Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
2023/4 GTWS Exhibition Season 2 – Nations’ Cup R4 – Lake Louise (Short Circuit)

GT2 League – Mixed A & B DR Lobby – 146pts to winner

It’s Where? And it’s in which car? Blimey…

In retrospect, I suppose I should have seen Lake Louise coming – it was widely supposed that the Mystery Round last season ended up being the rather insipid Daytona+Gr3 combo because something else had been planned but had to be ditched. At the time, everyone thought that the new ice track was the original venue but it got dropped because of wall-riding concerns. In the meantime of course, the latest update brought us a new car that was ideally suited to loose-surface racing for all abilities so it was only natural that the two should be brought together. It was also a novelty to race something that’s got less than two-thirds of the power of my economical commuting car IRL.

The delaying of any details until Thursday morning meant that I had chance to try to clear the decks of real-life shenanigans earlier in the week, for as much preparation time as possible. Note “try to” – reality was that I didn’t get near the PS until Friday lunchtime. OK, where to start? Better go for Free Practice first to see if I’m competent enough to even bother – The TT at this venue is the only one in the last year that I couldn’t even get silver at, in fact I wasn’t even remotely close to it (like about 4s off). I also struggled at Daily Race A as well when it was on the ice, so if I slide around like Bambi then I won’t bother buying the car even though it costs less than a set of RS tyres.

Hey, this isn’t bad – a few laps tootling around after watching a replay of a top time (no ghost) got me a mid-1:18 and just outside the world top 1000 – I normally can’t even do that when there is a Gr4 round in Manufacturers’ (and therefore the GT1 players aren’t counted in the list). OK, now try with a ghost – instantly knock 1 second off my time on the very first tour and within a few minutes I can do an entire race length in laps of 1:17s or less with a best of 1:16.8 which put me on the second page of the worldwide FP standings in 194th – nosebleed time, I’ve never been so high up!

Strategy? Nope. Tyre wear and fuel usage won’t even be on in the race so just go for it. Grab a car from the dealer and off to the lobbies for some races. I can safely say I’ve never enjoyed lobby racing this much – I’m able to battle with – and beat – A and A+ drivers in these races, just what is going on? Still cynical about tomorrow though, perhaps only a few people are practising, and I’ll still get swamped come race day.

Wake up on Saturday and read the reports coming through from A-O. Looks like the Custom Slipstream is actually “ridiculously high” – I know these things are shaped like bricks but slipstream giving a 10mph boost at the end of the straight? Blimey. Looks like it will be hard to escape from the pack, even if I do get out front.

As usual for Saturdays, I couldn’t get on at the beginning of the day, my efforts started in the 3rd EMEA slot.

Run 1 – EMEA Slot 3 – Mixed A & B DR lobby – GT2 – 150pts to Winner

Well this is something new, first time I’ve ever been mixed in with A drivers in GTWS (it has happened in dailies before). Is this because I’m reaching the top of B, or because turnout is low today? Probably a mixture of the two. Wait in the pit lane for the crowd to disperse and set off, but even with the gap I’ve given myself I find myself powering through the field on my last 2 flying laps, which can’t be good for my time. Perhaps having to go tight in the last turn helped actually, as I emerge with 1:16.7 and – shock horror – pole position! This is the first time I’ve ever stuck it on Q1 in GTWS and only the 3rd time ever – the other 2 were converted into wins though, so that bodes well.

So to the race, and my all-over Kinetic Yellow – I chose the hue to honour a colleague who not only bought one of these things new but bought it in that very colour – car sits at the head of the super-tight rallycross grid wearing the #13. Unlucky? We would see.

