[GUIDE] Make the most of the GT5 Camera v2.1

  • Thread starter gtsomething
Nicely explained :sly: and thanks for taking the time to lay it all out. I've a fair amount of experience on the art front but not so much on photography. What little I did know seemed slightly at odds with the GT5 camera.

You sorted all of that out in my head now - cheers once again :)

1/60 Shutter Speed

1/250 Shutter Speed

1/640 Shutter Speed​

I have a queston: how do you get the wheels to look like they are spinning, such as in the first and second pic? I have tried everyting to do this, including everything from this thread, and the wheels look like they are still stationary, just a little blurred.... Please help me on this!
I have a queston: how do you get the wheels to look like they are spinning, such as in the first and second pic? I have tried everyting to do this, including everything from this thread, and the wheels look like they are still stationary, just a little blurred.... Please help me on this!
It tells you how under the first picture. set your shutter speed to 1/60 👍
It tells you how under the first picture. set your shutter speed to 1/60 👍

I have... Still doesnt work

If i set shutter speed, and he other thing that makes the picture clear (f something, forgot its name) down to its lowest, the rims look slightly like the third picture, but you cant tell its a car any more
Hmm...sounds odd

Have a drive
Select Replay
Find a good spot
Press pause
Press Photomode
Push Triangle
Select your frame size/effect and panning mode 3
Change your shutter speed to 1/60
select the desired apperture and exposure
Move the focus bracket over your car and press square
compose your picture
press x to take it.

The car has to be moving of course...if it still doesn't work then there is something special about your copy of GT5. 👍
I have... Still doesnt work

If i set shutter speed, and he other thing that makes the picture clear (f something, forgot its name) down to its lowest, the rims look slightly like the third picture, but you cant tell its a car any more

panning mode 2 or 3 will get what you are looking for.
Hmm...sounds odd

Have a drive
Select Replay
Find a good spot
Press pause
Press Photomode
Push Triangle
Select your frame size/effect and panning mode 3
Change your shutter speed to 1/60
select the desired apperture and exposure
Move the focus bracket over your car and press square
compose your picture
press x to take it.

The car has to be moving of course...if it still doesn't work then there is something special about your copy of GT5. 👍

Ok, it worked this time.... I think i know why: unually I take pictures from above my car, an i put the braket towards the middle of the car, but after taking it with the focus braket at the very top of my car, it seems to work! Thanks alot 👍

Btw, here it is, do you think its any good?:

EPSON honda nsx GT500 class by MiuraSV777, on Flickr
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^Yeah mate. nice shot. glad you got the hang of it. Keep those shots coming in the various threads for us all to see 👍
I have a queston: how do you get the wheels to look like they are spinning, such as in the first and second pic? I have tried everyting to do this, including everything from this thread, and the wheels look like they are still stationary, just a little blurred.... Please help me on this!

Lower the shutter speed.
Fantastic guide! Must've taken you hours! Be taking pictures on the game since it came out but now I'm going too start using all the good features of the GT5 camera. Before I read this guide, I only ever knew about the shutter speed and no other DSLR/Normal SLR camera adjustables. Thanks for putting in so much effort gtsomething! :) 👍
Hey, I hope you could help me decipher how to do this. Now a couple of times, I've notice I've been able to take moving, multi-car shot with all cars in proper focus and only the background blurred. But it seems that I come across this at random. I believe you would need a 1/60 shutter speed and a 45.0 focus to do it, but other than that I have no clue. Could you play around with photomode and see how people could make this happen at any time they choose?
It all depends on which panning mode you are using, to get this up press triangle when in camera view.

Panning mode 1.

This is a fixed camera, normally used in photo travel, or you can use this to blur the car as it goes past the camera.

Panning mode 2.

This is a trackside camera that follows the car as it passes the camera's point of view.

Panning mode 3.

I always use this when I'm either in front or behind the car, or slightly to the side of the car, but still on the road.

Also you mentioned that you put the F number up to 45.0, try bringing this down to about 4.0 or less, but this also depends on how far away the camera is from the car.

I normally bring the F number right down to 1.0, then focus the car, and then adjust the F number to blur the background.

Doing this gives a more realistic look to the picture, with your car in focus and the rest of the cars blurred in the background.

You have the shutter speed about right though, normally between 60 and 125, depending on speed of car and type of shot being taken.

