GT7 FOV and TV size question

  • Thread starter mattikake
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Looking at a full console, rig and tv upgrade.

Seeing as (bizarrely) GT7 doesn't offer FOV adjustments like other sims, what is the optimal size tv screen for a rig based tv, which would be roughly 1 metre in front of your eyes?

45inch tv?
I have a 4k hdr 43" almost touching my wheel base and find it's good. I use the 65" sometimes and find that too big for up close and the 55" is cool in offset cockpit mode. I've used a 27" on a pc and honestly once you start racing you are emersed I guess. I would pay more attention to the hdr capabilities and contrast of the TV.
I'm using 32 inch TV and cockpit view. I'm about 80sm away from the TV. it's OK, though I think 43 inch TV might be a better option.