A good run to T1 means I can take the line through the banked section, I hook 4th at the right moment while those behind me hit each other and the wall. Heading towards the first apex of the back stretch I already have 1.7s over the field. Right, I know I can put together a string of fast laps, surely if I keep my head I can drive into the sunset while they squabble, right? Er, no Norbs, you’ve forgotten about the SUPER EXTRA STRENGTH XXXX ADULTS ONLY PARENTAL ADVISORY slipstream and the field are back on me by T1 on lap 3 even though my second lap was a low 1:17. I eventually become part of a group of 5 out front, the other 4 are all French, which isn’t fair – I mean they’ve got Alps and everything and I haven’t. I’m gradually learning the alternative ways I have to approach T1 and the final turn when going at slipstream speed, and we all approach the first corner together on lap 6, I lift and turn early and get a perfect corner – or at least I would have if the other 4 hadn’t hit the wall together and one of them stopped right in front of me, obviously I then clobber into them, getting me a 1s penalty but even worse robbing me of any momentum for the best part of a lap. By the time I serve the pen I’m back in P9 and, although by the beginning of lap 10 I am back in P5 the lead group are now way up the road and, worse yet, I have a small group behind me who then proceed to mug me on the last turn and I cross the line P8 (106pts). Very disappointing from pole – but then with this slipstream I’m not sure pole is any advantage really – and I didn’t even improve my previous scores – my lowest counting round is 107. That however means nothing to lose by going again, and the one smidgen of positive news was the marginal “DR up” so I should be in a high points lobby again.

Run 2 – EMEA Slot 4 – Mixed A & B DR lobby – GT2 – 146pts to Winner

A slight drop in points but still very high by my standards, and I’m #7 now so I’ve gone up in the world. A few more of my compatriots in this race – including this thread’s very own @MetalApe – and I also notice that 2 of the UK top 3 GT2 drivers are in, one of whom is sporting a very – ahem – striking OnlyFans livery, meaning that although I did record this run I wouldn’t be able to share video or stills as it would make the page NSFW! A cleaner run in qualifying, I only had to pass one car and they let me by on the out lap, but I wasn’t quite as with-it this time as a 1:17.2 put me P4.

I must have missed the memo saying “before this race, would all drivers please map their horn to a convenient button” since we started the race to a cacophony of hooters that rivalled a Torinese traffic jam. I get a reasonable run to T1, gaining on the cars ahead as cars behind me gain on me in turn, and am clean through most of the turn, but as I exit a car doing the inside-to-outside line clobbers back into me, I touch the wall and don’t lose too much momentum but am back battling for 6th or so down the back stretch. Gaining a couple of places through the last turn and up the main straight means I arrive on L2 T1 in 2nd, and 3 of us hit the snow bank exactly the same but I get 1.5s penalty while the others get nowt (curses like Muttley). I am actually battling for the lead as we cross the penalty line, however that crucial loss of momentum puts me back in P6 by the time I exit T1 on lap 3. By now the top 3 cars are in a group with 4,5 and 6 (me) in another group. I get into 5th and P4 and I work together for a couple of laps while P6 slips back. P4 then leaves me and chases the top 3 and it looks like a lonely run to the flag, still P5 will give me the points I need to potentially challenge for the county title so I’m happy. Meanwhile one of the top 3 is dropping back from the other 2, my former drafting buddy in P4 catches them and instead of working together they tussle it out, that brings them back into my slipstream range and I catch them on the final turn of Lap 9, I draft past them both entering the final tour and nail T1 – just the right lift, just the right time to turn, just the right time to change down – and gain 0.5s in that one corner, just enough to ensure they can catch but not pass down the back stretch, and I finally find the Lesser-spotted apex of the final turn to ensure I have the place as we enter the main straight for the final time. Surely they can draft me now, though? Nope – as luck would have it, the top 2 have been battling so much they are now only 0.7s ahead so I line up behind the car in P2 – as it happens, the OnlyFans car – and nail the loud pedal – er, trigger – for the run to the line. As I gain speed though, the unexpected happens – the driver of the OnlyFans car decides to pull themselves off the track just before the line – and I lose the slip but gain a place, and I just beat P3 to the line – that P2 gives me a relatively whopping 138 points (my previous record is 121!) I also got the CRB despite the wall penalty and a bit of bump-drafting in the middle section of the race. That DR bar now looks pretty much full, as well…

That points haul helped me to the county title – in reality, 112pts would have done it as the previous leader didn’t race this round. In fact looking at the league tables quite a few people didn’t run – I wonder if that was due to the track choice (“not bloody racing on ice”), the car choice (“not bloody racing that, it’s got less power than a Kenwood Chef”) or the fact that the combo was announced very late in the week. It’ll be a pity if the low turnout dissuades PD from running more races with low-powered cars or loose surfaces in Nations’ Cup in the future, and I’m not just saying that because I did well in this round – I feel that Nations’ should reward all-round, adaptable skill, not just the ability to drive a very fast car very fast on a well-known circuit.

