Getting last few trophies on PS4 or doing most again on PS5?

Jewel Runner

United States
United States
Got a PS5 and upgraded to the PS5 verison. Most of the trophies have to be achieved again. I'm on the last few on the PS4 version, just waiting on the 3 legendary car one and the 2 sport mode ones.

Would I be better downloading the PS4 verison again and buying the Ford currently in the legend dealership and doing the sport mode ones there? Or just sticking to the PS5 version and redoing the trophies?

I golded all licences and track experience ages ago so will that make redoing trophies on the PS5 easier?

I'm siding with sticking with the PS5 verison as I hate all the downloading and transferring saves stuff which I'm not too sure about.
difficult one, but is there no way to transfer things between 4 and 5? what actualy works?

If there isn't i would say start over on PS5, alot easier because you know you tracks and cars, and the physic update made it also a bit easier
I don't know about the trophies, but you don't need to be afraid about transferring saves around. All saved online on GT's servers.
Isn't there a chance I could overwrite my current PS5 save with the PS4 save? Also it's 100gb+ each time I download the PS4 GT7 and I'm running out of disk space already with only 4 or so games on there so I have to delete it each time to make room for games I want to play.
difficult one, but is there no way to transfer things between 4 and 5? what actualy works?

If there isn't i would say start over on PS5, alot easier because you know you tracks and cars, and the physic update made it also a bit easier
In think like timekiller said above. I just need to read up how to do it properly I guess. Or just stick to PS5 like you say. Not like I have to do everything again. The track experience and license tests were a nightmare with the old physics. Why are early buyers punished so much 😂
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You don't have separate savegames per console. You have one save in GT7 that is stored on Polyphony's servers that is loaded up on each console. You don't need to do anything, it will be there when you load the game up.

But as I said before, I don't know about the trophies in this case.
You don't have separate savegames per console. You have one save in GT7 that is stored on Polyphony's servers that is loaded up on each console. You don't need to do anything, it will be there when you load the game up.

But as I said before, I don't know about the trophies in this case.
I've decided to stick to the PS5 verison. Bought the Ford and will wait for the Jag and Ferrari to appear again. In the meantime I'll just take my toke getting the other trophies again and/or wait until PD get them synchronised like they said they would.
I don't know about the trophies, but you don't need to be afraid about transferring saves around. All saved online on GT's servers.
Its not the actual game progress save.....its the trophies specifically. I posted about this in another thread previously. I have a PS5 in one of my homes and a PS4 in the other. The actual game progress I make on one console gets saved and uploaded to PS+ and is reflected on the other console (races completed, cars owned, credits won etc etc).....but trophies DO NOT carry over between them. It sees it a 2 different games.

Gran Turismo 7 (PS5 version)
Gran Turismo 7 (PS4 version)
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Well my decision will be to start with the ps4 version, then when my ps4 dies, I will buy a ps5 (digital version), and download the ps5 version of gt7. PD should have everyone's account information and their progress saved online! You can also use flash drives to transfer data.
How am I supposed to get the trophy "Living Your Car Life, Started the first menu" when I've already completed them all on PS4?

Edit: Never mind. Just read another thread explaining it's impossible untill PD fix it. Hopefully this next update will.
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