GT7 missing to online room settings and back settings

  • Thread starter Kurvi35

GT7 online room settings are now bad.
Missing for example: Save room setting and Privat room.
Privat room better than friends room. Friends in the room get to the friends guys and this may not be a good thing.

Online room missing example: Vote track, change track, change Laps and kick.

Have to get back kick players GT7 online, because me and many Team try to do clean online games.
if you want to make a public room for that possibly new good purely race players or and wants to look for new players, so need to make a public room.
Then in the public room title you type for example Clean racing, if you hit you wait.
Then the race begins and some players don’t care about the rules at all ! x players not follow online room rules !
Then the whole race ruined and the whole evening!
Kick to be GT5, GT6, GTS game history.

I hope Gran Turismo make two room options:
The seconds does not kick opportunity.
Another kick function and warning when you go to the room.
Setting could come that block prohibited cars that cannot to use online room.

Thank you.
The multiplayer lobbies definitely need some dire attention ASAP. It feels like they're in pre-alpha state as it stands.

Not being able to do things such as save room presets, edit anything at all after creating the room, no kick option, and no host migration - which can mean a salty host doing poorly in a race they themselves started can simply quit out of the room and in turn shut the race down for everyone without a moment's notice.
Can't view other players' PP / car settings in the staging screen, come on. The lobbies are a joke right now.

It's undeniably dumb and backwards as all hell to remove all of these features from a game that borrows heavily from its most recent predecessor. You'd think it would be as easy as migrating the lobby system directly over from GTSport. WTF were they thinking is beyond me, seriously.

I don't know what we can do to bring attention to this other than get some influencers to make videos and have Kaz & Co. pay attention? Not sure if that'll work either, after the latest debacle I'm not positive they're actually listening to the fans. But this shouldn't have even been a thing with the lobbies. It's downright absurd.
This has been mentioned many times but still hasn't been fixed...

This really is a game breaker for anyone who hosts regular organised events, myself and my crew had events planned which are now on hold until the lobbies are sorted.

All they had to do was cut and paste the lobbies from sport with a few tweaks, it's beyond stupid!

If this isn't sorted soon and I mean real soon, people are going to start abandoning the game and not come back, patience is already wearing thin due to the payout nerf...

This needs to be brought to PD's attention somehow?
Even if they "fix" the lobby settings, 9 times out of 10 I get an "unknown error" while trying to join, or if I do manage to join, cars are warping all over the place.
The cars warping or lagging/rubber banding all over the place reminds me of the early days of GT's online modes like with GT5 when it was first introduced. That's definitely not a good memory. Kinda honestly feels like this online is slightly better than GT 5's...
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Can someone explain to my why this is happening to games lately?
Its the same thing like with BF2042, whats so hard so keep what fans love and improve one what already is good?
Like said before, the lobbys are already in GTS and working for years, how is it even possible to go backwards from that?
Perhaps they add MTX so you can buy lobby settings later :lol:
The only thing i wish for are premade lobbys with random pp races, i dont want to deal with hundreds of 1 man lobbys waiting for others to join, just make drop in/drop out lobbys with circuit rotation and random pp setups...
Bringing back the host migration feature would instantly solve a lot of the 1 man lobbies issue. There would be way more lobbies filled with more players at a time. But that's just one of too many issues with the lobby system in this game. They really need to get a grip and fast. This makes no sense.
Mr. Kazunori Yamauchi

Thank you.

I will write this part of Gran Turismo Sport online settings what not to be Gran Turismo 7 online room settings:

Room Mode >
Practice / Qualifer / race
Practice / Endurance race
Practice / Qualifer / Endurance race

Fixed room owership No or Yes

Grid Order >
Set by Host
Grid based on previous race results
Reserve grid based on previous race results

Save setting
Load setting

Online room you can say Type message example >
Hello, Congratulations!, That was fun!, Good luck, i`m sorry...