So, hopefully, to the next season – I hope we’ve got enough time for a couple more Exhibition seasons before the real thing starts in the spring. There’s a few things I liked this time and a few things I didn’t – but that’s for another post. Thanks to all who I’ve raced with and against, to those who’ve given tips and reported on the A-O races early doors, and finally to everyone who’s read through this lot!
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2023/4 GTWS Exhibition Season 2 – Season Review

A good season for me, I’ve come along a fair bit in DR – moving from ~120pt races to ~140 points – and I managed to cart off county titles in GT2 in both Manu’s and Nations. I even managed to get UK top 20 in GT2 in Nations – I just missed out in Manu’s (taking all marques into account).

So, what was good and what was bad this time round?

I liked the return to running all of one series first then running all of the other, rather than the alternating round system last time – but that’s purely a logistical matter with me, my schedule meant that last time I could do all of Nations’ while missing the vast majority of Manu’s – and with the latter being my favourite I was a bit gutted. This time I could do most of both – enough to get a full score in each championship – so that was much better.

Similarly the return of the 2-races-per-week schedule helped me as I am pretty much always able to race on Wednesdays, it’s Saturdays I struggle a bit more with – my two missed rounds (Bathurst for MC Rd3 and Interlagos for NC Rd3) were both on Saturdays. So I support a Saturday-Wednesday schedule, even though it can feel a bit like cabin fever towards the end of the season as I jumped straight from racing one round to practising the next – the break between MC Rd4 and NC Rd1 was exactly the time it takes to make and consume a mug of tea! Again, this is purely a personal logistics thing and others may find midweek racing a lot more difficult.

One slight negative is that, although I can do Wednesday daytime fine, I struggle to race in the evenings, so despite having an account in A I gave up on the chance to race GT1 as I simply couldn’t race enough rounds to count. I’d like GT1 to have a few daytime slots so I can have a go!

What of the races themselves? I thought that Manu’s was very good in choices of tracks and which group to race at each track (this is from a GT2 point of view, so Gr4 was brought into play at Watkins’ Glen and Dragons Trail Gardens). Having given GT2 the same race length and rules as GT1 (except damage) at N24 I was disappointed to find shortened races and less variables in most of the rest of the season. Bring back longer races to GT2, with a bit more strategy, or perhaps the GTWS Endurance series of one 1-hour-long race per month as suggested earlier in the thread – that would be fantastic.

Nations’ I struggled a little more with, as I always seem to – being old, slow and on a controller means that the fast cars and unfamiliar car choices catch me out a little, but that doesn’t mean Nations’ is bad, just that I’m not as good at it. I lucked into decent positions at Spa and Fuji due to crashes holding up others – first turn in Japan, last turn in Belgium – and then found a track/car combo that suited me down to the ground in the Mystery round, and managed to make hay after a poor first run. As I wrote in my Nations’ Rd4 report, there should be a place for low-powered cars, loose surfaces or both in Nations’ cup, and it will be a shame if PD see poor turnout and drop the concept for more races in meta cars on meta tracks.

It also seems to me that I do better in slow cars on flowing tracks, so my proposal for next Nations’ Cup is:

1) Standard Minis at Goodwood
2) Standard Fiat 500s at Monza (no T1 chicane)
3) Standard Jimnys at Fishermans Creek
4) Standard ’66 Beetles at the Nordschleife

That should just about do it 😊😊

It was also good that there weren’t any races with a selection of cars in secret tunes that no-one could replicate, so every race could be prepared for in lobby races – probably my favourite bit of GTWS is the lobby racing the day before!

The Races, ranked in order of preference…

1) Manufacturers’ Round 1 – Gr3 at N24 (P2, 118pts)

Superb. Simply the best online race I’ve ever been in from a race design and driving point of view. The drying of the track both in quali and the race, the darkness falling, the tightness of the field on a wet narrow twisty track – all were spot-on and made it feel like much more of an enduro than the 45-minute race length suggested. In my opinion GTWS is the best bit of GT7, Manufacturers’ Cup is the best bit of GTWS, and when it is as well done as this it shows what a good platform GT7 can be. Only slight criticism is that the scripted weather made it common knowledge when to pit early on in the day and from then on a train of 16 cars arriving in pit lane at the end of L2 was a certainty, but I suppose when a championship has to be organised with multiple slots on each day the organisers have a responsibility to ensure as level a playing field as they can, so not sure what could be done about that really. This wasn’t even my best race – in fact it was the score I dropped from MC – but I liked it that much I still put it top.

