GTPlanet vs. Wham! - 'Tis the Season To Be Whamful

  • Thread starter Daniel
I tried my damndest to lose but it didn't work. Christmas Pandora for two weeks. Trips to the grocery and Walmart and Target. I won!
For the second year in a row, I made it :cheers: Seemed easier this time around. You could say it was:

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Whoops, I'm super-late to announce this, but I'm out. Made it all the way to Christmas Eve — Christmas Eve! — only to be hit three times in the course of the evening. Damnit.
I think I was so focused on avoiding the song, I totally forgot I was part of this too. Yeah, I survived this year. I'm 1-for-2.
I still think its funny that I survived my first year have not survived since with one out being on the very day I was planning on registering. I have had terrible luck with this game. :lol: I mean, I must be one of the few that likes the song, but I still go "damn it" the first time I hear it after I sign up.
Strangely I’ve had absolutely no encounters of Wham! nor any covers this year either, maybe I’ve just been listening to radio at the right times and been lucky Spotify didn’t play any Wham!ads, otherwise I’d been out even before December started probably. :lol: My eardrums are thankful though. :gtpflag:
I think I was Taylor Swhammed at the mall sometime, but other than that, yeah no Wham related anything this year.

I think last year was "hard mode" because George Michael had recently passed away.
Didn't want to wham anyone so cos its 2018 now I can share this.
Here's the aforementioned booby trapped vid @Vic Reign93 made for me... skip to end if all you care about is the wham, watch the whole vid if you want to up your Bathurst game :lol:

Another year passes with me losing this again. I'm 0 for however many times I've done this now. What year was the Doctor Who Christmas episode Last Christmas? I think that was my first time officially taking part. Note that while I haven't been marked on the WUL I was Whammed mid December.
Starting to think the WUL isn't ever gonna be updated...
@Daniel has looked after this game for years now so that we can all have a bit of fun. It's to be expected that people will become too busy at times to stay on top of the same things as much as they were before. Give him time, there's no real rush.