• Thread starter pmallard
Here’s the lineup for Wednesday Night Invitational Geezer Club Racing

RACE 1)@ Spa 24h layout
5 Laps
700PP Race cars
RH tires
Tire wear x 5 / Fuel usage x 5

RACE 2)@ Dragon Trail Seaside
6 Laps
700PP Road Cars
RH Tires
Tire wear x 5 / Fuel usage x 5

RACE 3)@ Nordschleife
2 Laps
600PP Road Cars
Any sport tire
Tire wear x 5
Engine swap permitted
Nitrous permitted

* Grid order slowest 1st
*Rolling start
*Must be in chat to race
* Aggressive drivers could be kicked
*Geezers only , unless host sends invitation to you

These changes are not set in stone ,I’m always open for suggestions


See everybody Wednesday night🍺
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Inverted start, eh? Guaranteed tight pack.. High probability of contact..
As 1 of the, if not THE slowest and (ahem, cough cough) most unrefined driver in our group I pledge and promise to be on my best behavior. I now you're back there and I'll know if you're faster than me I will never intentionally hold you up. I'll hold my line and give you room to pass. If that's not happening quick enough for you, a little tap with your chrome horn should get me to move quicker. Hopefully not too hard of a tap to send me quickly into the wall! Lolol!
I'm looking forward to running with you guys, albeit for a short time, learning everything I can. Not just the fast lines, but proper braking and basic car control in a pack. With that in mind it should be fun.
Btw, I am not adverse to wearing a yellow rookie stripe on my rear bumper if that would be helpful and there's a fair way to determine who (else) would wear it.
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That really pisses me off to work half a day getting cars ready THAT FIT THE RULES AS STATED and be told I've got the wrong car - twice, and be talked to like a fool that doesn't know WTF I'm talking about. That clickey kind of b.s. is all the invitation I need to leave the group, right quick. Idk how the dog-damned race was put together. I had cars available I didn't expect and some missing I was looking forward to racing tonite. 267 regulation compliant cars, of all PP's, which turns out to be alot different than the stated rules of 700pp Road Cars I had available. Don't talk to me like I'm stoopid. I can read. AND follow direction; clairvoyant I am not. Rant over. Hope you gentlemen enjoy(ed) tonites races. 1st 1 was Hella fun for me.



That really pisses me off to work half a day getting cars ready THAT FIT THE RULES AS STATED and be told I've got the wrong car - twice, and be talked to like a fool that doesn't know WTF I'm talking about. That clickey kind of b.s. is all the invitation I need to leave the group, right quick. Idk how the dog-damned race was put together. I had cars available I didn't expect and some missing I was looking forward to racing tonite. 267 regulation compliant cars, of all PP's, which turns out to be alot different than the stated rules of 700pp Road Cars I had available. Don't talk to me like I'm stoopid. I can read. AND follow direction; clairvoyant I am not. Rant over. Hope you gentlemen enjoy(ed) tonites races. 1st 1 was Hella fun for me.
Dude, it clearly stated race cars for the 1st one and road cars for the 2nd.
You were going to do both with a Porsche RSR.

You change cars and we keep going. No big deal.

And have you heard how we talk to each others?
It’s ball busting all night long.
Sometimes I’m the target, sometimes it’s @coryclifford.
Everyone gets it as some point.

And last thing, it’s like life. You can make the best plans but **** happens and you got to wing it.
Dude, it clearly stated race cars for the 1st one and road cars for the 2nd.
You were going to do both with a Porsche RSR.

You change cars and we keep going. No big deal.

And have you heard how we talk to each others?
It’s ball busting all night long.
Sometimes I’m the target, sometimes it’s @coryclifford.
Everyone gets it as some point.

And last thing, it’s like life. You can make the best plans but **** happens and you got to wing it.
Hi Badstdad, I wasn't there for these races, but I think I see the issue. In GT7 there is no way from the descriptions to tell whether a car is classified as a race car or road car. What I use to verify is when you choose "change car", you see "performance points", then "car type". Choose "car type" and you see the first two choices are "road car" and "racing car". You will not see the Porsche RSR in the road car list, so that one can't be used. Typically, cars classified as "racing cars" are better tuned as presented than the road cars.
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aturday & Sunday Geezer Races

Lobby opens @ 8:30 AM ET

Cars we may use

Any Gr.1 - (BoP No Tuning) - RM
Any Gr.2 - (BoP No Tuning) - RM
Any Gr.3 - (BoP No Tuning) - RM/RH
Any Gr.4 - (BoP No Tuning) - RH

