Genius idea for a PS3 game!

  • Thread starter paskowitz
United States
New York
This is a copy of a game concept I came up with on the US PS forums a while back. Tell me what ya think.

"I know this needs to be fleshed out and refined but it is just a rough draft of a concept. Also if you read the whole thing, thank you very much, I know it is a lot.

Here it goes:

You start off as the protagonist ("the good guy"). The player is put in a war torn setting (first person view) in the not too distant future (say 2020). The battle between you and your opponent is very close to an end and it has been fought for many years. The battle is over an alien relic that is found that powers are unknown. It just represents power. Your side thinks it will unify the world. The other side wants to destroy it. You share a lot in common and some off your friends have gone to the other side. Throughout the game you learn more about your opponent their motives, reasons, values, tactics and culture as well as a little about the alien relic. Along the way you will need to make different choices such as, sparing someone's life (maybe your friends), disobeying orders to save a family stuck in a building, killing high ranking officials, or just innocent people, etc. You make a name for yourself based on your choices. Both your friends and enemies are aware of your actions. You can be feared, respected, hated, loved, pitied or any number of emotions all based on how you play. You capture an enemy soldier and question him, interact with him, and talk with him. But he escapes. You shoot your way through the story uncovering more about the war and interacting with certain characters (all in FPV a la Half Life). Your decisions slightly change the outcome of the war and the ending. At the end you meet the soldier you captured. You fight over the alien device. It activates and the game ends... well sort of.

The clock ticks back to the beginning of the story. That enemy soldier you captured, now you get to play as him. (he has no memory of the time machine incident at first) All of this may sound very familiar but here is the twist. The decisions you made as the "good guy" are recorded into an AI character that now affects your story, decisions and gameplay. The decisions you made before, now determine what events happen when you play the "bad guy". You begin to realize the "good guys" are not that good. You see your friends killed or spared at the hands of the person you played. You can not change what he (you) did. At this stage you get even more details about the story, plot, and you begin to remember the time machine incident. You get captured and escape. You can use the knowledge of what happened to you (good guy) before to help you escape. You fight your way to the finale and you are put in the same position as before. This time you stop the incident (good guy from pressing the big red button) and you make him surrender by winning an epic battle. At this point you have to choose to spare or kill the person you played knowing what he (you) has done and what you have seen you do. (yeah I know confusing). Some crazy ending happens that is different based on your final choice. I have not thought of that yet. The end.

Yeah the whole alien idea is not very original I just needed something quick to explain/justify the whole play as the other side thing. I know this is similar to some games coming out but I think it is just different enough to be considered original. The main aspect is the play as one side and make decisions, then play as the other side and see your previous decisions affect you play through as the other side. The great thing is the idea is easily adaptable. You could fit any story around the concept: humans, aliens, no humans, no aliens, WWII, fantasy, etc etc. I kind of think that the first play through should be kind of... ok here is this game with some moral choices and a protagonist and some action sequences (it is good but we have seen it before). But the second part should be this huge shock to the player. Imagine playing through the second persons campaign and watch your brother get killed at the hands of the person you played before. It would kinda make you feel like an ass hole. Or you get a missions to help people escape a building because in the first campaign you blew that building up. These types of things would be heavily interlaced to the way the story plays out and eventually leads up to the finale. I can image this would be a pretty hard game to make but I think the effort it would take would be worth the reward. The game could have the Cloverfield type of mystery only the final product would be better."

So kinda like Half Life + Heavy Rain + inFamous
paskowitz, first off your post needed to be broken up into about 5 more paragraphs. I wasn't going to read it at first because of the walls of text, but I decided to go ahead and do it anyway to give your idea a shot.

I think this would make an interesting game, especially the twist where you basically restart the game as the enemy, or the other side.

Only problem here is all I see here is story, which makes me think this is more of a book then a game, I don't see enough info on gameplay, (sandbox or levels?) etc etc.

Could you elaborate on the gameplay?
The only thing that could possibly improve this idea is if you come up with some elaborate development timetable that means it takes eons to come out.
Yeah this is just a concept. Things like story, gameplay, etc still need to be added. I would envision it being a directed sandbox. Kinda like in GTA how different areas are only unlocked after a completing a specified amount of the game/story. I would be a shooter but it would also have stealth elements, platforming, puzzles, and an long story arc like say Oblivion. I would want the game to take at least 30hrs to beat. I would really like to keep it all in FPV. So when you are holder your dead brother or friend that you killed you really feel like you are part of the emotion. IDK the thing is this could work with any number of scenarios. It may be complicated but it is flexible.