Track Vote,
kick system
and you can custom online room "all" online settings example Room Title, change track, Laps, Tyres, Grid order, Finish delay, penalty....

GT Sport game if you press the EXIT button come > Leave the room? No or Yes,
when you GT7 game press the EXIT button you leave immediately !
Your post is excellent. Absolutely 100%
It boggles everyone's minds why they had a lobby system in Sport which was perfection but than they gimp GT7. From a technical perspective it makes no sense and from a community standpoint it doesn't either. A gimped online system will kill the community if it continues the way it is. Whomever approved the new lobby system needs to be fired. The design choice fundamentally gimps any seamless experience and causes unwanted frustration. The sport lobby system was there. No work involved. All they had to do was carry it over to GT7 and just expand on it.
Your post is excellent. Absolutely 100%
It boggles everyone's minds why they had a lobby system in Sport which was perfection but than they gimp GT7. From a technical perspective it makes no sense and from a community standpoint it doesn't either. A gimped online system will kill the community if it continues the way it is. Whomever approved the new lobby system needs to be fired. The design choice fundamentally gimps any seamless experience and causes unwanted frustration. The sport lobby system was there. No work involved. All they had to do was carry it over to GT7 and just expand on it.
Out of all the mindless decisions they've made with this title, this really has to be the most asinine one. There's literally no reason for the insane downgrade to multiplayer lobbies. And they've yet to comment on it as far as I know. Just aggravating as F.
Exactly. It makes absolutely no sense. AT ALL. Not only are they killing their reputation with the mtx bs but also killing off the community by idiotic lobby design. Its surreal. I thought i would never see this with Gran Turismo. By the way I've been a fan since GT1.
The "Unexplained error" really needs to be addressed.....I had 5 in a row...then another when moving from quali to race start...v frustraiting.

Even worse....just finished a race on Nuburgring and error restarts not just the online lobby but back to where you load the game up....the more i play the more problems arise with this game....

Starting to think I have wasted €100 ....sort this sh#t out Sony....this is 2022 and the game plays online like a 2008 edition.

Piss poor
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Also need the BASIC post race stats;
Where's the results page?
The lap chart?

And spectating;
Having to set the display all race info EVERY time you go to spectate.
View ballast/bop for ballasted league races.
Viewing power, assists, weight.

In fact EVERYTHING that GTS did. As said above, why they didn't just port this across from GTS is completely beyond me. The lobby system already exists.
I just fear that with all the hoopla about the in-game economy and microtransactions, PD/Sony are going to be rushing to placate the players on that so it might be a while (months) till the (major and inexplicable) online problems get addressed.

The lobbies and patchy sport mode servers and all the bizarre missing online features from GTS are a way bigger deal than the in-game economy stuff to me.
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C'mon people, do you really believe PD aren't aware of these problems and are working their asses off trying to add all the missing stuff from this game. It's obvious the game was unfinished upon released and rushed to the market. Presumably Sony is responsible for this and should be the one to blame, not PD. The irritating thing is the lack of communication with the players. But I don't believe any amount of posts, tweets, etc. are going to result in this stuff being added any faster. It is frustrating though and I guess we're going to have to be patient a little longer.
Hi again,

First sorry my english, but
Thank you when you answer and write to this post. Thank you.

Must try to keep this message active!
I hope you also, thank you.

I`am well over 10 years organized online competitions.

Now GT7 online races or series are almost impossible to organize! << REASON READ UPPER from here message.
When to come back to GTS online settings, then everyone can start organizing competitions.
Now it is almost impossible or too difficult.
I miss GTSport lobbies…. All night long with different tracks, cars ne friends!!
Impossible for now!
But I’m positive it will change soon!!
As it was said…. It’s just a copy/paste from the old to this one! No need improvement!!
Okay board. I decided to give Assetto Corsa a chance on PS5. Wow. Absolutely fantastic.
GT7 pushed me to other race games and I took Assetto Corsa for Ps4... Well i am still a GT series player but now it's hard to leave Assetto Corsa.
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