

  • Thread starter ctdc67
United States
United States
I have noticed over the years that there is many people that have a problem with video games. Basically they think this hobby is a waste, lazy and “not real”…..(go do something) I do many other activities with my fee time, not that I need to. Some guys I know go mountain biking. I used to do all kinds of daredevil activities when I was younger and it was fun but at this point in my life getting injured is not up for chance(55yo). I pulled out my snowboard last month and went for some last ever runs and was surprised how dangerous it was. I didn’t think it was 25 years ago. I stopped riding motorcycles when I had kids and was perfectly happy just playing Ride and MotoGP. But people will look at this choice and frown on it.
I have noticed over the years that there is many people that have a problem with video games. Basically they think this hobby is a waste, lazy and “not real”…..(go do something)...I...was perfectly happy just playing Ride and MotoGP. But people will look at this choice and frown on it.
I've noticed the same mindless prejudice when it comes to video games, and don't really know where it comes from. There is the old chestnut that 'video games are for kids and you should grow up', which I understand, but oftentimes it seems to be based on ignorance of the target audience. Many people accept that within the same medium there can be things for all ages, like film for instance, but abandon that cognizance when it comes to video games. Maybe it's because they don't like it, and therefore believe others shouldn't like it too. People tend to do that with all different kinds of personal interests. Whatever the reason, the attidtue exists, and it can be quite annoying.
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It all depends on how you can and want to spend your spare time. There's literally hundreds of pastimes and hobbies to choose from. It's all mostly harmless, do whatever floats your boat. Somewhere out there, there's a birdwatching forum, quilting group, or beekeeping federation that thinks they could be doing something else as well or just enjoying what they do without a second guess. Hobbies tend to be an escapist pursuit or wish fulfillment, and how much time one spends away from necessary tasks at hand is a matter of opportunity cost that's a different value to each individual.

Video games, like any medium that appears on a screen, faces bits of prejudice because it makes good money into the economy, there's always something controversial (whether real or dreamt up), and everyone seems to have an opinion. There's extremes to likely any hobby and the mindless chatter tends to drift to the margins for attention, like any hot button issue.

Personally, I don't play video games anymore, but that hasn't ended my participation here.
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It’s funny how my parents always told me that video games were a waste of time. Now a days we have lots of people earning a good living from streaming a game that they got really good at. Even a few people that I used to race against in Forza Motorsport are now streamers, one in particular is doing very well for himself.