Alright, first post in this thread after 11 Years, wow!

. So basically, I also was looking for the lyrics for this amazing intro, and it lead to this thread, when then i gave up searching.
Recently to kill the nostalgia, i've listened in repeat the orchestral part of the GT4 Intro just for the chills and then i started to recognize some of the words; the lyrics are in fact in Italian, i'm no italian speaker, actually portuguese, but since both derivates from Latin some words have little variation of tone but still the same meaning to them; the part i recognized is before the lead female opera singer starts, when the GT40 is shown in the garage, its said: Per la velocità (for speed/for the speed) or Della Velocità (of speed) so indeed the lyrics has something to do with racing, well, yamauchi composed so of course.
So now i'm looking into trying to translate the whole thing