2) Nations’ Round 4 – Jimny at Lake Louise Short (P2, 138pts)

Yes, OK, this is high up mainly because I was relatively good at it – if I’d sucked it wouldn’t be this high. In all seriousness it proved there was a place for slow cars and loose surfaces in Nations’ Cup, and even without the result it was the most enjoyable Nations’ race of the season for me. Only downside was the slipstream strength – yes, you need some as with cars this slow if you lose momentum even once you’d never have a chance to catch back up otherwise – but this was too much, meaning that only a sucker would be in P1 at the beginning of the last lap. Even so, more of this kind of thing (by which I mean modestly powered cars and unusual tracks) in Nations’ Cup, please.

3) Manufacturers’ Round 2 – Gr4 at Watkins’ Glen Long (P2, 121pts)

I love Group 4 and I love The Glen, so this was a shoo-in for a high place. Qualifying OK and fighting my way up to the lead also helped, even though I got passed again before the flag. Driving standards were good and there was a real feeling of having to be on top of your driving at all times to make progress which I like. Only complaint is that it should have been twice as long with tyre and fuel strategy in play – yes there should be a place for sprint racing in Manufacturers’ Cup, but both this and the Gr4 race at DTG were sprints so for one of them to be a strategy race would have been better. Talking of which…

4) Manufacturers’ Round 4 – Gr4 at Dragons’ Trail (Gardens) (P4, 119pts)

Another Gr4 Sprint race, the only reason this is below The Glen is that I was more familiar with the New York track. Another “qualify reasonably well and make a place or so up” performance meant that I finished the Manufacturers’ Cup on quite a good note.

5) Nations’ Round 1 – X2019 at Spa (P5, 114pts)

I like Spa, even though I’m not the best at it, and I can get the X2019 from the start line back round to the start line again after a fashion, so as a round it wasn’t too bad, if more than a little meta – pity I performed poorly (a 2-car crash late in the last lap promoted me into a half-respectable points score). I liked the use of 2 compulsory tyre compounds to add strategy, I didn’t like having to quit my first run after a bug left me trying to drive the car from trackside view (thus wrecking my DR and SR and requiring multiple runs to rebuild)

6) Nations’ Round 2 – Mazda3 Gr4 at Fuji (P5, 107pts)

I don’t do that many dailies so I haven’t driven the Mazda3 that much – and I can see why, it’s ‘orrible – monster front tyre wear and no ability to accelerate unless you are in a straight line. Last time I drove an FF car in Nations’ I’m sure it wasn’t this bad. Add the endless apex-hunt that is Fuji’s last section to this and you have a race that I was happy to escape from as soon as I had a halfway-acceptable points haul. Saving graces were the standing start (which I always prefer, and the resulting T1 chaos promoted me 4 places) and the element of strategy – change tyres or not? – but overall a race I was happy to be one-and-done at.
In retrospect, I suppose I should have seen Lake Louise coming – it was widely supposed that the Mystery Round last season ended up being the rather insipid Daytona+Gr3 combo because something else had been planned but had to be ditched. At the time, everyone thought that the new ice track was the original venue but it got dropped because of wall-riding concerns.
I've been wondering about this, and my theory is that what happened with the first Grand Valley round when that track got added, where they had it as a mystery round and then had to replace it due to the pitlane at the track glitching, might have disincentivised them from making new tracks be the mystery rounds again until they're sure everything's good at the track.
I preferred it when they did both series together, so Weds was Manu and then Sat was Nations, and then flipped it halfway through.
agree! and do hope the next series is a bit longer, like 8 to 10 races minimum.
Most importantly; have both GR.3 and Gr.4 again in the GT1, after all it is the manufacturers series, not the GT 3 series!
Now everybody will pick only the gr. 3 meta's as they don't have to take the GR 4 races into concideration, soon you will have a championship with only the few most popular cars...
I honestly don't mind one way or the other, but all I ask is do them on Saturdays only!
I personally prefer racing on Saturday, too. But there's no day of the week that is going to satisfy everyone.

