GTP_WRS Week 74: Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen


GTP Race Admin
United States
Sunnyvale, CA


:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 74 (Official): Ironman's Iron


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


BMW Z8 '01


Tokyo Expressway - Central Outer Loop

Steward's Comments:

Good job everyone!


OLR Team.

Sharing Your Replay:
  • Go to Your Library, locate your Submitted Best Lap Replay, and share it using the in game menu features.
  • Be sure to share your replay PUBLICLY for verification, so that any member may find it.
  • When sharing your replay this week, please use the following share tags to make your replay easy for other members to locate
    • gtpwrs074, essentials, pineapple
This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified.
Disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.

Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Division 1:

1---1'24.450---turnupdaheat (Verified)

2---1'26.231---Ace_Hasnain_282 (Verified)

3---1'26.563---shoenboggie (Verified)

Division 2:

1---1'25.323---racer_xis (Verified)

2---1'26.007---GTP_RACECAR (Verified)

3---1'26.079---routergod24 (Verified)

4---1'27.286-R-MaRcvdl1 (Verified)


Division 3:

1---1'28.310---Gnome_V8 (Verified)

Division 4:

1---1'35.577-R-Karminio_79 (Verified)


Overall Results:

>> Division 1: Par: 1'24.394 Gold: 1'24.908 Silver: 1'25.479 Bronze: 1'26.107
1---1'24.450---turnupdaheat r=1.036 (d1/-0.258)
2---1'25.323---racer_xis r=1.576 (d1/-0.439)
3---1'26.007---GTP_RACECAR r=1.947 (d1/-0.331)
4---1'26.079---routergod24 r=1.985 (d1/-0.034)

>> Division 2: Par: 1'26.108 Gold: 1'26.879 Silver: 1'27.735 Bronze: 1'28.678
5---1'26.231---Ace_Hasnain_282 r=2.053 (d2/0.214)
6---1'26.563---shoenboggie r=2.197 (d2/0.405)

7---1'27.286-R-MaRcvdl1 r=2.492 (d2/0.364)
8---1'27.854---JamCar0ne r=2.709 (d2/-0.053)

9---1'28.310---Gnome_V8 r=2.870 (d2/-0.286)

>> Division 3: Par: 1'28.679 Gold: 1'29.707 Silver: 1'30.849 Bronze: 1'32.105
10--1'29.413---GTP_geeTeye r=3.238 (d3/0.460)

>> Division 4: Par: 1'32.106 Gold: 1'35.447 Silver: 1'39.161 Bronze: 1'43.245
11--1'35.577-R-Karminio_79 r=4.345 (d4/0.000)

Q---(No Replay)---BadGuyCaligula


Handicapped Results:





(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 2.050 Scoot = 0.076)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has was found to be invalid.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting

Last edited:
Tbh, I kinda pleasantly surprised myself when I hit the .450 :lol:

I thought it was an interesting combo from the point of view of finding time you didn't think was there. I had run quite a few laps in the 24.7s and I felt a .5 could be possible but I was unlikely to hit it and then the .45 popped up! Of course once I hit it I had to reset my sights because I had gone three tenths quicker through the first 2 sectors in a previous lap. In another lap I actually went 3 tenths quicker in the final sector alone so a proper alien who could string all those together could break well into the 1:23s or more.

Here's an onboard view of the lap:

This is the one where I was 3 tenths up after a 20.721 and a 17.598 in the first 2 sectors. Contact with the wall in the downhill right hander into the tunnel put an end to that one :irked:

I'm really sorry guys. I'm new to all of this and didn't realize that my replay was requested. Gonna share and edit this post as soon as I get in.



Nice clean laps. Well done gents. 👍

Having watched nearly all the replays there's just a brief bit of general advice I like to offer. I noticed a lot of you were shifting at or beyond the redline but the reality is that with the Z8 you would gain and maintain better speed by shifting earlier. Every car has different characteristics so I believe it is vital to do a bit of study before taking to the track. In your garage on the car settings screen you can find where the car makes its peak power which as you can see below in this case is 395 bhp @ 6500 rpm.


On the next screen you can see, near the top right, that the power and torque bands drop off very steeply once peak power is reached at 6500 rpm. So the end result is that the longer you stay in that gear revving it out the more power and speed you are losing.