Overall, you are already half way there, Mclaren vs GTR and Supercar showdown aren't bad at all in my opinion.

Hope this helps in some way.👍
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It all depends on which panning mode you are using, to get this up press triangle when in camera view.

Panning mode 1.

This is a fixed camera, normally used in photo travel, or you can use this to blur the car as it goes past the camera.

Panning mode 2.

This is a trackside camera that follows the car as it passes the camera's point of view.

Panning mode 3.

I always use this when I'm either in front or behind the car, or slightly to the side of the car, but still on the road.

Also you mentioned that you put the F number up to 45.0, try bringing this down to about 4.0 or less, but this also depends on how far away the camera is from the car.

I normally bring the F number right down to 1.0, then focus the car, and then adjust the F number to blur the background.

Doing this gives a more realistic look to the picture, with your car in focus and the rest of the cars blurred in the background.

You have the shutter speed about right though, normally between 60 and 125, depending on speed of car and type of shot being taken.

Overall, you are already half way there, Mclaren vs GTR and Supercar showdown aren't bad at all in my opinion.

Hope this helps in some way.

Thanks for the quick response, but I'm trying to avoid blurring out any of the cars, having them all show up crystal clear in the picture and blurring only the background.
you can't Kitten. A camera can only truly focus on one object. If you want everything in focus you need to have a small aperture...put the F number up until you get the objects you like in focus.
you can't Kitten. A camera can only truly focus on one object. If you want everything in focus you need to have a small aperture...put the F number up until you get the objects you like in focus.

Thanks Leeislee 👍
Awesome thread!
So glad to actually understand some effects and ways to illusionalize(Did I just make that up?) my pcitures!
Thank you gtsomething! :)
Hey, I hope you could help me decipher how to do this. Now a couple of times, I've notice I've been able to take moving, multi-car shot with all cars in proper focus and only the background blurred. But it seems that I come across this at random. I believe you would need a 1/60 shutter speed and a 45.0 focus to do it, but other than that I have no clue. Could you play around with photomode and see how people could make this happen at any time they choose?

I'm very late to answer this lol, but as Proby said, panning mode is one important thing to consider.

The F# also doesn't stand for focus. It actually stands for... I actually have no effing clue. F-stop maybe? Anyway, it refers to the aperture size. Aperture is the opening at the front of the lens. The larger the number, the smaller the aperture (opening), the smaller the number, the larger the aperture (opening).

Now - With a smaller aperture (that means bigger number - I know, it's kinda backwards thinking), you will have more depth of field. Depth of field refers to how much stuff in the scene you will have in focus in certain space around your main focus point. I won't go too in depth with it, just know that it means more stuff is in focus, including things further away.

So if you're at f/45, then you can get more than one car looking like it's in focus because your depth of field has stretched that far. Do you need f/45 all the time? No. You could probably get away with doing it at f11 or f16, and this way you can have both cars in focus, but the background won't be.

Hope that helps.

I hope to elaborate all of this more in a much more detailed and indepth guide in the future... It's currently in it's planning phase :dunce:

If anyone has any future questions, it's waaaaaaay easier to reach me on my website than it is on here. website is listed at the bottom of the first post.
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gtsomething, You are easily the best GT5 photographer around. I have been a GT5 photographer for a long time and I have still learnt more from this post! I invite you to join my Facebook page GT5 Museum (https://www.facebook.com/GranTurismo5Gt5CarMuseum) I hope to see you there! Here is an example of one of my photos. It is my Audi RS6 Avant on Toscana. The lighting was terrible in this shot, almost completely black. After a few tweaked settings it came out fine. I hate that the tyre marks stay on the road after you rewind the replay, it ruins the shot! Is there any way to remove these without resetting the video??
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Hey thanks! Though I doubt I'm the best GT5 Photographer out there lol, especially around here. Glad to know my guide helped though.

As for your question, I actually haven't played GT5 in over a year, so I can't help you there unfortunately lol.
Love the tutorial, but I have a question and I'm curious if anyone else has come by it. I'm trying to take a photo from directly above my cars looking down in replay photo mode, but the camera doesn't seem to obey what it's looking at. If I take a shot straight on, it often skews the photo by 45 degrees or so. If I go too far over the car, it flips the photo direction.

Does anyone know of a way to ensure that the camera takes a picture of exactly what it's looking at?