I think it would be interesting if PD sprinkled the race slots throughout the week instead of having them all on one day. Different days. Different times. It would improve the odds that everybody who wants to race can find a slot that works for them, and might also introduce another aspect of strategy to the race. Do you race on a weekday when there fewer drivers racing? Or do you wait until the weekend when the pool is bigger? I'm sure it will never happen, though. Just a thought.

Most importantly; have both GR.3 and Gr.4 again in the GT1, after all it is the manufacturers series, not the GT 3 series!
Now everybody will pick only the gr. 3 meta's as they don't have to take the GR 4 races into concideration, soon you will have a championship with only the few most popular cars...
Speaking of Gr.4 cars, I've more-or-less completed my latest round of tests, which compares fuel-saving strategies across the entire category. I'm just waiting for the Alfa 155 to show up in the legendary dealership so that I can provide a complete report. I'll post a message here when the results are available.
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I personally prefer racing on Saturday, too. But there's no day of the week that is going to satisfy everyone.

I think it would be interesting if PD sprinkled the race slots throughout the week instead of having them all on one day. Different days. Different times. It would improve the odds that everybody who wants to race can find a slot that works for them, and might also introduce another aspect of strategy to the race. Do you race on a weekday when there fewer drivers racing? Or do you wait until the weekend when the pool is bigger? I'm sure it will never happen, though. Just a thought.
Another great idea that will get lost in the black hole that are GT7 community suggestions.

One race per calendar week, multiple days open to try, multiple times slots per day, same rules apply in only your last race counts regardless which day you race.
Another great idea that will get lost in the black hole that are GT7 community suggestions.

One race per calendar week, multiple days open to try, multiple times slots per day, same rules apply in only your last race counts regardless which day you race.
I could certainly go for something like this. At least two days available for the same race. My problem with Saturday only - despite being off work, I end up struggling to find the time to do a race. I sat out last Manu/Nations because I only was available to do 3 out of the 8 races. Part of that was due to work travel and personal time off, but having weekday and weekend opportunity to race would’ve allowed for more participation.
Another great idea that will get lost in the black hole that are GT7 community suggestions.

One race per calendar week, multiple days open to try, multiple times slots per day, same rules apply in only your last race counts regardless which day you race.
That doesn't work IMO... The player base would be too spread out and every race would award very few points.
That doesn't work IMO... The player base would be too spread out and every race would award very few points.
Then race again at a different time slot? Regardless if we look at that holistically, if every race is worth less points then it all evens out so it's a moot point.

I mean, points are cool and all but for 99% of us they're otherwise worthless. Only the top 1% will need higher points for qualifying for the WS. The rest of us... higher point paying races (assuming that's even true) is the lesser of evils vs the ability to even participate.

Meaning, I'd prefer to have the opportunity to partake in the race and get less points than not partake at all.

As I've suggested before, we need a GTX category for those with 75k DR+. They're the ones who are competing for a WS seat and they're the ones who will make time to race on a give day/time. The rest of us, the points are pointless (so to speak) other than bragging rights that are quickly forgotten once the season is over, so give us more time slots because we are casuals who play the game in-between life activities.
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Then race again at a different time slot? Regardless if we look at that holistically, if every race is worth less points then it all evens out so it's a moot point.

I mean, points are cool and all but for 99% of us they're otherwise worthless. Only the top 1% will need higher points for qualifying for the WS. The rest of us... higher point paying races (assuming that's even true) is the lesser of evils vs the ability to even participate.
While I agree with the point that we need more time slots and the additional bracket is great idea (nobody is going to make WS from bottom half of the A+ anyways), I think there is more consideration to that.

There can not be too many time slots in my opinion - one of the advantages of GTWS races is that you are getting very fair matchmaking near your level, that you almost never get in the daily races for example. There being limited amount of slots makes sure there is a lot of players playing at the same time, meaning the matchmaking algorithm has a better chance of finding you a evenly skilled lobby to race in.

Above point is also applicable to assigning the fair amount of points for the lobby you race in, but as you pointed out points are of quite low importance for most of the playerbase.