Of course, there are plenty of cars where you will need to shift at or beyond the redline so it always worth checking the information at hand.

Hope this helps someone.
Ok so err. I deleted my replays of the laps I did at Tokyo :banghead: 🤬

Thought it was over and since my time wasn't anything special that it wouldn't be needed. All I have are the pics I took of my splits so I could remember them as I typed it here, which is really proof of nothing.

That was my first submission, so lesson learned and I'll be sure to keep my replays moving forward.

I understand if that means disqualification. Just wanted to be clear. Apologies.
Congrats guys. :gtpflag:

Place...|..Driver PSN.......... |..Div..|.. Split 1 |.. Split 2 |.. Split 3 |.. Split 4 |....|.. Laptime |
......1 |..turnupdaheat........ | div 1 |....20.919 |....17.765 |....20.490 |....25.276 |.... |..1'24.450 |
......2 |..racer_xis............| div 2 |....21.045 |....17.987 |....20.848 |....25.443 |..+1 |..1'25.323 |
......3 |..GTP_RACECAR..........| div 2 |....20.997 |....17.955 |....20.989 |....26.066 |..+1 |..1'26.007 |
......4 |..routergod24..........| div 2 |....21.151 |....18.157 |....20.985 |....25.786 |..+1 |..1'26.079 |
......5 |..Ace_Hasnain_282......| div 1 |....21.265 |....18.129 |....21.034 |....25.803 |..+1 |..1'26.231 |
......6 |..shoenboggie..........| div 1 |....21.314 |....17.988 |....21.129 |....26.132 |..+1 |..1'26.563 |
......7 |..MaRcvdl1............ | div 0 |....21.876 |....18.230 |....21.592 |....25.588 |..+4 |..1'27.286 |
......8 |..JamCar0ne............| div 2 |....21.624 |....18.175 |....21.906 |....26.149 |..+4 |..1'27.854 |
......9 |..BadGuyCaligula...... | div 0 |....21.670 |....18.236 |....21.478 |....26.781 |.... |..1'28.165 |
.... 10 |..Gnome_V8............ | div 3 |....21.731 |....18.353 |....21.580 |....26.646 |.... |..1'28.310 |
.... 11 |..GTP_geeTeye..........| div 2 |....21.910 |....18.456 |....22.150 |....26.897 |..+2 |..1'29.413 |
.... 12 |..Karminio_79..........| div 0 |.......... |.......... |.......... |.......... |.... |..1'35.577 |
Ok so err. I deleted my replays of the laps I did at Tokyo :banghead: 🤬

Thought it was over and since my time wasn't anything special that it wouldn't be needed. All I have are the pics I took of my splits so I could remember them as I typed it here, which is really proof of nothing.

That was my first submission, so lesson learned and I'll be sure to keep my replays moving forward.

I understand if that means disqualification. Just wanted to be clear. Apologies.
Unfortunately that will be a DQ via black flag. You'll need to submit a replay for each of the next 3 events you participate in, until you are moved out of rookie status and into a division. After that, a replay will only be requested if you podium in your division or significantly perform better than normal. 👍
Unfortunately that will be a DQ via black flag. You'll need to submit a replay for each of the next 3 events you participate in, until you are moved out of rookie status and into a division. After that, a replay will only be requested if you podium in your division or significantly perform better than normal. 👍
Got it!



Nice clean laps. Well done gents. 👍

Having watched nearly all the replays there's just a brief bit of general advice I like to offer. I noticed a lot of you were shifting at or beyond the redline but the reality is that with the Z8 you would gain and maintain better speed by shifting earlier. Every car has different characteristics so I believe it is vital to do a bit of study before taking to the track. In your garage on the car settings screen you can find where the car makes its peak power which as you can see below in this case is 395 bhp @ 6500 rpm.


On the next screen you can see, near the top right, that the power and torque bands drop off very steeply once peak power is reached at 6500 rpm. So the end result is that the longer you stay in that gear revving it out the more power and speed you are losing.


Of course, there are plenty of cars where you will need to shift at or beyond the redline so it always worth checking the information at hand.

Hope this helps someone.
That's great advice that will certainly come in handy going forward.

Thanks @turnupdaheat.