GTP_WRS Week 3: Results (Official)

  • Thread starter Vaxen


GTP Race Admin
United States
Sunnyvale, CA

:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 3 (Official): Hitching Home


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3


Autodrome Lago Maggiorre - Full Course

Steward's Comments:

Good job everyone!


OLR Team.

Sharing Your Replay:
  • Go to Your Library, locate your Submitted Best Lap Replay, and share it using the in game menu features.
  • Be sure to share your replay PUBLICLY for verification, so that any member may find it.
  • When sharing your replay this week, please use the following share tags to make your replay easy for other members to locate
    • gtpwrs003, essentials, pineapple
This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified.
Disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.

Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Division 1:

1---1'55.952-R-TPC_Gooners (Verified)

2---1'55.960-R-Hasnain282 (Verified)

3---1'56.076-R-GTP_Animera (Verified)

Division 2:

1---1'56.731-R-shoenboggie (Verified)

2---1'56.737-R-RuddRacer (Verified)

3---1'57.585-R-tarnheld (Verified)

4---1'57.677-R-colinnola (Verified)

5---1'58.040-R-GTP_tzracer (Verified)

Division 3:

1---1'58.172-R-Munch2112 (Verified)

2---1'58.189-R-mrmattsly (Verified)

3---1'58.208-R-Ruzinvincible (Verified)

4---1'58.383-R-GTP_DGiant2000 (Verified)

5---1'58.770-R-JamCar0ne (Verified)

6---1'59.060-R-Allibubba99 (Verified)

7---1'59.889-R-GTP_Eggstor (Verified)

8---2'00.074-R-DonNerazzurri666 (Verified)


Overall Results:

> Division 1: Par: 1'55.474 Gold: 1'55.782 Silver: 1'56.125 Bronze: 1'56.503
1---1'55.952-R-TPC_Gooners r=1.499 (d1/-0.224)
2---1'55.960-R-Hasnain282 r=1.506 (d1/-0.032)
3---1'56.076-R-GTP_Animera r=1.619 (d1/0.248)

> Division 2: Par: 1'56.504 Gold: 1'56.967 Silver: 1'57.481 Bronze: 1'58.047
4---1'56.731-R-shoenboggie r=2.163 (d2/-0.094)
5---1'56.737-R-RuddRacer r=2.168 (d2/-0.154)
6---1'57.585-R-tarnheld r=2.728 (d2/0.000)
7---1'57.677-R-colinnola r=2.782 (d2/-0.599)
8---1'58.040-R-GTP_tzracer r=2.996 (d2/-0.010)

> Division 3: Par: 1'58.048 Gold: 1'58.665 Silver: 1'59.352 Bronze: 2'00.107
9---1'58.172-R-Munch2112 r=3.067 (d3/-0.788)
10--1'58.189-R-mrmattsly r=3.076 (d3/0.000)
11--1'58.208-R-Ruzinvincible r=3.086 (d3/1.204)
12--1'58.383-R-GTP_DGiant2000 r=3.181 (d3/0.000)
13--1'58.770-R-JamCar0ne r=3.384 (d3/0.000)
14--1'59.060-R-Allibubba99 r=3.525 (d3/0.150)
15--1'59.889-R-GTP_Eggstor r=3.904 (d3/0.126)
16--2'00.074-R-DonNerazzurri666 r=3.985 (d3/0.176)


Handicapped Results:

(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 1.515 Scoot = 0.159)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has was found to be invalid.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting
Last edited:
Replay shared

If any of you faster drivers fancy taking a look and letting me know where I was going wrong with this it’d be much appreciated. I really struggled to find the missing time on this one
If any of you faster drivers fancy taking a look and letting me know where I was going wrong with this it’d be much appreciated. I really struggled to find the missing time on this one
@Nerazzurri :greenflag:

While you are smooth and your lines are flowing nicely, i noticed that you were going too fast into corners and you came out too slow -- this will cost you time especially if there is a long straight ahead.

For example if you would have braked earlier before the right hand corner going onto the first long straight leading up to the sweeping curve at the end of sector 1, you could have accelerated right at the apex of that corner, instead you were braking into the corner, upset the car and had to back off the throttle at the apex and could only accelerate approaching the end of that corner. Since there is that long straight, coming out of that corner too slow will cost you more than coming into that corner too slow. So a little earlier braking in a straight line, and gentle lifting of the brake as you steer into the corner and keeping an eye on the late apex you want to hit and where you want to apply throttle again.
I'm overgeneralizing here, but if you loose speed after an apex, you have the wrong line and should adjust your braking and approach of the corner to arrive at the right speed at the apex to apply throttle again. You want to find that line where you can brake, lift brake as you steer into the corner, no brake while cornering and applying throttle after the apex in one smooth motion. You can see these in the replays of the fastest drivers -- they have this sweeping seamless motion of braking, cornering, and applying throttle at the apex and corner at insane speeds all without upsetting the car and still using all of the track to their advantage. While it may look perfect and immaculate, i guess arriving there took a lot of experimentation and readjustments of their lines.

Hope this helps! :cheers:
@Nerazzurri :greenflag:

While you are smooth and your lines are flowing nicely, i noticed that you were going too fast into corners and you came out too slow -- this will cost you time especially if there is a long straight ahead.

For example if you would have braked earlier before the right hand corner going onto the first long straight leading up to the sweeping curve at the end of sector 1, you could have accelerated right at the apex of that corner, instead you were braking into the corner, upset the car and had to back off the throttle at the apex and could only accelerate approaching the end of that corner. Since there is that long straight, coming out of that corner too slow will cost you more than coming into that corner too slow. So a little earlier braking in a straight line, and gentle lifting of the brake as you steer into the corner and keeping an eye on the late apex you want to hit and where you want to apply throttle again.
I'm overgeneralizing here, but if you loose speed after an apex, you have the wrong line and should adjust your braking and approach of the corner to arrive at the right speed at the apex to apply throttle again. You want to find that line where you can brake, lift brake as you steer into the corner, no brake while cornering and applying throttle after the apex in one smooth motion. You can see these in the replays of the fastest drivers -- they have this sweeping seamless motion of braking, cornering, and applying throttle at the apex and corner at insane speeds all without upsetting the car and still using all of the track to their advantage. While it may look perfect and immaculate, i guess arriving there took a lot of experimentation and readjustments of their lines.

Hope this helps! :cheers:
Thanks mate! That’s very useful advice, I usually do try to throttle from the apex, but as you say I don’t think my lines were right as when I did it usually ended badly. Practice makes perfect I suppose