That being said, I would imagine that something along the lines of 3 slots for GTX and 6-7 slots for GT1 could work to balance it out (it would be useful to know the distribution of players at each rank to know exactly what amount makes sense but as far as I know no such info is available publicly).

EDIT: Forgot to mention - it is not that much about races being worth less points, but rather the fact that you should have a chance of getting a good score regardless of when you had time to race on that day. I could imagine that certain time slots would be much easier to get more points on than others if there were too many of them.
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Totally agree with additional bracket. Maybe even make it optional for players above a certain DR points threshold. That way very good but not overly ambitious players could still enjoy their well deserved GT1 races.

The additional bracket (I like the proposed GTX) might even have a different method of deciding the top standings. If it were a really small player pool of maybe only about the top 100 players that have a realistic shot to make the live events then one could even think about predetermined scheduled lineups where each driver faces all the others at least once or something like that.
So everyone's in the same boat pointswise?
Yes... But then it breaks the people who do have a shot at GTWS.

Considering the tournament is open for everyone, and "equal chances" to get there, then when high ranked players enters races at random times, the best ones might be left behind by a bad luck, low point race...

But they probably would settle on a time slot to play together because they all know each other anyway lol
Yes... But then it breaks the people who do have a shot at GTWS.

Considering the tournament is open for everyone, and "equal chances" to get there, then when high ranked players enters races at random times, the best ones might be left behind by a bad luck, low point race...

But they probably would settle on a time slot to play together because they all know each other anyway lol
C'est la vie...
Then race again at a different time slot? Regardless if we look at that holistically, if every race is worth less points then it all evens out so it's a moot point.

I mean, points are cool and all but for 99% of us they're otherwise worthless. Only the top 1% will need higher points for qualifying for the WS. The rest of us... higher point paying races (assuming that's even true) is the lesser of evils vs the ability to even participate.

Meaning, I'd prefer to have the opportunity to partake in the race and get less points than not partake at all.

As I've suggested before, we need a GTX category for those with 75k DR+. They're the ones who are competing for a WS seat and they're the ones who will make time to race on a give day/time. The rest of us, the points are pointless (so to speak) other than bragging rights that are quickly forgotten once the season is over, so give us more time slots because we are casuals who play the game in-between life activities.
You’re overlooking one very significant issue for a “GTX” league. In Oceania Nations it would have less than 10 players who qualify. My DR hovers around 60k and I am ALWAYS in top split and rarely lower than door 12. Not much fun for the cream of the crop to be racing against 4 other drivers.
You’re overlooking one very significant issue for a “GTX” league. In Oceania Nations it would have less than 10 players who qualify. My DR hovers around 60k and I am ALWAYS in top split and rarely lower than door 12. Not much fun for the cream of the crop to be racing against 4 other drivers.
Ok, that's fair. I just pulled that DR number out of my... ugh.... thin air. I am sure PD have the statistics they'd need to make a proper cutoff or something. Even if it was fluid and changed from time to time, graphing out the amount of users, average DR, and a certain percentage of that (say, top 90%, where ever that DR cutoff ends up being). It was just an idea to get more time slots/availability for the 98.43345456345% of us in GT1 that won't be qualifying for the WS anyway.

They could do something where it doesn't matter what your DR is, you could select before the event whether or not you're legitimately trying to qualify or just participating for the fun of it. So long as you meet all the other requirements (18+, available to travel to where ever it is, able to take the time off work, etc.) then they'd all race against each other in the limited slots and the rest of us would get more time slots.

I dunno, just throwing out ideas that'll never happen so moot points.
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… They could do something where it doesn't matter what your DR is, you could select before the event whether or not you're legitimately trying to qualify. So long as you meet all the other requirements (18+, available to travel to where ever it is, able to take the time off work, etc.) then they'd all race against each other in the limited slots and the rest of us would get more time slots. …
This is really good. Maybe still make it A+ only to deter jokers but other than that I guess the pool of maybe 200-500 people in the world having realistic chances at a WS berth will know who they are. These are the type of people that mostly practice insane amounts anyhow and would therefore be more easily able to comply with an even stricter schedule in GTX.