PP Races - Road Cars Only -
PP < 500 - may use any Confort Tires
PP > = 500 < 700 use any Sport Tires
PP>= 700 Use Racing Hard tires

Race and Track conditions:
Weather: Sunny and Clear Day (we will try a few different formats but no rain for now)
Laps: 5 to 9 depending on track length
Grid: Stand start
Tire: consumption during race will be set @ 3x for all races.
Fuel: consumption during race will be set at 100 liters and 7x for all races.
Qualify: fastest first for every race
Penalty System: on
Boost: Strong
Slipstream: Real


1st Race
Glen Short
Laps: 7
Car - Mazda Touring Car - BoP - Tires: SS - (Brake Balance only)

2nd Race
Road Atlanta
Laps: 6
Gr.4 - BoP - Tires: RH - (Brake Balance only)


1st Race
Le Mans
Laps: 4
Gr.3 - BoP - Tires: RM - (Brake Balance only)

2Saint Croix B
Laps: 6
Gr.2 - BoP - Tires: RM - (Brake Balance only)

4th Place chooses combo for next race

See ya there!

PS 1 - Lobby is friends only, if you are a Geezer (+60 yrs) and would like to participate, send a FR to PSN: GT-RaceAce
PS 2 - Due to the amount of work for the lobby host in GT7, a headset is requested. There will be no typing from the host with instructions.
I was talking to Jerry Schulte (yes, I know he died a few years ago) the other night after the last few weeks of somewhat contentious racing. He told me it's time for a Geezer Club reset. Jerry created this club 10 years ago to fill a need of older and or more laid-back pilots. He realized that some of the official GT racers don't have the abilities of younger drivers. Or, they were not interested in the daily races where running someone off the track, because you can, is an acceptable way to have fun. We're less serious about winning, and put having fun higher than that goal. Below are some guidelines for becoming a Geezer Club member, or a wannabe Geezer Club participant.

Geezer is someone who is 60 years old or will be 60 years old this year.

Drop the win at all cost attitude and have fun. That's why we use boost strong to help a driver recover from racing incidents. Overly aggressive driving isn't allowed.

If you must talk during a race, keep it on topic, and try not to talk just to hear yourself make noise. Joking around for a laugh is highly recommended. Be respectful of others' opinions even if they are wrong, don't argue, there's nothing more disrupting than listening to two people argue when most don't want to hear it.

After a race is finished, take a moment of silence to let the owner of the room have some time to talk with the person selecting the next race so he can start the set up for the track.

1 - If someone wants to participate in a Geezer lobby, they have to first respond to this message on the geezer thread and be accepted by the committee on a trial basis. We don't care how fast or slow you are, it's how you race that counts.

2 - Geezer Lobbies are for Geezers and invited Friends only. Friends of friends will not be automatically accepted. If you join without asking, you will need to leave, and follow rule 1 for the next event.

3 - If you are not 60 years old but would like to join us, you can be accepted on temporary bases (geezling). If you race too aggressively and the win is more important than having fun, you will likely be asked not to return.

4 - It's usual that the host posts the first 4 races. When those are complete, a participant is asked to choose a car and track till the end of the session. This way most everyone has the opportunity to choose a race they like.

5: We like to do quick races (5 to 10) laps to keep the lobby running (we are old and the time is critical) so PP races or any other race that involves testing and a long time to prepare the car can only be chosen by the lobby host that is running the race. These races will be posted in advance so we have time to prepare the cars. If you have any ideas, submit them to the host in advance and he will consider using them.

6 - If you want to host a Geezer race event, it is necessary for the host to also follow the rules as outlined.
Boost Strong? No frigging WONDER I get left in the dust by you guys... that rule sure AF isn't posted anywhere handy. Jeesuz Christofer! And @Quebeker , dude, I can clearly read and my car was clearly accepted in both races, but what may not be clear to anyone else is WHY the car I had setup for 1 race wasn't accepted in either. I'm not trying to pick on whoever setup the days races. I appreciate the time and effort of anyone willing but there were, at the least, confusing elements built-in. If anyone gives a ****, what I'm pissed about is the clowning about it at MY expense. I was unfairly played the fool because of confusing rules. I don't like clichés (or however you spell the g-damned word. I'm trying to say sounds like clicks). THAT is the reason (was - add 'everyone running on boost but me' to my otherwise short list) that I won't race with you all any longer. I came here hoping to learn to be faster. You don't want to hear about the lesson I'm coming away from this group with instead. Feels like hen-pecking though. I hope you all do do a group re-set. It needs it.
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F-ing BOOST??? Do you know how much hair I yanked from my head trying to figure out why the **** everybody was walking away from my car in your races? That rule is posted literally NOWHERE (I've looked). I've got nothing coherent left to say. Smh
F-ing BOOST??? Do you know how much hair I yanked from my head trying to figure out why the **** everybody was walking away from my car in your races? That rule is posted literally NOWHERE (I've looked). I've got nothing coherent left to say. Smh
The BOOST setting that is used, is for the race itself. It is a lobby setting that effects all the cars. It is NOT a setting that we are using on our own individual cars.