There are numerous types of established tournament structures from all types of sports that manage to have somewhat even circumstances in attempting to put as many opponents against each other the same number of times while not being able to have a full round robin.

They could even ditch the established points system based on DR for this special league and simply award points or something similar because everyone is already on a somewhat level playing field.

This could push it to such a high level that there might even be potential for some kind of official coverage of the races. I'm sure if there were a way to spectate races that some streamer would be able to turn into a great broadcast or highlight reel.

Soccer fans are highly ecstatic about their team's world cup qualifying matches. Don't see why super close races like these wouldn't be exciting for a decent amount of people. Even if it's not the real WS yet.
Back in GT Sport early days we would have 5 slots, and the middle slot would have a 1.2x points multiplier. It's dubbed "Top 16 Superstars" and all the top guys are guaranteed to appear there. They even recorded the races and put them on youtube with full commentary like any finals race.

That would easily solve the points issue if we end up increasing the number of entry slots to cater to more people.

Personally, I like the fact that Nations/Manu races do not have a lot of slots for retries. As people have said, it helps keep player spread down and makes sure you get better matched races compared to dailys. Also it makes the races feel special because you cannot just enter at any time. It's something you build up and look forward to after a week. It's an event rather than just another throwaway race. It separates those who can withstand the pressure and perform, instead of just retrying multiple times until they luck into a good result. I think the current 3 slots if plenty, but the time could be adjusted better (e.g. Manu for Oceania is too late at 9pm/11pm/1am as it caters more towards Asian players).

For those who cannot make it, PD could add a Daily Race D the week after with the same settings so they can try the race (but without the points obviously). Although looking at this week's daily C it seems like PD is experimenting with longer race formats already. But with longer races we also get more players quitting halfway, so it's probably better to keep C the usual length and add a longer D race. It won't be any extra work for them because it's literally just copy pasting settings.

As for the upcoming season, I'd like to see a new time based format to spice things up. 60 minutes instead of 30 laps for example. With added random weather, you have to calculate tyre and fuel consumption on the fly. No more practicing every race scenario to find the optimal strategy. Of course you can still do tests to see how long each tyre compound and fuel last, but in the race you will need to adapt and be flexible to the changing conditions. Do you take more fuel in your final stop and play it safe? Or do you save a few seconds and risk not having enough to do the final lap if the leader crosses the S/F line with a few seconds on the clock? Marginal decision like these would help add a new dynamic to the races and keep it from getting stale.

As for Gr.4, until they fixed the Mazda3 BOP I'd rather not see it in GT1. It's a shame because I love driving Gr.4 more than Gr.3, but it's basically two class racing at the moment.
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@JDMKING13 agreed, it taps in to some of what I like about these series and is much better than standard daily fare for me. It feels more significant, realistic, and more event-like. I’d rather grind out one 20 lap daily C than 3 daily B for the same time commitment unless I really don’t like the combo or I’m just too busy any given week.

I probably should find an endurance league TBH. Still, I’m ready to go for another season with the Merc 👍
@JDMKING13 agreed, it taps in to some of what I like about these series and is much better than standard daily fare for me. It feels more significant, realistic, and more event-like. I’d rather grind out one 20 lap daily C than 3 daily B for the same time commitment unless I really don’t like the combo or I’m just too busy any given week.

I probably should find an endurance league TBH. Still, I’m ready to go for another season with the Merc 👍
Bro I’m in a couple leagues and for me it really shows how good GT7 can be! The racing is unbelievable and you learn so much from other people!
@JDMKING13 agreed, it taps in to some of what I like about these series and is much better than standard daily fare for me. It feels more significant, realistic, and more event-like. I’d rather grind out one 20 lap daily C than 3 daily B for the same time commitment unless I really don’t like the combo or I’m just too busy any given week.

I probably should find an endurance league TBH. Still, I’m ready to go for another season with the Merc 👍
I find it somewhat interesting that PD hasn’t acknowledged the demand for online races that are at a minimum hour+ in length, and made a separate endurance series. One round a month. Set the length, set the multipliers, set weather to random, Gr.1-4 cars where you have to pick a manufacturer for group 3&4, and pick your group 1 and 2 car that you’d use for the entire season.

They wouldn’t even need to put too much thought into the multipliers, the random weather would dictate the strategy all by itself.
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