It slows down the faster cars up front, and speeds up the cars running at the back.

Just wanted to clarify your misunderstanding of the word BOOST in this situation.

I was talking to Jerry Schulte (yes, I know he died a few years ago) the other night after the last few weeks of somewhat contentious racing. He told me it's time for a Geezer Club reset. Jerry created this club 10 years ago to fill a need of older and or more laid-back pilots. He realized that some of the official GT racers don't have the abilities of younger drivers. Or, they were not interested in the daily races where running someone off the track, because you can, is an acceptable way to have fun. We're less serious about winning, and put having fun higher than that goal. Below are some guidelines for becoming a Geezer Club member, or a wannabe Geezer Club participant.

Geezer is someone who is 60 years old or will be 60 years old this year.

Drop the win at all cost attitude and have fun. That's why we use boost strong to help a driver recover from racing incidents. Overly aggressive driving isn't allowed.

If you must talk during a race, keep it on topic, and try not to talk just to hear yourself make noise. Joking around for a laugh is highly recommended. Be respectful of others' opinions even if they are wrong, don't argue, there's nothing more disrupting than listening to two people argue when most don't want to hear it.

After a race is finished, take a moment of silence to let the owner of the room have some time to talk with the person selecting the next race so he can start the set up for the track.

1 - If someone wants to participate in a Geezer lobby, they have to first respond to this message on the geezer thread and be accepted by the committee on a trial basis. We don't care how fast or slow you are, it's how you race that counts.

2 - Geezer Lobbies are for Geezers and invited Friends only. Friends of friends will not be automatically accepted. If you join without asking, you will need to leave, and follow rule 1 for the next event.

3 - If you are not 60 years old but would like to join us, you can be accepted on temporary bases (geezling). If you race too aggressively and the win is more important than having fun, you will likely be asked not to return.

4 - It's usual that the host posts the first 4 races. When those are complete, a participant is asked to choose a car and track till the end of the session. This way most everyone has the opportunity to choose a race they like.

5: We like to do quick races (5 to 10) laps to keep the lobby running (we are old and the time is critical) so PP races or any other race that involves testing and a long time to prepare the car can only be chosen by the lobby host that is running the race. These races will be posted in advance so we have time to prepare the cars. If you have any ideas, submit them to the host in advance and he will consider using them.

6 - If you want to host a Geezer race event, it is necessary for the host to also follow the rules as outlined.
Sounds like great fun, would love to try out :cheers::gtpflag:
The BOOST setting that is used, is for the race itself. It is a lobby setting that effects all the cars. It is NOT a setting that we are using on our own individual cars.

It slows down the faster cars up front, and speeds up the cars running at the back.

Just wanted to clarify your misunderstanding of the word BOOST in this situation.

Thanks Sparky,, you pretty much covered it bud. Jerry (the OG Geezer) who started the group states BOOST is a part of the Geezer races on the original Geezer page. It's not new,, has always been a part of our races.
No need for me. He might want to play around. Or, have at it. There’s more on the car, as by regulations we had to have CENDIV SCCA stuff. I eventually put all of them on magnets so I wasn’t that guy in a stickered up Honda driving around.

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Good Evening Geezers,here’s the lineup for Wednesday Night Geezer Invitational Racing

RACE 1@) Tokyo Expressway East Clockwise . 6 Laps
600PP Japanese Road Cars
Any sport tire
Fuel usage x 5 / Tire wear x 5

RACE 2 @) Trial Mountain Circuit
6 Laps
700 PP American Road Cars
RH tires
Fuel usage x 5/ tire wear x 5

RACE 3)@ Nordschleife
2 laps
600PP Porsche Road Cars
Any sport tire
Tire wear x 5
